Chapter 647: Hitching a ride on someone else's ship

He touched her face and comforted her, "Don't worry, I'll probably have the strength to fix the yacht tomorrow. I'll drive it then, and even if I can't go back right away, I'll be able to dock."

"It's only been three days since you were injured, and your body is already fine? I don't want you to show off without caring about your body." Although Tang Xiaowei frowned because she couldn't leave here, she hated the foggy sky and was afraid that Huangfu Qiye's grandfather would not find them.

However, when she heard that he would be able to repair the yacht tomorrow, she began to worry.

"My physical strength is good and my recovery is good, so I'm almost recovered now. Moreover, the medicine that grandfather left in the wooden house are all very good medicines and are very useful for the recovery of the body. You don't have to worry," Huangfu Qiye explained. Then, he looked at her with some amusement. "Didn't you say you trust me yesterday? Why are you doubting me again? "

Tang Xiaowei reached out and pulled him into the yacht. "Let's go. I'll change the medicine for you when we get in. I want to see how your wound is doing so that you can promise to repair the yacht this year."

However, her eyes suddenly lit up when she said this. She stopped and looked at him. "Oh right, I'm not injured now. Tell me how to repair it. I might be able to repair it."

"Don't think too much. Repairing the yacht is not as simple as you think. You'd better apply some medicine and re-bandage me first. I'll be able to fix the yacht tomorrow." Huangfu Qiye rubbed her head helplessly.

Tang Xiaowei could only sigh and go in with him to help him change his dressing and re-bandage.

However, when the wound on his arm and abdomen re-appeared in front of her eyes, she immediately frowned. "Your wound hasn't healed yet. You might have to wait for a few more days. You're not allowed to do anything tomorrow."

Although she wanted to leave, she didn't want him to take the risk.

Of course, she also knew that if he left here, his wound would be more treatable.

However, if he opened up the wound that was already healing before he left, it would be terrible.

"Alright, I promise you." Huangfu Qiye could no longer reject her. Putting aside the fact that she was doing this for his own good, the most serious thing was that after he realized that he liked her more and more, he really couldn't reject her for even a small matter.

After that, he quieted down. Tang Xiaowei didn't speak anymore and carefully changed his dressing.

However, after she changed his dressing and was bandaging him, they suddenly heard the sound of a ship coming from outside.

When Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye heard the sound, they were immediately stunned.

They had not heard anything other than the sound of the sea and the wind for three days and two nights, especially the sound of a ship.

This meant that a ship was approaching them.

"Could it be the people your grandfather sent to save us?" Tang Xiaowei immediately looked at Huangfu Qiye with a pleasantly surprised expression.

Huangfu Qiye's expression was calm and he was very cautious. "It might be, or it might not be. You stay inside and don't go out. I'll go out and take a look at the situation first."

After he finished speaking, he got up and was about to go out.

"Can you do it alone?" Tang Xiaowei held his hand. The pleasant surprise from earlier dissipated and she became a little worried.

"It'll be fine. Even if it's not my grandfather, there's a chance that we'll meet some kind passers-by. I believe they'll save us. Don't be afraid. I'll be right back." Huangfu Qiye walked back and lowered his head to kiss her on the lips to comfort her fear.

Only then did the fear in Tang Xiaowei's heart subside a little by his comfort. Then, she nodded. "Okay, then you have to be careful."

"Okay." Huangfu Qiye nodded and then walked out. As for Tang Xiaowei, because of his instructions, she could only continue to stay in the yacht. Although she was worried about him, she didn't dare to go out.

Huangfu Qiye walked out of the yacht and stood on the deck. Then, he saw that not far in front of them, there was indeed a ship coming from the right side of their yacht. Although it was still a little far away, however, they could still see the other party from the fog at this moment.

It was believed that the other party had also seen them.

Huangfu Qiye frowned, because he saw that the symbol on the other party's ship was not the Xiu family's ship.

However, even if it was not the Xiu family's ship, as long as it was not a pirate or something, he could ask the other party for help.

Because even if he could repair the yacht tomorrow, he could not be sure that after the yacht was repaired, he and Xiaowei would be able to reach the shore safely.


Half an hour later.

Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei were both invited onto the other party's ship by the other party.

In a beautifully decorated hall, they met the owners of the ship: a man and a woman. They were brother and sister.

The man's name was Aiwen, and the woman's name was Eliza. Both of them were Americans and came here for a vacation. Their family background was very good.

Huangfu Qiye had just contacted them on the deck and was invited up by them.

At this moment, Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye were sitting on the sofa in the hall, while Aiwen and Eliza were sitting opposite them.

Aiwen only took a glance at Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei before looking away. Then, he asked in English, "Mr. Huangfu, we are all sad that your yacht has broken down and is stranded at sea. However, where are you going next?"

Huangfu Qiye had only told them that he and Tang Xiaowei were also out on a vacation. However, because the rented yacht was old, it had broken down and caused them to be stranded at sea.

Huangfu Qiye did not tell them his identity, so when Aiwen asked, his tone was somewhat disdainful.

Aiwen obviously felt that Huangfu Qiye was too poor, and that was why he rented such a shabby yacht. That was why he was stranded on the surface of the sea.

Huangfu Qiye did not care about the other party's disdain. After all, he still needed the other party's ship to take him and Xiaowei away. Since he chose to pretend to hide his identity and pretend that he did not have money, he could predict that the other party would look at him this way. After all, the other party already had a ship, so his wealth was not insignificant.

He replied indifferently, "Next, I hope that Mr. Aiwen will put us on the nearest shore."

After they had just boarded, Huangfu Qiye had already told the people on the ship that he and Tang Xiaowei were husband and wife. In any case, their relationship was only short of marriage.

"Alright, we'll do as you say. When we reach the nearest shore, we'll let you and your wife go ashore." Aiwen heard this and nodded his head impatiently. Then, he got up and left.

Eliza, who was beside him, did not leave. Her gaze was fixed on Huangfu Qiye.

Although Huangfu Qiye had an eastern face, it could not hide his handsomeness and superior aura. Although he was wearing clothes and pants, his entire body was wrapped up.