Chapter 649: Screams of pain

However, not long after Tang Xiaowei fell asleep.

Huangfu Qiye heard a knock on the door outside their room.

He frowned. He had a bad feeling and ignored it.

Sure enough, after the person outside knocked on the door for a while, she realized that the person inside did not intend to open the door. She opened her mouth and said, "Mr. Huangfu, are you resting? Miss Eliza would like to invite you to join her."

Huangfu Qiye did not answer her. The room where he and Tang Xiaowei were staying was very dark and did not have any lights on. Therefore, after she opened her mouth and shouted a few times, she realized that the person inside still did not respond. She stopped shouting and left.

Hearing the sound of her footsteps leaving, Huangfu Qiye could roughly guess that she was the maid for Eliza.

However, when he thought back to the time when he saw Eliza, the wild look in her eyes made Huangfu Qiye very uncomfortable.

Of course, he would not go to see Eliza.

Moreover, he did not know whether the people on this ship were good or bad, and he did not dare to easily separate from Xiaowei. He was afraid that when he left, someone would harm Xiaowei.

Therefore, after hearing that the other party had left, Huangfu Qiye thought that the other party must have felt that he was asleep and wouldn't come again.

However, he still didn't dare to rest. Instead, he continued to watch the night in the dark with his eyes open.


Huangfu Qiye didn't sleep at first. Instead, he held on to watch the night.

However, in the latter half of the night, due to his body's condition, he was a little tired. Just as he was half-awake from his exhaustion, he suddenly heard a painful scream.

"Ah!" The painful scream cut through the previously quiet night.

Huangfu Qiye immediately widened his eyes, and his body no longer felt tired.

He was worried that there would be any danger, so he immediately sat up and stared at the door with a sharp gaze. Then, he reached out to touch the gun at his waist.

There were only three bullets left in the gun.

It was the spare bullets that he had left behind earlier.

The sudden scream from outside must mean that something had happened to someone, or that someone was doing something that could not be done during the day.

Because Tang Xiaowei was sleeping in an unfamiliar place, she did not dare to sleep very soundly.

She heard the scream outside, but she was still woken up by the scream.

When she woke up, she found that Huangfu Qiye had also woken up.

He was sitting next to her, and his uninjured left hand had already touched the gun on his waist.

She began to worry. "What happened outside? Did the people on this ship have an argument with someone else, or are the people on this ship doing something terrible?"

"It's both possible. Let's stay here and don't go out," Huangfu Qiye analyzed calmly. "No matter what happened, you can't do anything now that you're pregnant. I'm injured, so we just need to protect ourselves."

He said this because there were many bodyguards who wokred for Alvin and Eliza during the day. Therefore, even if Alvin and Eliza were in trouble, they definitely didn't need his help.

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei knew that he was telling the truth, and she also knew that the two of them couldn't help others now. At most, they could only protect themselves.

Not long after they stopped talking, there was another ear-piercing scream outside. This time, the scream was more and more miserable. The person who was screaming was obviously in great pain.

Such a terrifying scream made Tang Xiaowei a little scared.

"The situation outside is very strange. The surroundings clearly sound very calm, but only this person's scream. This means that this ship is not in danger, but someone on the ship is torturing others," Huangfu Qiye suddenly said indifferently.

Tang Xiaowei was surprised. "Someone is torturing others? Who is it? Why is he doing this?"

"Xiaowei, we need the help of this ship now, so no matter what happens on the ship, it's someone else's business. If we want to leave here alive, we can't meddle in other people's business. I know it's selfish, but we're not selfish. We might be in trouble next." Huangfu Qiye appeared on the bed. After saying that, he pulled her back to lie beside him and hugged her tightly. "So, don't meddle in other people's business. Go to sleep."

"Did you find out that something terrible happened outside that we can't help?" Tang Xiaowei said in a low voice. "If that's the case, then I'll listen to you. I won't let you take the risk."

She didn't dare to let him take the risk, so even if she said that she was selfish and didn't want to go out and see the situation outside, she was willing to accept it.

"Okay." Huangfu Qiye replied faintly.

After that, there were no more screams from before.

The night finally quieted down.

Until the next morning, there were no more miserable and painful screams from outside.

However, early in the morning, there was a knock on the door of Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei's room. It was still the voice of the maid from last night. She whispered outside, "Mr. Huangfu, our Miss Eliza has prepared a delicious breakfast for you and your wife. Can you open the door and let us bring the food in?"

Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei looked at each other. Then, Huangfu Qiye told Tang Xiaowei to lie on the bed and not move. He put on his clothes and did not look hurt at all. Then, he went to open the door.

However, the person outside the door was not only the maid who spoke. Eliza, who was dressed very sexily and was very beautiful, was also standing at the door.

Behind her stood two maids carrying food, as well as the male servant from yesterday, Lawrence.

"Mr. Huangfu, I ran into something last night and wanted to ask you, but you slept too early, so I planned to come over in the morning to ask you." Eliza looked at Huangfu Qiye with a smile on her face. After she finished speaking, without waiting for Huangfu Qiye to speak, she gave Lawrence a look. Lawrence immediately pushed the door open, and Eliza lifted the hem of her skirt and walked into the small room.

After entering, her gaze seemed to inadvertently glance around the room, and finally, her gaze fell on Tang Xiaowei.

Although she was still smiling on the surface, a trace of viciousness had already appeared in her eyes.

She had always seen the man she liked, so she had to take him down.

This time, it was the first time she had failed. It was all because of this woman named Tang Xiaowei.

It seemed that she had to find a way to deal with this troublesome Tang Xiaowei before she could get Huangfu Qiye.

"Miss Eliza, what did you encounter that you want to consult me about? You can tell me now." Huangfu Qiye's expression was indifferent. He did not stop anyone from entering. After all, this was someone else's territory.