Chapter 650: I won't let you get hurt

However, he secretly observed everyone's movements and behavior in the room before walking to Tang Xiaowei's side.

Eliza sat down on the sofa next to her and waved her hand to ask the maid to put the food on the table in front of her. After the maid left, only Lawrence was left standing behind Eliza.

Only then did Eliza look at Huangfu Qiye with a smile. She said, "Mr. Huangfu, don't be angry if I say something unpleasant. I'm more straightforward. I saw that the yacht you rented before was too shabby. Thinking about it, you and your wife probably don't have much money. However, I think you're very attractive and have great potential. My family owns a modeling company. I hope you can join my family's modeling company. When you're popular in the future, you don't have to rent such shabby yachts anymore. You can buy a ship like the one we're on now. What do you think?"

Eliza said that she wanted to ask for advice when she encountered something, but in fact, she wanted to throw an olive branch to Huangfu Qiye, who she thought must be a poor man.

Not only did Eliza want to get Huangfu Qiye, but she also felt that a man as handsome and perfect as him could not live a quiet life like this. If he joined her family's modeling company, he would have a bright future.

Moreover, she could play with him whenever she wanted, which was killing two birds with one stone.

And his wife was definitely a poor person, so she did not need to do anything in the future. If Huangfu Qiye became a model and became famous, he would definitely dislike his wife.

Eliza's thoughts were wonderful.

However, she thought that Huangfu Qiye would definitely agree. She did not think that Huangfu Qiye would reject her.

"I'm sorry, I refuse. I don't like to be a model. Miss Eliza, is there anything else?" Huangfu Qiye rejected her in a deep voice.

Therefore, when Huangfu Qiye heard her words, he revealed a faint look of disdain. When he rejected her in a deep voice, Eliza was stunned for a moment.

Eliza's eyes widened. She had an expression of complete disbelief. "Mr. Huangfu, why did you reject me? Aren't all these things that I said attractive to you? It's very easy to be a model, and I'll take care of you in the future. You can walk around the catwalk every day or shoot advertisements, and there will be a lot of money delivered to your door." She looked at Huangfu Qiye with a strange gaze.

Although what she said was not completely true, she found it strange that Huangfu Qiye was not attracted to her.

It was really strange. This was the first time she had met him.

"I'm completely uninterested in these things. Miss Eliza, you can find someone else to try it out." Huangfu Qiye still rejected her, and his attitude was cold and hard.

Seeing this, Eliza could not smile anymore.

Only now did she know that the handsome man she had met this time was not only handsome, but also a very stubborn person.

It seemed that such a gentle plan would not be able to move him.

Then, she could only think of other ways.

So, Eliza stood up and showed a fake smile. "In that case, I won't disturb Mr. Huangfu and your wife. I'll go back now. You guys enjoy the breakfast that the chef on the ship prepared for you."

"Okay, thank you, Miss Eliza." Huangfu Qiye thanked her in a deep voice. Then, seeing that Eliza and Lawrence had left together, he went up and closed the door.

After closing the door, Tang Xiaowei got out of bed and walked to Huangfu Qiye's side. She asked him in a low voice, "What should we do? That Eliza seems to be really interested in you. What if she attacks you or me before the ship reaches the shore?"

Huangfu Qiye reached out to touch her head and comforted her gently, "Don't be afraid. I'm here. I won't let you get hurt."

"Okay." Although Tang Xiaowei was still worried, she didn't say anything more since he had already said so.

However, Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei didn't eat the food that Eliza and the others sent over.

They threw the food into the sea and put the cutlery on the table.

After that, Huangfu Qiye thought about it and still felt that he couldn't wait any longer.

Last night, he was sure that he didn't mishear. There were indeed screams of pain coming from outside.

It was hard to say whether their current situation was better than the old yacht or worse than that.

Therefore, if he heard that painful scream again tonight, he had to go out and take a look at the situation.


The sky turned dark again, but the ship still hadn't docked.

When the same time came as the scream from yesterday, another painful scream suddenly came from outside, "Ah! Help!"

This time, the person who was screaming in pain even wanted to scream for help, but he stopped after saying one word.

Huangfu Qiye had already told Tang Xiaowei his plan, so the two of them heard the scream outside together.

So, when he heard the screams, Huangfu Qiye took out the gun on his waist and put it in Tang Xiaowei's hand in the dark. He kissed her lips gently. "Wait for me here. If anyone attacks you, use this to protect yourself. I'll be back soon after I've investigated the situation outside."

He had a vague feeling that as long as he investigated the situation outside where someone would scream in pain, he might not have to be threatened by Eliza.

Tang Xiaowei held his hand tightly. "You have to be careful."

"Okay, don't worry. Wait for me to come back." Huangfu Qiye gave her a deep look, then gently opened the door and walked out in a flash. Although his body was not recovering very quickly, he had already recovered a little, and his wounds were beginning to scar Therefore, he walked very quickly.

After he left, Tang Xiaowei immediately closed the door. During the day, she had discussed with him that they had to find out the secrets of the ship so that they might not be watched by Eliza.

So, even if she was worried about him, she could only wait here.

Huangfu Qiye only had a fruit knife on him. They had taken it from the yacht together. Now that he had given her the gun, he only had the fruit knife on him. Tang Xiaowei could only lean against the door, worried about him.

On the other side.

After Huangfu Qiye walked out of the room, he found that the small corridor outside was very dark, and the lights were not turned on.

However, this was more suitable for him to come out without being discovered.

"Ah!" At this time, another scream of pain was faintly heard from a corner of the ship.

When Huangfu Qiye heard it, he immediately walked towards the source of the sound.

Ten minutes later, Huangfu Qiye hid in a dark corner outside a window.

There was a very small opening, and he could see the scene through the window.