Chapter 661: The Xiu and Huangfu families become one family

"Qiye, I'm already very old. The last thing I want to see right now is my family leaving me one by one." Xiu Zhongsheng sighed heavily.

"If that's the case, then I have a plan that I want to mention to you, grandpa." Huangfu Qiye sat down again with a negotiating posture.

Xiu Zhongsheng didn't react for a moment and replied, "What plan?"

Huangfu Qiye said calmly, "Didn't grandpa want me to take care of the Xiu family's assets? Alright, I can agree to it. However, I want to tell grandfather that since you value your family so much, you should put your heart into trusting them. In the future, you can leave everything in the Xiu family to me. However, I won't let go of everything in the Huangfu family. Previously, I've also heard some things. Grandfather, your original name isn't Xiu, but Huangfu. In that case, the Xiu family and the Huangfu family can completely become one."

In fact, the things that Huangfu Qiye had heard were told to him by Tang Xiaowei yesterday.

However, because Xiu Zhongsheng had just woken up and his attention was not on this, he did not notice it.

"Become one family?" After hearing Huangfu Qiye's words, Xiu Zhongsheng was stunned.

It was not that he did not want the two families to become one family.

It was just that after he was schemed by Huangfu Haoming to drive him out of the Huangfu family, he changed his surname to Xiu and created a new empire: the Xiu family.

However, the Xiu family and the Huangfu family were completely different people.

The Huangfu family and the Xiu family were both large corporations, but their businesses were different. The Huangfu family owned legitimate companies, and many of the Xiu family's companies operated businesses that were not allowed to operate in China.

Therefore, the Xiu family's base camp was overseas.

Therefore, even after killing Huangfu Haoming, Xiu Zhongsheng did not immediately change his name back to Huangfu City.

Now that he heard that Huangfu Qiye wanted to combine the two families into one, although Xiu Zhongsheng was very excited and happy, he still shook his head.

"No, if the two families suddenly become one, it will cause a lot of unpredictable trouble. This matter must be properly planned."

Huangfu Qiye already had a countermeasure. At this moment, he said lightly, "This is very easy to handle. I will first go back to the Huangfu family to deal with the recent thorny matters, and then try to bring the Xiu family's company into the country. In the future, the Xiu family's company will resume business. As for the business here, it's better not to do it in the future. After all grandpa, you are old, your enemies are gone, and you have enough money to spend. In the future, An An and I will not do business like yours. Now, while I am willing to help you, it's still not too late for you to agree to change careers."

The business that the Xiu family was doing now was very large, but it was also a very obscure kind of business.

Therefore, Xiu Zhongsheng also faintly looked forward to the things that Huangfu Qiye had proposed.

He was actually looking forward to this day when he could clear the name of the Xiu family that he had founded.

Therefore, after a moment of silence, Xiu Zhongsheng said, "You go back and rest first. I have to think about it carefully. I will give you a reply tomorrow morning."

"Okay." Huangfu Qiye replied, then got up and left.

After Huangfu Qiye left, Xiu Zhongsheng had been sitting on the sofa.

He had been wondering if he should agree to Qiye's suggestion.

Because, he had been thinking about changing the Xiu family's business.

However, before this, he had not found a suitable successor, so he had not made any moves.

But now, Qiye said that no matter what happened in the past, he was willing to accept him as a grandfather. He also said that he would agree to combine the businesses of the two families, and Qiye would be willing to help him manage them in the future.

Since that was the case, Xiu Zhongsheng had to think about it carefully.

Thus, Xiu Zhongsheng called housekeeper Xiu into the room. "Housekeeper Xiu, come in. I have something to ask you."

When housekeeper Xiu heard this, he pushed the door open and walked in.

"Master, please say what you have to say."

Xiu Zhongsheng trusted housekeeper Xiu very much. He would tell housekeeper Xiu about many big and small matters, and this time was no exception. After all, he had only had such a close friend and subordinate for so many years.

Xiu Zhongsheng told housekeeper Xiu about the things that he and Huangfu Qiye had just talked about. He told housekeeper Xiu about the matter of the two groups joining together.

Then, he asked, "What do you think of Qiye's proposal?"

"I think young Master Qiye is very bold. Similarly, before young master Qiye lost his memory, he was able to seize the Huangfu family from Huangfu Haoming's hands by himself. Moreover, he even developed his abilities and methods which can not be underestimated. Although young master Qiye had lost his memory, it was due to hypnosis that he lost his memory. Therefore, he had only forgotten some of the people in the past. He had not forgotten how to manage the company and the group. I feel that if master wants the Xiu family and Huangfu family to become one, this is the best opportunity." Housekeeper Xiu analyzed very carefully. It was also very thorough.

After listening to it, Xiu Zhongsheng nodded. "I also feel that Qiye's suggestion is not bad. However, when I think about how the Xiu family that I worked so hard to conquer disappeared and became the Huangfu family, I feel somewhat disappointed."

Housekeeper Xiu comforted him, "Master, but your surname is Huangfu. In the future, when the Xiu family becomes the Huangfu family's subordinate, won't it be the same?"

"That's right. This way, I can change my name back in the future. Although the surname Xiu and the name Xiu Zhongsheng have a revolutionary relationship with me, I still have to change my name back." Xiu Zhongsheng sighed sadly and thought for a while. In any case, the company was going to give Qiye his name in the future. Moreover, he also wanted to change his name back and acknowledge his ancestors. So, there was no need to hesitate.

"You can go and rest." After Xiu Zhongsheng made up his mind, he smiled and let housekeeper Xiu go and rest. Then, he laid down again to rest.


On the other side, Huangfu Qiye returned to the room that Xiu Zhongsheng had arranged for him and Tang Xiaowei. When he saw that Tang Xiaowei was still sleeping very deeply, he heaved a sigh of relief.

He lay down again, reached out and gently hugged her. Only then did he close his eyes and start to sleep.

In fact, when he had just decided to meet his grandfather and talk to him about those things, Huangfu Qiye had decided to tell the truth. However, he also knew that if he told the truth, it might cause his grandfather to be angry, as Xiaowei had said.

Fortunately, his grandfather had changed a lot and was willing to consider his suggestion.

Now, as long as his grandfather agreed to his suggestion, everything would be easy.

With this thought in mind, Huangfu Qiye couldn't help but lower his head and gently kiss Tang Xiaowei's forehead.

He was now certain that Xiu Yuan had really lost his memory.