Chapter 662: Why are you so jealous?

Since that was the case, there was nothing to worry about. As long as her grandfather agreed to merge the Xiu family and Huangfu family's group into one, he would be able to easily enter and exit this place.

The next day, in the morning, Tang Xiaowei woke up and felt a burning gaze staring at her.

She felt uncomfortable even before she opened her eyes.

After opening her eyes, she met Huangfu Qiye's smiling eyes.

He used his uninjured hand to reach out and gently stroked her hair. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, very well. How about you?" She had no idea that he had gone out in the middle of the night yesterday, and there was a languid tone in his voice as if he had just woken up.

Huangfu Qiye liked her soft and gentle like this very much. He reached out and scooped her up, saying, "I'm also very well."

"Why do I feel that you seem to be in a good mood today?" Tang Xiaowei felt that she had not seen wrongly. Huangfu Qiye's expression was relaxed, and there was a smile at the corner of his mouth. It was not an illusion.

"Do you want to know why?" Huangfu Qiye reached out and pinched her nose, and the smile on his face deepened.

Tang Xiaowei was in a good mood because of his smile. She smiled and grabbed his hand. "Why?"

"Grandpa agreed to let me go out with you, so you can call Yuan Qi that you mentioned to me last night and ask him to come pick us up." Huangfu Qiye didn't intend to tease her anymore. He told her the reason that made him in a good mood.

Tang Xiaowei was completely stunned when she heard that. She held his hand tightly in disbelief. "Really? Your granpa agreed?"

"Yes, he agreed. However, he only agreed to let the two of us leave together to temporarily deal with the Huangfu Corporation's matters. As for An An, he has to stay here to attend classes." Huangfu Qiye stroked her head. He explained, "I had a clear discussion with grandfather last night. No matter what I thought in the past, at least now I'm willing to help him take care of everything in the Xiu family. He's also willing to give me and you freedom."

"So, only the two of us can leave. An An can't leave?" Tang Xiaowei frowned. "What exactly is going on?"

"Xiaowei." Huangfu Qiye put his arm around Tang Xiaowei's shoulder, lowered his head, and looked into her eyes seriously. His smile disappeared. His tone was serious. "I know that before I lost my memory, my grandfather might have done some unpleasant things to us. But now, I'm his family, and he's also my family. He didn't treat me badly, so I can't leave him alone. In the future, he'll be our family, so An An will stay here and be taken care of. Nothing will happen to him. In fact, he didn't agree to let you go out with me in the beginning because he was worried about your health. So no matter what he did in the past, you have to forgive this lonely and pitiful old man. He has already promised me that he will not be willful in the future."

Tang Xiaowei was filled with anger and suspicion. She was completely suppressed by Huangfu Qiye's words.

She lowered her head. "If you are willing to forgive him and accept him, as your family member, I can only try to believe him.''

"Thank you, Xiaowei." Huangfu Qiye hugged her tightly.

"Then did he tell you how you lost your memory? Was it really because of the injury?" Tang Xiaowei thought of the thing that worried her the most, so she immediately regained her strength.

Huangfu Qiye nodded. "I asked. Grandpa said it was because I hit my head."

"Then is it possible to recover your memory in the future?" Tang Xiaowei stared at him without giving up.

"I'm not sure about that. But after I go out, I'll find a few more doctors to see me. I don't know what the possibility is." In fact, Huangfu Qiye also suspected that the matter of losing his memory was very strange. After all, he had overheard Xiu Lulu and grandpa saying that he had been hypnotized.

However, his grandfather did not mention anything about hypnosis last night, so he could not be bothered to make a fuss about it at this moment.

In that case, he could only wait until he got out and think of a way to see if he had lost his memory because of hypnosis, or if he was really injured, or if there was a chance to recover his memory.

"Then let's call Yuan Qi now. We haven't been in contact with him for a long time. He must be worried sick about us." Tang Xiaowei did not waste any more time. She pushed Huangfu Qiye away and got off the bed to get the phone beside the bed, preparing to call Yuan Qi.

However, as she was making the call, she did not notice the change in Huangfu Qiye's expression.

"Xiaowei, are you in such a hurry to call Yuan Qi? Do you really care about him?" Huangfu Qiye got off the bed and walked to Tang Xiaowei's side. His face was obviously dark.

Tang Xiaowei felt that his tone was not right. Before the call connected, she turned around to look at him. With one look, she could see that he was obviously jealous. She could not help but laugh out loud. "Why are you jealous? He was your personal bodyguard in the past. He protected you with Yuan Shan. In the past, he was always by your side. If you're jealous, it should be me who's jealous of you and him."

So that was the case. Huangfu Qiye didn't mind it anymore after hearing what Tang Xiaowei said.

However, the Yuan Shan that Xiaowei mentioned just now made Huangfu Qiye frown. "The Yuan Shan that you mentioned just now, her name sounds like a woman? Why do I have a female bodyguard?"

"How would I know? In the past, the first time, uh, no, the second time I saw you, Yuan Shan was working by your side. However, after that, she was controlled by Huangfu Yuner. The last time I saw her being controlled by Xiu Lulu, she seemed to have been hypnotized. You can ask your grandfather to find out where Yuan Shan is and then save her. Actually, she's quite pitiful."

"Alright, I'll go ask grandpa later." Although Huangfu Qiye did not have any influence on the so-called Yuan Shan, since Xiaowei had already said so, he could only do as she said.

At this moment, the call finally connected.

After hearing Yuan Qi's familiar voice, Tang Xiaowei felt a little emotional. "Yuan Qi, I'm Tang Xiaowei. I'm currently on country A's XX island with your young master. Come and pick us up now."

Yuan Qi was still in Australia during this period of time, desperately looking for Huangfu Qiye, Tang Xiaowei, and Xiao Anan. However, he could not find them. At this moment, when he suddenly received the call, Yuan Qi almost thought that he was hallucinating.

"Young madam, is it really you?" Yuan Qi asked in disbelief.

Tang Xiaowei knew that she, Huangfu Qiye, and Xiao Anan had disappeared together, which must have scared Yuan Qi and the others.

She continued to reveal her identity until Yuan Qi believed her. Then, she asked Yuan Qi to come and pick them up as soon as possible. The rest of the matter could be discussed when they met. Yuan Qi said that he knew and then ended the call.

As soon as the call ended, Tang Xiaowei put down the receiver and turned to look at Huangfu Qiye curiously. "Why aren't you willing to say anything to Yuan Qi?"