Chapter 671: An an wants to be with her parents

"Mommy will take you to the toilet." Tang Xiaowei prepared to get off the bed and carry Xiao Anan down.

However, a pair of big hands carried Xiao Anan over faster than her. Huangfu Qiye carried Xiao Anan and got off the bed. He turned around and said to Tang Xiaowei, "I'll take him to the toilet. You can rest for a while."

"Oh, okay." Tang Xiaowei nodded when she saw that he did not have any difficulty carrying the child.


An hour later, Huangfu Qiye held Tang Xiaowei's waist and held Xiao Anan's hand as they went downstairs.

Downstairs, Xiu Zhongsheng was currently receiving Yuan Qi.

Yuan Qi stood opposite Xiu Zhongsheng with a calm expression.

Xiu Zhongsheng said in a deep voice, "I know you used to be Qiye's personal bodyguard, but I still feel worried about Qiye's safety. So in the future, I will send another person to protect Qiye with you. His name is aze. His position will be the same as yours in the future." Xiu Zhongsheng pointed at Aze, who was standing not far away from Yuan Qi.

Yuan Qi did not say anything.

Xiu Zhongsheng was not angry either. After all, he was only informing Yuan Qi. As long as he asked Qiye to take Aze with him, Qiye would not refuse.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Huangfu Qiye, Tang Xiaowei, and Xiao Anan appear. Xiu Zhongsheng immediately put on a smile. He waved in Huangfu Qiye's direction. "Qiye, you're down. Xiao Anan, come over quickly. Great-grandfather is waiting for you to come and have breakfast with me."

If it was two days ago when Xiu Zhongsheng called Xiao Anan like this, Xiao Anan might still be able to give him some face and run over obediently.

Unfortunately, Xiao Anan now knew that his mother and father were going to go on a long trip today, so the little guy was unwilling to leave his father and mother. Therefore, after listening to Xiu Zhongsheng's words, Xiao Anan still stood by Huangfu Qiye's side. He shook his head at Xiu Zhongsheng. "No, I want to be with father and mother."

"Okay, okay, okay. Your father and mother are going on a long trip today. You can stay with them for a while." Xiu Zhongsheng also knew Xiao Anan's mood, so he didn't force him or get angry. After he finished speaking with a smile, he said to Huangfu Qiye, "Qiye, have a few words with your previous bodyguard, then come and have breakfast with me."

After saying that, Xiu Zhongsheng turned around and walked into the restaurant first.

In the living room, when Yuan Qi saw Huangfu Qiye and the others appear, he immediately bowed respectfully, "Young master, young madam, and young master."

Huangfu Qiye held Xiao Anan's arm and walked over with Tang Xiaowei in it. Then, he gently nodded to Yuan Qi and said, "Butler Xiu will prepare breakfast for you. You go down and have breakfast first. After breakfast, we'll set off in a while."

Although Yuan Qi felt that his master's attitude towards him was a bit strange and cold, he didn't ask any further. He just nodded and left.

Only then did Huangfu Qiye, Tang Xiaowei, and Xiao Anan walk into the restaurant.

Xiu Zhongsheng was already waiting for their arrival in the restaurant. The maid also brought breakfast to the table.

"Qiye, how did the conversation with your bodyguard go?" When Xiu Zhongsheng saw Huangfu Qiye enter, he smiled and asked. His gaze was obscure, but it could be hidden. Huangfu Qiye didn't notice it.

Huangfu Qiye replied indifferently, "I forgot a lot of things. There's nothing to say. I just let him go down for breakfast."

"That's true. You're going out in a while. After breakfast, they'll have the strength to protect you. Oh right, I'm still worried about your safety when you go out this time, so I asked Aze to go with you." Xiu Zhongsheng chuckled again. Then he said, "Then let's start eating. Xiao Anan must be starving."

At this moment, Huangfu Qiye pulled out a chair for Tang Xiaowei and Xiao Anan to sit down. He also sat down next to Tang Xiaowei. Regarding Xiu Zhongsheng's words, Huangfu Qiye was silent for a few seconds before nodding his head.

Tang Xiaowei did not make a sound.

She was afraid that the moment she opened her mouth, she would want to take Xiao Anan away.

Because she knew very well that Xiu Zhongsheng would never allow them to take Xiao Anan away. Then, she opened her mouth. Maybe she, Huangfu Qiye, and Yuan Qi would be forced to stay here in the future.

"By the way, grandpa, I heard that I used to have a bodyguard named Yuan Shan. She was controlled by Xiu Lulu a while ago. Where is Yuan Shan now? I'll take Yuan Shan with me this time. Yuan Qi is Yuan Shan's older brother. Yuan Qi hasn't seen his younger sister for a few years. He probably wants to see his younger sister." Huangfu Qiye suddenly looked at Xiu Zhongsheng.

Xiu Zhongsheng was stunned for a moment, then said, "I don't quite understand this. After all, the Yuan Shan you mentioned is just a small fry. I didn't pay much attention to her in the past. You eat breakfast first. I'll ask housekeeper Xiu to go down and take a look." Xiu Zhongsheng waved his hand and called housekeeper Xiu over. Then, he whispered a few words into housekeeper Xiu's ear before housekeeper Xiu left the restaurant.

Seeing this, Huangfu Qiye didn't say anything more and began to enjoy his breakfast.

Tang Xiaowei didn't say anything all this while. She just quietly fed Xiao Anan beside her. She actually hoped that this breakfast could last a little longer. She really didn't want to part with Xiao Anan.

However, if she only let Huangfu Qiye, who had lost his memory, leave alone while she and Xiao Anan stayed here, she would really be afraid.

She could only bite her lips and force herself to endure a little longer. After Huangfu Qiye had recovered his memory after leaving this time, she would think of a new way to stop living in fear in front of Xiu Zhongsheng in the future.

The breakfast time finally ended after an hour.

Perhaps because he was worried that Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye would agitate Xiao Anan when they left, Xiu Zhongsheng walked over with a smile after eating breakfast. He waved at Xiao Anan and said, "An An, great-grandfather found a few teachers for you. They will teach you very interesting lessons. Do you want to go and take a look first? Great-grandfather can accompany you to take a look."

Xiao Anan looked up at his parents beside him. Although he was a little tempted, he still asked Tang Xiaowei in a low voice, "Mom, will you wait for me to come back before you leave?"

Xiao Anan knew that his parents were going to go on a long trip but before Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye left, the little guy was still unwilling to accept reality. After all, he was still a child.

Tang Xiaowei was troubled and didn't know how to speak.

She didn't want to deceive the child, but she also didn't want to hurt Xiao Anan directly.

If Xiao Anan left with Xiu Zhongsheng, when Xiao Anan returned, she and Huangfu Qiye would have already left.

She glanced at Huangfu Qiye.

Seeing this, Huangfu Qiye could only let go of her hand.