Chapter 672: It's so good to have him by my side

Then, he squatted in front of Xiao Anan, reached out his hand to hold Xiao Anan's hand, turned around and said to the others, "Wait a moment, I'll talk to him."

After he finished speaking, he carried Xiao Anan, turned around and walked out of the door.

Tang Xiaowei bit her lip and stood where she was, not chasing after him.

Xiu Zhongsheng stood where he was for a few seconds, then didn't say anything. He turned around and was about to go upstairs, but just as he was about to go upstairs, he suddenly stopped and looked at Tang Xiaowei. He said seriously, "Xiaowei, this time when you go out with Qiye, you'd better not cause any trouble."

"Don't worry, Mr. Xiu. We will only do what needs to be done." Tang Xiaowei immediately came back to her senses and replied.

When Xiu Zhongsheng heard this, he revealed a strange smile. "Remember what you said. Also, don't call me Mr. Xiu in the future. This is very polite. Call me grandpa like Qiye."

"Oh, okay. grandpa, I understand." Tang Xiaowei was completely stunned for a few seconds before she spoke.

She didn't expect that Xiu Zhongsheng would actually take the initiative to ask her to call him grandpa.

Previously, although Xiu Zhongsheng said that he wouldn't stop her from being with Huangfu Qiye, he didn't personally say anything to her and didn't ask her to call him grandpa.

Now that he said this, had he already decided on something?

Or was he afraid that she and Huangfu Qiye would do something when they went out this time, so he softened his tone now?

Without waiting for Tang Xiaowei to figure it out, Xiu Zhongsheng had already turned around and went upstairs.

Tang Xiaowei stayed downstairs. She waited for a few minutes and saw Huangfu Qiye walking back with Xiao Anan in his arms.

At this moment, Xiao Anan had a serious look on his face. He looked completely different from the one who wanted to cry but didn't dare to.

Tang Xiaowei walked up worriedly and looked at Huangfu Qiye. "What did you say to him?"

"Nothing." Huangfu Qiye put Xiao Anan down and patted his small shoulder. "Go upstairs. Your great-grandfather will take you to class later. Your mother will call you in the evening."

"Okay, I got it." Xiao Anan nodded and waved at Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye with a serious and obedient look. "Dad, mom, you have to come back soon. An An will wait for you here."

Tang Xiaowei didn't even have time to react. In the next second, Huangfu Qiye held her waist and walked out.

"An An, you have to take good care of yourself. Mom will be back soon." Tang Xiaowei only had time to say this to Xiao Anan in the living room before she was brought out by Huangfu Qiye.

Xiao Anan's little figure also ran out and nodded at her with a smile. "Okay, mom has to come back soon. An An is waiting for you and dad here."

Xiao Anan didn't look like he was going to cry at all, which made Tang Xiaowei feel relieved.

Therefore, she nodded to the child. The next second, when Huangfu Qiye carried her into the helicopter, she didn't struggle.

Then, the helicopter took off. Huangfu Qiye asked Tang Xiaowei to sit properly, so Tang Xiaowei couldn't see Xiao Anan anymore. Then, she could only look away.

The last Xiao Anan she saw was a small dot standing at the door. Although there were maids and bodyguards protecting him, she still felt a sting in her heart.

However, Xiao Anan was very obedient, which made her more or less curious about what Huangfu Qiye had said to the child just now.

"What did you say to An An just now?" Tang Xiaowei turned her head to look at Huangfu Qiye beside her.

"I told him that you and I both love him very much." Huangfu Qiye put his arm around Tang Xiaowei's shoulder and looked into her eyes. The two of them sat together at a close distance and locked their eyes on each other. He secretly gave her a look.

Therefore, no matter how confused and curious Tang Xiaowei was, she didn't ask anymore.

Only then did she remember that although Yuan Qi came to pick them up this time, Xiu Zhongsheng still arranged some bodyguards to leave with them.

These bodyguards said that they were protecting them, but in fact, they could also be said to be monitoring them.

Therefore, there were some things that Huangfu Qiye could not say in front of these people, so she did not ask anymore.

"I'm a little sleepy. I'll lean against you and sleep for a while." Tang Xiaowei did not ask anymore, and then she closed her eyes and pretended to be sleepy.

Actually, she was not sleepy at all.

Huangfu Qiye held her and said gently, "Okay, go to sleep."

Tang Xiaowei closed her eyes and realized that there was only a little pain in her heart because of the separation from her child. It was not as painful as she imagined.

All of this was because of Huangfu Qiye.

Although she did not know what he had just said to Xiao Anan, if it were not for what he had just said to Xiao Anan, Xiao Anan would definitely have cried when they had just boarded the helicopter. If Xiao Anan had cried, she would definitely have cried as well.

But now, she could not cry at all because when they had just left, although Xiao Anan could not bear to part with them, the little guy was smiling.

With this, she felt much more at ease.

She held Huangfu Qiye's hand tightly and silently thought to herself, it's so good to have him by my side.

Even the sadness of parting could be resolved by him.

Feeling her approach, Huangfu Qiye smiled, his black eyes filled with a gentle light. He lowered his head lightly and planted a kiss on her face.


On the other side.

When he saw his father and mother board the helicopter and leave, Xiao Anan's smiling little face immediately collapsed.

His little face was dejected, and he almost cried.

But when he thought of what his father had just said to him, he held back his tears.

Just now, after his father carried him out, he had said a lot of things to him.

What he remembered most clearly was the few words that his father had asked him to remember.

His father had asked him not to cry in front of his mother, because his mother was pregnant. If he cried, he would make his mother cry. This was not good for the baby in her belly.

His father had also asked him to send his mother onto the helicopter with a smile.

His father had said that as long as he did this, his father would take care of the things outside as soon as possible, and then bring his mother back to see him as soon as possible.

His father also said that if he agreed to his father's request, his father would be willing to give him whatever he wanted in the future.

Thus, in order to be able to appease his mother, Xiao Anan could only agree to his father's request so that he could have whatever he wanted in the future.

But now, seeing his father and mother board the helicopter and fly away, the little guy's heart still felt very uncomfortable. It was so uncomfortable that he wanted to cry.

He thought that his father and mother couldn't see him now. Even if he cried, his mother wouldn't know. His father wouldn't blame him.

So, he turned around and ran back. After running into his room, he closed the door, threw himself on the bed, and cried.

Xiu Zhongsheng had people keep an eye on Xiao Anan's situation. After all, he had lived for so many years, so he naturally knew that Xiao Anan was so attached to his parents.