Chapter 673: What did you say to my parents?

Today, when Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye left, Xiao Anan would definitely cry and be sad.

Therefore, after Xiao Anan ran into the room and cried, Xiu Zhongsheng walked over with his walking stick and asked the maid to open the door. Then, the old man slowly walked into the room.

When he was close to the bed, Xiu Zhongsheng asked gently, "An An, great-grandfather will take you to see the teacher who will teach you in a while. What are you doing?"

"I don't want to go to class, I don't want to go..." Xiao Anan's voice sounded like he was crying. His small body was lying on the bed, and his small fists were clenched as he beat the bed with all his strength.

Xiu Zhongsheng revealed a smile.

As expected, he was the descendant of his Huangfu family.

Even though he was still young, even though he was crying, he still had a strong aura.

He went forward and began to gently coax him, "An An, are you crying because you can't bear to leave your father and mother?"

"Of course, but they have something to do, so they can't take me with them," Xiao Anan comforted himself because someone comforted him. The more he spoke, the more he couldn't stop crying. "If I was still young, if I was still in Mommy's belly like those two sisters, daddy and mommy would be able to bring me along. Why did I have to grow up so big?"

Xiu Zhongsheng couldn't help but laugh at the little guy's words.

"An An, don't cry. Your daddy and mommy have left, but you still have your great-grandfather, right?" Xiu Zhongsheng gently patted Xiao Anan's head. "Great-grandfather can bring you to play. He can bring you to see something fun that you've never seen before. Do you want to go?"

Xiao Anan was still young after all. Although he was in pain because he couldn't bear to part with his parents, when he heard his great-grandfather, who he had slowly accepted over the past two days, say this, the little guy was immediately interested. He turned around and sat up, reaching out his small hand to wipe his tears. He asked in a childish voice, "What's fun?"

"Great-grandfather will bring you to see it. You'll know. Let's go." Xiu Zhongsheng reached out his hand to Xiao Anan.

Xiao Anan put his small hand on Xiu Zhongsheng's hand, then jumped off the bed.

Xiu Zhongsheng was relieved to see that Xiao Anan had stopped crying. He held Xiao Anan's hand and walked out.


That night, the plane landed on the lawn of the forest manor.

The moment Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye entered, they saw that Tao Yuyan, Tang Qingxuan, and Ning Xintian, who had been separated from them in Australia, were already sitting in the living room.

The three of them had been very worried about Tang Xiaowei, Huangfu Qiye, and Xiao Anan recently.

They knew that Yuan Qi would return to the forest manor in the capital after picking them up, so the three of them also returned to the country.

As soon as they got off the helicopter, they saw someone running towards them excitedly at the entrance of the villa.

Tang Xiaowei looked over and saw her adoptive parents and her best friend, Yuyan, were all there.

She was extremely excited and her eyes started to tear up. Then, she let go of Huangfu Qiye's hand and ran up to Tao Yuyan. In an instant, she hugged Tao Yuyan.

"Xiaowei, now that I see that you're safe and sound, I can finally be at ease." Tao Yuyan hugged Tang Xiaowei and her voice was choked with sobs.

Tang Qingxuan and Ning Xintian walked over. Seeing that Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye were able to return safely, they were also very touched. However, because there was no sign of Xiao Anan, Ning Xintian looked worriedly at the helicopter and asked Huangfu Qiye, "Qiye, where's An An? Why didn't he come back with you?"

Because Huangfu Qiye had lost his memory, he did not know Tang Xiaowei's adoptive parents, Tang Qingxuan and Ning Xintian. Therefore, when Ning Xintian asked this question, his expression turned slightly cold. He answered stiffly, "An An is in another place now. He is very safe. You don't have to worry."

Ning Xintian and Tang Qingxuan were stunned when they saw Huangfu Qiye's sudden coldness.

Although Huangfu Qiye used to be very overbearing and had a bad temper, the couple had been taken care of by Huangfu Qiye for several years. When they saw Huangfu Qiye occasionally, they did not feel that he was particularly cold. Also, when Huangfu Qiye proposed to Xiaowei a while ago, they thought that Huangfu Qiye was quite gentle, but now, they felt that he was especially cold to people.

Tang Xiaowei, who was at the side, was originally talking to Tao Yuyan to reminisce about old times.

After feeling that the situation here wasn't quite right, she walked over and hugged her parents before asking, "Dad, mom, what's wrong? Why are you looking at Qiye strangely?"

After she asked, she glanced at Huangfu Qiye and asked, "What did you say to my parents?"

Only then did Huangfu Qiye react. "These are your parents?"

Tang Xiaowei nodded and only then did she remember that he had lost his memory. She had been in a hurry to catch up with her good friend, so she had forgotten to tell everyone about this important matter.

Thus, she thought that he might have been a little cold towards her adoptive parents because he could no longer remember them. She hurriedly explained to her adoptive parents, "Dad, mom, because something happened to An An and me this time, Qiye had an accident when he went to save us, so he lost his memory. He didn't remember you guys just now, so he didn't offend you, right? If he did, don't be angry with him. He didn't do it on purpose."

"So he lost his memory in an accident when he went to save you and An An?" Tang Qingxuan and Ning Xintian heard this. They both held Huangfu Qiye's hand with heartache. "Qiye, thank you for treating Xiaowei like this. I'm sorry for making you suffer."

"Yes, it's been hard on you. Hurry up and go inside. This is your home. You probably don't remember. There's a doctor inside. Quickly get the doctor to take a look at your body."

Huangfu Qiye was pulled into the villa by Tang Qingxuan and Ning Xintian without saying a word.

He already knew that these were Tang Xiaowei's parents. Although he didn't know that they were foster parents, he still felt that he should respect these two elders. Therefore, although Huangfu Qiye didn't like people touching him like this, he still did not push Tang Qingxuan and Ning Xintian away.

And behind.

Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan walked behind. Tang Xiaowei simplified the events of the past few days and hid some of the more bloody things. Then, she told Tao Yuyan to prevent her from worrying. At the same time, she also told her about what happened at her great-grandfather's house.

The bodyguard sent by Xiu Zhongsheng, Aze, hurriedly brought the bodyguards from Xiu Zhongsheng's side and followed closely behind.

Yuan Qi ordered a few bodyguards to bring the unconscious Yuan Shan down from the helicopter behind to find a doctor for treatment. Then, he also hurriedly followed them into the main building of the villa.

In the living room of the villa.

Tang Qingxuan and Ning Xintian called for a doctor and hurriedly asked the doctor to take a look at Huangfu Qiye's body.

Tang Xiaowei, Tao Yuyan, Aze, and Yuan Qi also walked in.