Chapter 681: This matter is very strange

"Will she come back? If she does, I will immediately cook her favorite dishes." Mother Tao was looking forward to Tao Yuyan's return.

Li Taohua, who was sitting next to Tao Xian, also asked sweetly, "Yes Ah Xian, what did sister say? Will sister come today?"

"She said that she will go on a trip soon and will only come back when I am engaged!" Tao Xian said angrily, then stood up and ordered the housekeeper at home, "Send Miss Li back."

The Miss Li he was referring to was Li Taohua.

Hearing him say this, the housekeeper immediately walked over and said to Li Taohua, "Miss Li, please."

Li Taohua, however, revealed a tearful look and pulled Tao Xian's arm. She acted coquettishly, "Ah Xian, don't chase me away. I'm here to accompany you today. You said that we would be engaged in a week. Shouldn't we go and pick out a dress now?"

"If you don't want the engagement party to be canceled, you can continue to stay." Tao Xian turned around and looked at Li Taohua coldly. His cold voice did not have the slightest intention of joking.

Li Taohua was immediately stunned when she heard this. Then, she withdrew her hand with some trembling. "Alright, I know I'm wrong. I won't continue to disturb you here. I'll go back now. Then, I'll come back tomorrow."

Li Taohua not only liked Tao Xian, but also valued Tao Xian's family's company and his identity.

Although Li Taohua's own family had some small money, her parents valued sons over daughters and did not like her at all. Her parents only liked her brother and did not like her.

Therefore, she had to find a man who was richer than her family. To her, Tao Xian was not only rich, but also handsome. He was also very strong. He was the man of her dreams.

When they were studying abroad, they were classmates. Although Tao Xian didn't seem to have any impression of her, she still liked Tao Xian very much.

Moreover, after Tao Xian said that he would get engaged to her after a week, not only was she happy, her family started to fawn over her. Her parents also told her that she had to catch Tao Xian. She must not let go of Tao Xian. She had to get her hands on this man.

However, she said that she would come tomorrow. Before Tao Xian could say anything, mother Tao was beside him and said coldly, "Don't come tomorrow. I don't like outsiders coming to the house. It's too noisy."

Tao Xian did not say anything to mother Tao's words. He turned around and went upstairs.

Li Taohua did not dare to chase after him. She could only stay downstairs. She smiled and wanted to please mother Tao. "Auntie, Ah Xian and I are truly in love. You just don't understand me now. After Ah Xian and I are engaged, I will definitely make you satisfied as your future daughter-in-law."

When Tao Xian's mother heard this, she was so angry that she almost spat out a mouthful of blood. The only person she was satisfied with was Yu Yan. No matter how beautiful or eloquent other people were, she did not like them.

Therefore, she impatiently instructed the butler, "Quickly send Miss Li out. My chest is very tight. Who will be in charge when I pass out?"

Hearing what Tao Xian's mother said, the butler immediately went forward. Although his attitude was polite, his tone was no longer very respectful. "Miss Li, please go ahead."

Li Taohua was afraid that Tao Xian's mother would really faint, which would make Tao Xian hate her even more, so she did not dare to stay any longer. She only stayed for a short while before leaving the house.

After she left the Tao family, she got into the car that she had specially prepared for her today.

After that, the car left the front door of the Tao family.

However, Li Taohua started to be puzzled.

Why did Tao Xian meet her at the peach blossom residence more than two weeks ago and say that he did not know her? Yesterday, he suddenly asked someone to find her and said that he wanted to get engaged with her in a week's time?

Furthermore, Tao Xian said that he wanted to get engaged to her, but he wasn't gentle with her at all. He also didn't have any intention of being alone with her.

Furthermore, Tao Xian's mother also hated her very much.

Tao Xian's father was also unwilling to see her.

Li Taohua felt that this matter was very strange.

Therefore, she immediately made a call and asked a friend she knew to inquire if Tao Xian had a girlfriend when he was studying in the country.

When she was abroad, she didn't see Tao Xian having a girlfriend, so she could only check if he had a girlfriend when he was studying in the country. His family might have a good impression of his former girlfriend which meant now they couldn't accept her.

Li Taohua thought that since she wanted to take down Tao Xian's people and his money, she had to get to know him well first.

She didn't have the chance before, but now she was soon to be Tao Xian's fiancee. If she didn't get to know him, it would be too late.

That night, after Li Taohua had dinner with her snobbish parents and useless brother downstairs, she returned to her room and her phone rang.

After answering the phone, Li Taohua immediately learned that when Tao Xian was studying in the country, although many girls liked him and confessed to him, he did not have a girlfriend.

However, that was not the point. The point was that Tao Xian did not have any feelings for other girls, but he would often take care of his sister in school.

Tao Xian's sister, Tao Yuyan, was bullied in school. Tao Xian would personally beat the bullies up and return to her.

Tao Xian would buy whatever Tao Yuyan wanted to drink and eat.

In school, Tao Xian treated his sister, Tao Yuyan, as if she were his girlfriend.

If people didn't know that they were siblings, they would think that they were a couple.

Li Taohua listened to the information given by Tao Xian and sneered.

She finally realized what was wrong.

It turned out that Tao Yuyan, Tao Xian's older sister, was the one who called her to come back today.

She was sure that Tao Yuyan had seduced her younger brother, and then deliberately made Tao Xian fall in love with her when he was still young. That was why Tao Xian had never had a girlfriend.

This time, this slut Tao Yuyan must have known that Tao Xian was going to get engaged with her, and then deliberately said that she was going to go on a trip.

The more Li Taohua thought about it, the angrier she became.

She had to think of a way to make Tao Yuyan not have the right to get close to Tao Xian in the future.

She was not worried at all about how to defeat Tao Yuyan because Tao Yuyan and Tao Xian could never be together. She only had to wait for Tao Yuyan to return. She just had to let everyone know what kind of b*tch Tao Yuyan was.

In the future, everyone would know that Tao Yuyan was shameless enough to seduce her own brother.