Chapter 680: It Stung her heart

She did not say whether she would forget about him pestering her, or whether she would bless him.

But her answer had already made Tao Xian feel that he understood what she meant. He immediately snorted coldly. "Heh, you're still the same. Since that's the case, then one week later, you must come to my engagement party with Peach Blossom. After all, you're my sister. It's not good if you don't come."

"I'll come, I'll bless you..." She wanted to say that if this was his choice, she would bless him.

In the end, the only thing she could give him was her blessing.

However, before she could finish speaking, Tao Xian had already hung up the phone angrily.

When she heard the end of the call from the phone, Tao Yuyan's eyes became listless and her face became increasingly pale.

She meant what she said. She would give him all of her good luck in the future and bless him and others to be happy forever.

Now, she did not regret what she had done in the past. This was her personality. She loved him, but she could not forgive and accept him.

Therefore, she would go to his engagement party, and she would give her blessings.

Tao Yuyan almost stayed awake until dawn. She was not sleepy at all.

At six o'clock in the morning, she got up and tidied up. She packed her most beautiful clothes into a box. Then, she picked up the box, locked the door, and went downstairs.

She pulled the suitcase and went to the dumpling shop in the neighborhood. After eating a breakfast, she pulled the suitcase and left the neighborhood.

She walked aimlessly and saw the bus stop in front of her. Then, she carried the suitcase and walked over to wait for the bus.

Soon, a bus came over. She did not even look at where the bus was going. She directly threw a coin and got on the bus. She found a seat at the back and sat down. She placed the suitcase by her feet, took out her phone and put on her headphones and played a sad classical song by Qing Xin.

She quietly listened to the music. She did not know how long the bus had stopped before the bus started to drive away.

After that, the bus stopped several times. Every time, there were people getting on and people getting off. However, this was a road close to the school. Recently, the surrounding schools had their summer holidays, so there were very few people getting on the bus. The bus was very empty.

However, even though the bus was empty, Tao Yuyan did not pay attention to the people around her.

She was completely immersed in her own world and thoughts.

When the bus reached the end of the station, the bus driver had no choice but to walk to the back and wave his hand in front of her. "Hey, little girl, the bus is finally at the end of the station. Aren't you going to get off?"

Tao Yuyan actually did not hear what the driver said at all. However, she only reacted when she felt that someone was approaching her and the other party was waving his hand in front of her.

She quickly took off her headphones and saw that there was no one on the bus. The phone was still saying that they had reached the end of the bus stop, so she quickly apologized, picked up her suitcase, and hurriedly got off the bus.

After getting off the bus, she realized that there were a lot of people outside. After all, this was a bus stop.

Tao Yuyan pulled her suitcase and walked out of the bus stop. She realized that she was not familiar with this place at all.

Although she grew up in this city, she did not like to explore, so she did not know many places.

If she did not know Xiaowei, she would not have gone abroad so many times.

She randomly hailed a taxi, picked up her suitcase, and got into the car. She said to the driver, "Sir, take me to the nearest bus station."

"Is it the nearest bus station or the train station?" The driver asked with a smile.

Tao Yuyan thought for a moment and said, "The train station."

"Okay." The driver nodded and started the car.

Tao Yuyan's mood was very calm. She tried to calm herself down and enjoy her last week.

In this last week, she wanted to live a more carefree life. She wanted to see the scenery, wear beautiful clothes, eat delicious food, and forget everything.

The driver quickly took Tao Yuyan to the nearest train station.

Tao Yuyan got off the car and pulled her suitcase into the bustling crowd. There were many more people at the train station than at the bus station.

She squeezed into the crowd and her figure was almost drowned out.

In the end, she bought a train ticket to a beautiful city that she had always wanted to go to when she was in school.

The departure time was 3 pm.

Tao Yuyan did not want to go anywhere else, so she entered the station in advance and waited for the train.

When she was waiting for the train, her tone was still good. She found a seat and sat down.

She waited in the waiting hall for a few hours. During this time, many people who departed earlier than her hurried past her and left after checking their tickets.

Around 2:30 pm, the train she was going to take was about to start checking their tickets.

Tao Yuyan pulled her suitcase and lined up with the others, slowly following the line.

At this moment, her phone rang.

She took out her phone and saw that it was Tao Xian calling.

She bit her lip and thought for a while, but Tao Yuyan still picked up the phone. "Hello."

"Mom said she really wants to see you, and my girlfriend also said she wants to see you. Come home today." Tao Xian's cold voice came from the phone.

Tao Yuyan's footsteps froze, but she didn't answer immediately. Tao Xian's "girlfriend" hurt her heart.

At this time, the person in front had already continued to move forward, so there was a small space in front of her. The person standing behind her pushed her and shouted impatiently, "Are you still going or not? If you're not going, then go out. Don't block the way."

Tao Yuyan hurriedly apologized to the other party, then pulled her suitcase and hurried forward.

On the other side of the phone, Tao Xian heard the noise and also heard the noisy situation on her side. Tao Xian questioned her, "Where exactly are you? The airport? The bus station? What are you going there for?"

"I want to go on a trip for a few days. I might not be able to go to your house today. Let's meet again when you're engaged," Tao Yuyan said hurriedly and then ended the call.

The moment she ended the call, she turned off her phone and put it into her bag. Then, she followed the crowd in silence and quickly checked the ticket before walking inside.

Half an hour later, she had already sat down in her seat on the train.

The train had also started to move. The scenery outside the window quickly passed before her eyes. It was beautiful and unpredictable.

She leaned gently against the edge of the window and stood there in a daze quietly.


In the Tao family's villa.

Looking at the phone that had been hung up on, Tao Xian almost wanted to throw the phone to the ground and smash it.

Seeing this, Tao's mother, who was beside him, hurriedly asked him, "How was it? What did Yuyan say?"