Chapter 679: He is going to get engaged to another woman

She loved him, but he could not give her a sense of security. He had even touched another woman. Although he had said that he did not know that woman, that woman was called Peach Blossom.

And the restaurant he opened was called Peach Blossom Inn. Such an obvious intention, if she still did not understand it, she would be a fool.

She could not continue to let herself get close to him. No matter what he did in the future, it would definitely be his sudden willfulness. She could no longer believe that there was a possibility between them.

Tao Yuyan's crying drew the attention of the driver in front of her. The driver asked her worriedly, "Miss, what's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?"

"I'm fine." Tao Yuyan hurriedly wiped her tears.

The driver recalled that when he picked her up at the entrance of the Peach Blossom House, there seemed to be a man standing beside her. Hence, he asked, "Did you quarrel with your boyfriend? Were you bullied by your boyfriend? If that's the case, you can't have such a man."

Tao Yuyan thanked the driver for his kindness, but she still explained, "He's not my boyfriend. It's impossible for us to be together."

Initially, Tao Xian could not give her a sense of security, so she did not know how to face him. Now that she knew that he slept with another woman while he was abroad, it was even more impossible for her to be with him again.

It would never be possible.

Seeing her answer like this, the driver did not say anything more. He comforted her a few times and then quieted down.

After that, Tao Yuyan returned to her own residence. The next day, she received a call from Huangfu Qiye. Huangfu Qiye said that he was going to propose to Xiaowei, and it was in Australia. He wanted her to go over quietly and give Xiaowei a surprise.

Of course, Tao Yuyan would bless her good friend, so she agreed and went to Australia the next day.


Time returned to the present. Tao Yuyan sat on the ground for a long time. After her tears had flowed out, the room was still very quiet. No one knew of her sorrow and pain.

She stood up and started to clean the room.

A few hours had passed. She was so tired that she did not have any strength. However, the room had been cleaned by her.

She used the last of her strength and went to the bathroom to take a shower. Then, she changed into her pajamas and lay on the bed.

Although she felt hungry, she did not have any appetite. In the end, she did not eat anything. She turned off the light and went straight to sleep.

The next day, Tao Yuyan was woken up by the ringtone of her phone.

She took out her phone in a daze and looked at the number for a while. Only then did she realize that it was her mother who called her.

She picked up the phone and said Lazily, "Mom, what's wrong?"

"Yuyan, have you seen Ah Xian recently?" Tao's mother's voice and tone were a little strange.

Because Tao Yuyan heard Tao Xian's name, she immediately sat up. She did not know how to answer her mother's question. However, when she was silent, Tao Xian's mother continued, "Yuyan, come back and stay at home for a few days. Stay with mom."

"Mother, I'm already used to living alone..." Thinking of seeing Tao Xian when she returned to the Tao family, Tao Yuyan did not have to think about it and directly rejected him.

However, Tao Xian's mother interrupted her. She said a little angrily, "Yuyan, come back and stay with me. I don't know what's wrong with Ah Xian, that brat. He suddenly brought a woman home and said that he wanted to get engaged to that woman immediately. I won't admit that that woman is my daughter-in-law. I only acknowledge you as his only wife, so come back immediately. I want to show that woman that she can't be compared to you. That woman is shameless. She kept saying that Ah Xian opened the Peach Blossom lodge for her. I think Ah Xian opened it for you. I must chase that woman out!"

Tao Yuyan's face turned pale and her mind went blank.

What did her mother say just now?

Tao Xian brought a woman back and said that he was going to get engaged to that woman immediately?

And that woman said her name was Peach Blossom. Then she must be the woman who appeared at the Peach Blossom Lodge that day and was chased out by Tao Xian.

So everything that woman said was true.

Tao Yuyan felt her heart ache.

Tao Yuyan couldn't even hold her phone properly. Her phone immediately fell to the ground and was turned off.

Tears silently rolled down her eyes, one after another. Her face was full of tears.

She had never expressed her feelings to him. She was right, because his heart could never really be on her.

He must have been teasing her all this time. That was why he slept with other women so quickly, and even decided to get engaged to other women so quickly.

Tao Yuyan did not know how she passed this dark day.

She did not eat anything for a day and a night. Her stomach was cramping, but she lay quietly on the bed and did not move.

It was not until midnight when her stomach was really too painful that Tao Yuyan propped herself up. She picked up her phone, turned it on, and charged it.

The phone was quiet.

She did not have any expectations.

She walked into the small kitchen and began to boil water and cook noodles.

She looked at the small rented house and felt a sense of sadness in her heart.

She had no idea who her biological parents were. She had been adopted by the Tao family, but after so many years, she could only make it this far.

She knew that this was all her fault. She was too weak and did not like to fight for it.

However, she did not regret it. The only thing she felt sad about was that she realized at this moment that she had no hope in her life and no desire to continue supporting herself.

She quietly cooked the noodles, but found that there was nothing else in the house except for noodles and salt. There was not even chili or oil. In the end, she only put salt in the noodles and quietly ate half a bowl.

That way, her stomach wouldn't hurt so much.

She really couldn't eat the remaining half of the bowl of noodles, so she could only pour it out.

She poured out the noodles, washed the bowl, and carefully put it away. At this time, the phone in the room, which was charging, rang.

Tao Yuyan walked over slowly and picked up the phone without looking at the caller ID.

There was silence in the room, but she had a rough idea of who the person on the other side was.

She was also silent. She didn't know what to say at the moment. Not speaking was her best choice.

"Did you hear that mom called you previously?" Finally, Tao Xian's familiar voice came from the other end of the phone. However, this time, his voice was very cold.

Tao Yuyan replied softly, "Yes, I heard."

"I've been pestering you in the past, but you didn't take me to heart. Now, I've found the person I want to spend my life with."