Chapter 678: My heart is already sick

The waiter frowned and explained, "Sir, we can't simply chase our guests out. Please forgive us. But if this lady has a conflict with you, I can change the seats for you."

Hearing that, Tao Xian looked at the waiter coldly.

Then, he took out his phone and immediately made a call. He said coldly to the other end of the phone, "Immediately ask the manager of Peach Blossom residence's headquarters on xx road to come to the first floor to see me."

Not long after his call ended, the manager immediately rushed over, his head covered in sweat.

"President, President, what do you want to see me about?" All the upper-level employees of the Peach Blossom residence had seen Tao Xian before. Therefore, this manager knew Tao Xian. When he saw that he was here and did not look well, the manager was immediately scared to the point that his face began to turn white.

When he saw the manager of his store call him Mr. President, the waiter's face also began to turn white, and his body could not help but tremble.

So this was the president of their Peach Blossom House, but he didn't follow his instructions just now.

Tao Xian didn't punish anyone. He just ordered coldly, "Ask that waiter to repeat what I said and then do it."

Manager Yu hurriedly looked at the waiter whose face turned pale. The waiter hurriedly stammered out what Tao Xian had said just now.

The manager then heaved a sigh of relief. It turned out that the president just wanted to chase the woman standing next to him out. He would definitely do such a simple thing well.

Therefore, the manager immediately called for a few people to come over and pull the woman named Tao Hua and the other woman beside her out. "Ladies, our Peach Blossom residence does not welcome you. Please leave."

When the woman named Tao Hua heard this, she immediately looked in Tao Xian's direction and shouted, "Tao Xian, how could you treat me like this? I love you so much. How could you let your employees bully me like this? I didn't do anything wrong!"

The woman next to Tao Hua was even angrier than Tao Hua. She yelled with a dark face, "Tao Xian, you hypocrite! You lied about our Tao Hua's relationship. Rich people like you are really disgusting. You will get what you deserve..."

The quarrel between the two women attracted the attention of the other guests around them.

However, the manager and the others quickly dragged the two women out. Then, they appeared and explained that the boss of the two women didn't know them at all and that the two women were here to cause trouble. Hence, the restaurant slowly quieted down.

At this time, Tao Xian finally had time to look at Tao Yuyan, who was opposite him.

He thought for a moment before explaining, "Yuyan, I don't know that woman just now."

"You came to talk to me about the transfer of the bookstore, right? " Tao Yuyan did not answer him. Instead, she looked at him with an indifferent expression.

Tao Xian was stunned for a moment. He thought that Tao Yuyan would have some reaction after seeing the incident just now. Although the incident just now was not arranged by him and happened by chance, he had looked at it carefully. Even if Tao Yuyan saw other women pestering him in front of her, Tao Yuyan would not have any reaction.

Tao Xian's heart turned cold, and his mood naturally turned bad.

He nodded slightly and said in a cold voice, "That's right."

"Okay, the price I offered is this amount. What do you think?" Tao Yuyan pushed a piece of paper in front of him.

Tao Xian looked at it. This amount of money was simply not worth mentioning to him. The amount of money that he could earn at any moment was even more frightening than the amount that she had offered at the moment.

However, he did not want to agree to her easily. He wanted to stay with her for a little longer.

Therefore, he said indifferently, "If I give you this money, will I only be able to get your current bookstore, or will I be able to get the books as well?"

"You can get the books as well. If you don't want the books, this is the price. I can move the books myself." Tao Yuyan gave him another number.

Her expression was cold and her tone was hurried, as if she was in a hurry to leave.

Tao Xian sat there in a daze for a while, but he could not find any words to talk to her.

Instead, he felt that the more he sat there, the more uncomfortable he felt.

So, he picked up the paper with the most expensive price and said, "Give me those books too. I'll have someone transfer the money to your card right now."

Tao Yuyan didn't say much and gave him the card number. Then, she saw that he quickly called his assistant, and she soon received the message that the money had already been transferred to her card.

She immediately gave him all the documents related to the bookstore, then stood up, put on her bag, and said coldly, "Nice working with you, Mr. Tao. Then I won't disturb you. I'll leave first."

Seeing that she was about to leave and that she seemed to be in a hurry, Tao Xian didn't want to force her to leave, although he didn't want to be too anxious. However, he couldn't help but ask, "This restaurant is mine. It's called Peach Blossom residence. What do you think?"

His question made Tao Yuyan's heart ache. She tried hard to hold the tassel on her bag tightly so that she wouldn't break down in front of him. She said two words stiffly, then turned around and left in a hurry.

The two words she said were, "Very good."

After she left, Tao Xian also rushed out and followed her footsteps. He waved the key in his hand at her and said, "Yuyan, don't play such a boring game with me. I'll send you back. That car over there is mine. It's a new car."

Tao Yuyan saw the car beside her, but she did not answer him or walk over. Instead, she hailed a taxi and got into the car in a hurry. Then, she asked the driver to leave immediately.

After the car left the door of the Peach Blossom House and Tao Xian was no longer in sight, Tao Yuyan's tears flowed uncontrollably.

She covered her face with her hands, but her tears continued to flow.

She felt very uncomfortable.

Her heart was in so much pain that it felt like it was going to go crazy.

She knew what she was feeling uncomfortable about, but she knew that she was unwilling to say it out loud.

She loved herself very much, and her heart was sick.

She loved Tao Xian very much, but she could not accept the fact that Tao Xian had no flaws at all. She could not accept the fact that Tao Xian could not give her true feelings.

She could not feel that Tao Xian really liked her, so she did not feel safe, so she could not say her feelings out loud.

Especially when she heard that the girl said that Tao Xian had slept with her abroad, Tao Yuyan could not accept Tao Xian.

She did not want to live in a state of paranoia and pain after accepting him.

Therefore, he could already touch other women, which meant that he did not have to have her.