Chapter 691: I saw Huangfu Qiye with another woman

However, at the bathroom door, Tang Xiaowei said that she would go in alone and left the maid outside.

So, she went into the bathroom alone.

A few minutes later, she sat on the toilet and heard someone push open the bathroom door and walk in. The sound of high heels could be heard.

It seemed to be two people.

She didn't pay attention to others at first, but at this time, the two women who walked in shouldn't have gone to the bathroom.

They were probably fixing their makeup or something, so their conversation was immediately heard outside.

"Hey, you're the secretary that President Li brought, right? I'm the secretary that President Zhang brought," a gentle and charming female voice said.

Another voice sounded a little delicate. "Yes, recently, President Li likes to take me with him when he goes out. I can't get rid of him even if I want to."

"He-he, but did you see that President Huang just now? It's that woman called Huang Keyi. She's really shameless. She thinks that she's not someone else's secretary and thinks that she's the boss of a small company, so she wants to seduce the president of Huangfu Group. She's really shameless."

"That's right. That woman is so shameless. During the toast, she moved closer to President Huangfu several times. But, to be honest, if I had her status, I would also want to seduce President Huangfu. After all, President Huangfu is much more handsome and younger than my godfather, and he's especially rich."

"Me too. Ha-ha-ha. I didn't expect that our thoughts would be quite similar."

"Pa!" At this moment, the small door of the bathroom was opened, interrupting the conversation of the two young women.

The two women looked back and were so scared that they broke out in a cold sweat. They thought it was someone else, but when they saw that it was a pale, thin woman, they stopped talking and turned around to continue applying makeup.

Tang Xiaowei felt very angry.

Huangfu Qiye had only been out for a day, yet so many women were already thinking about him.

Furthermore, from what the two women had just said, someone was already leaning on Huangfu Qiye.

At the thought of this, she could no longer hold it in.

She did not say anything to these two women. After all, it was useless even if she did, so she hurriedly left the washroom and walked out.

The maid at the door saw her coming out and saw that she did not look well, so she did not dare to say anything and could only silently follow behind her.

Tang Xiaowei had already heard the conversation between Yuan Qi and the receptionist downstairs, so she knew which room Huangfu Qiye was currently in to discuss matters with the client.

Therefore, she was driven by anger until she reached the door of the room. The next second, she forcefully pushed open the door in front of the door.

However, when the door was pushed open, the people inside turned around and looked at her with bafflement.

Tang Xiaowei was also stunned. Why was there no Huangfu Qiye inside, but only a few old men with beer bellies?

The people inside also looked at her with curiosity and puzzlement. "Miss, who are you? Who are you looking for? Don't you know this is a private room?"

Tang Xiaowei didn't answer them because her brain had started to worry again because she didn't see Huangfu Qiye.

"Where's Huangfu Qiye? Where is he?" Tang Xiaowei couldn't wait to ask the people inside.

The moment she opened her mouth, the men inside immediately revealed a meaningful smile. "So you're here to look for President Huangfu?"

"Who are you to him?"

"However, I don't think he has time to see you now. President Huangfu and President Huang have already gone to the next room to discuss business."

After the men said this, they immediately revealed a lewd and wretched smile.

Tang Xiaowei believed that she had not seen wrongly, nor had she heard wrongly what these people meant.

She frowned fiercely and turned around to close the door of this room.

Director Huang?

Was he the Huang Keyi mentioned by those two women in the washroom just now?

Now, Huangfu Qiye was discussing business with her alone?

However, the smiles of those men in this room just now were so obscene. The business that Huang Keyi was discussing with Huangfu Qiye right now was really very evocative.

However, Tang Xiaowei did not want to believe that this was the truth.

She did not believe that Huangfu Qiye had gone through so much with her. Now, he had only been out for one day, and he was already fooling around with another woman behind her back.

However, it did not matter whether she believed it or not. Right now, she still needed to go to Huangfu Qiye immediately.

Therefore, she immediately walked to the door of the other room.

The people in the private room just said that Huangfu Qiye was in the room next to President Huang, and she had already booked one of the rooms next to theirs. The other room was the room that Huangfu Qiye was in with President Huang.

She had wanted to knock on the door, but when she reached out to touch it, she realized that the door was tightly shut.

So, in the next second, she reached out to push the door open.

The moment she pushed it open, she suddenly felt a sense of panic. This feeling almost suffocated her.

A few seconds later, when the door was completely open, she did feel suffocated.

Because, in the room.

At that moment, the lights were bright inside, and Huangfu Qiye had his eyes slightly closed. He had his arms around a strange woman. That woman was kissing his face, but he didn't stop her.

After seeing this scene, Tang Xiaowei almost lost her balance. She couldn't help but take a few steps back, and tears immediately rolled down her cheeks.

Her heart began to ache, and at the same time, her stomach began to ache faintly.

So this was the reason why he didn't pick up her calls all day.

So, she didn't misunderstand the lewd and wretched smiles of those men just now.

Huangfu Qiye actually hugged and kissed another woman.

Tang Xiaowei didn't even have the strength to call his name. She turned around and left, quickly running away from the scene.

She had been worried about him for a whole day, but he was much more carefree than she was.

She cried out loud and ran into the elevator. She pressed the elevator button crazily as if she had gone mad.

The maid who had been following beside her had just seen Huangfu Qiye hugging another woman. The maid was worried about Tang Xiaowei, but she also wanted to stop her young master. When she came back to her senses, however, she found that the young madam had already disappeared in the elevator.

The maid didn't dare to call the fierce young master, so she immediately knocked on the door of the room where Yuan Qi was staying. Then, she sobbed and told Yuan Qi about the situation.

When Yuan Qi heard this, he was so scared that his face turned pale.

Then, he immediately brought his men and quickly went to the room where Huangfu Qiye was staying. However, the door of this room was still not closed at this moment.

Yuan Qi immediately rushed in with his men.