Chapter 690: Go to the room next to his and wait for him

Very soon, the phone was picked up. An An was on the other end of the line, smiling as he told her about the interesting things that happened during class today. The little guy obviously liked class very much. This meant that Xiu Zhongsheng treated Xiao Anan quite well.

Tang Xiaowei gently chatted with the child for a very long time before ending the call.

After that, she put on her clothes and walked out of the room to go downstairs.

She wanted to see if he had come back or if he was busy with other things downstairs.


After Tang Xiaowei came down, she realized that Huangfu Qiye was not there.

The maid who had been preparing dinner immediately came up to her with a smile and asked, "Young madam, dinner is ready. Do you want to enjoy it now?"

"Is your young master not back yet?" Tang Xiaowei walked into the restaurant and sat down.

The maid nodded and said, "Young master has not come back since he left."

Tang Xiaowei could not help but look out of the restaurant's window when she heard this. It was already dark. She looked at the big clock on the wall. It was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

Although it wasn't very late, he should be back by now even if he went to work at the company, right?

But why didn't he come back?

Was he really that busy?

Or did something happen to him when he went to the company today?

Thinking of this, Tang Xiaowei suddenly lost the desire to eat.

She stood up and walked past the maid to Yuan Qi who was at the door. She said in a hurry, "Yuan Qi, I'm still very worried about your young master. He didn't come back this late. Take me to the company to look for him now."

"Young madam, young master has instructed me not to let you go out as you please." Yuan Qi's standard cold face did not allow her to go out at all.

Tang Xiaowei knew that Yuan Qi was a stubborn person. He only listened to his young master's orders for many things.

Therefore, she gritted her teeth, picked up her skirt, and walked out.

Yuan Qi saw her like this and hurriedly chased after her. "Young madam, young master has instructed me not to let you go out. You should wait at home. Young master might be back in a while."

Although Yuan Qi did not know when his young master would be back, after all, when young master left, he seemed to be quite unhappy. However, in order to prevent young madam from going out, he could only say so.

Unfortunately, Tang Xiaowei was very worried about Huangfu Qiye now. She dialed Huangfu Qiye's cell phone while walking outside. Then, she said to Yuan Qi, "Don't stop me. The baby in my stomach is very stable now and I can go out occasionally. So, I must go out now. Go and prepare the car immediately."

After instructing Yuan Qi, she focused on listening to the voice on the phone. However, there was still no answer from the phone. This situation had happened a few hours ago, so she was even more worried about Huangfu Qiye now.

Yuan Qi saw that Tang Xiaowei's impulsive attitude was very firm, so he did not dare to stop her. After all, a pregnant woman, especially his young master's woman, he did not dare to really disobey her.

Therefore, after more than ten minutes, Yuan Qi had no choice but to prepare the car. Then, he let a maid, two bodyguards, and the driver get into a lengthened RV with him. The car drove out of the forest manor and headed down the mountain.

Along the way, the maid next to him kept calling Huangfu Qiye's cell phone for Tang Xiaowei, but no one picked up.

Finally, Tang Xiaowei had no choice but to take her cell phone and start texting him.

"Ye, what are you doing?"

"I called you a few hours ago, but you didn't pick up. I thought you were in a meeting, but you still didn't pick up. Do you have to be in a meeting for so long?"

"Give me a response. I'm really worried about you."

"Are you in trouble?"

"I'll bring Yuan Qi here to help you now."

"Wait for me."


Tang Xiaowei sent him many messages, but he still did not reply.

The car finally stopped in front of Huangfu Corporation's building after almost an hour.

"Young madam, please wait in the car first. I'll go to the company to check on the situation." Yuan Qi felt that there were too many people in the company, and he was worried that Tang Xiaowei might have an accident when she went in, so he asked her to wait outside.

Tang Xiaowei thought about it. If nothing had happened to Huangfu Qiye and he was discussing something with a client, it wouldn't look good if she went in rashly. It was better to let Yuan Qi go in to take a look first.

Therefore, she nodded.

After that, Yuan Qi got out of the car and quickly walked into the company.

Meanwhile, Tang Xiaowei and the rest of the people were waiting in the car outside.

Soon, Yuan Qi entered Huangfu Group for a few minutes and quickly walked out.

After he got into the car, Tang Xiaowei immediately looked at him nervously. "How is it? Is your young master still working in there? Did anything happen to him? No one bullied him, right?"

Yuan Qi shook his head. He thought about it and said, "Young master wasn't bullied. However, he's not in the company. I heard that he brought a client to the Huangting Hotel under the Huangfu Group's name. He's there now."

Tang Xiaowei had been to the Huangting Hotel before.

Hearing Yuan Qi say that, she thought about it. Since she was already here, she might as well go to the Huangting Hotel and wait for him. Then, they could go home together.

Therefore, she said to the driver, "Drive the car to the Huangting hotel."

Yuan Qi wanted to stop her, but he knew that he couldn't do anything even if he stopped her, so he didn't say anything.

The car stopped at the entrance of the Huangting Hotel 20 minutes later.

This time, Tang Xiaowei didn't wait in the car. Instead, she asked everyone to get out of the car with her and they walked into the hotel together.

After entering, Yuan Qi went to ask the people at the front desk. Then, he quickly came back and reported to Tang Xiaowei, "Young madam, young master and all the customers are in the VIP room on the seventh floor."

"Then we'll go to the room next to his and wait for him," Tang Xiaowei said faintly.

Now that she knew that he was here and that he was really working and that there was no accident, she was not worried anymore.

Therefore, Yuan Qi immediately sent people to open the room next to Huangfu Qiye's and the client's room. Then, he, the other bodyguards and the maid went up with Tang Xiaowei.

When the elevator reached the seventh floor, Tang Xiaowei suddenly felt like going to the bathroom. So, she asked Yuan Qi and the bodyguards and maids to go to the room first. She wanted to go to the bathroom alone.

However, Yuan Qi still asked the maid to accompany her because he was worried about her.

Tang Xiaowei could not refuse, so in the end, the maid accompanied Tang Xiaowei to the bathroom.