Chapter 689: She had become so dependent on him

"Why did he suddenly go out? And he didn't even tell me. What on earth does he want to do?" Tang Xiaowei frowned and hurriedly left the door of the study, then went downstairs.

However, when she walked to the lawn outside, she couldn't see anything.

Yuan Qi was worried that she would fall, and he was left behind to take care of her, so he had been carefully following behind Tang Xiaowei.

Therefore, Tang Xiaowei looked at the door in front of her in confusion, then turned around and stared at Yuan Qi, asking, "Did your young master tell you what he went out to do?"

"He went to the company for a meeting." Yuan Qi thought about it. Since his young master didn't ask him to hide it, he didn't hide it.

"A meeting? " Tang Xiaowei still felt that something was wrong.

Now, her mind was not on Tao Yuyan at all, but on Huangfu Qiye.

Previously, because of Huangfu Qiye losing his memory, he had told her that he wouldn't go to the Huangfu Corporation until his memory recovered.

But now, he had gone to the company for a meeting so rashly. Would he really be fine?

If the Huangfu Corporation discovered that he did not have his previous memories, would they think that he was pretending?

The more she thought about it, the more terrified she felt.

Moreover, the people he brought with him this time were not the bodyguards that the Huangfu Corporation people were familiar with, Yuan Qi and the others. Instead, it was Aze. This way, it would be easier for others to suspect him.

Tang Xiaowei was very worried about Huangfu Qiye so she said to Yuan Qi, "Yuan Qi, you should go and take a look. I'm afraid that something might happen to your young master in the company because he lost his memory. After all, you know a little about Huangfu Corporation. You'll be more helpful to him if you go. As for that Aze, I think he'll only be monitoring him."

"But young master wants me to stay behind to protect young madam. I can't leave my post without permission," Yuan Qi answered seriously.

Tang Xiaowei was helpless. "Don't you understand what I'm saying? I'm going to protect your young master now. I'm not here to cause trouble for me. Instead, he might be suspected at any time. You should go and protect him."

"Young madam, although my young master has lost his memory, I think there's still an aura around him. Therefore, no one would want to doubt him unless he doesn't want to live anymore." Yuan Qi saw that Tang Xiaowei's thoughts were too exaggerated. He had no choice but to give her a blow.

Tang Xiaowei's expression stiffened when she heard this. Then, she slowly calmed down and asked Yuan Qi, "Are you really sure that nothing will happen to him?"

"Yes, I'm sure. Therefore, young madam, please rest assured. Since young master is going out this time, nothing will happen to him." Yuan Qi nodded.

Only then did Tang Xiaowei turn around and return to her room in satisfaction.

Forget it. Since even Yuan Qi had said so, she should not let her imagination run wild.

Huangfu Qiye was still the same Huangfu Qiye from before. Even though he had lost his memory, she could still feel that some of his little habits were very similar to the past. Furthermore, the little black belly that he revealed now and then was very overbearing. They were all very similar to the past him.

And with this kind of him, he would definitely not suffer any losses. It was better for her not to worry recklessly.

Even though that was true.

However, when Tang Xiaowei was about to call Huangfu Qiye after lunch to ask if he had eaten his lunch properly, she realized that no one was picking up his phone.

The call was connected, but the other party was not picking up. What was going on?

She made the call this time. She remembered that Huangfu Qiye had previously asked her not to be constantly exposed to electronic products, so this time, she made the call with the help of the maid. She just sat by the side and watched.

But now, the voice from the speaker told her that no one picked up the call.

Tang Xiaowei couldn't sit still.

She took the phone and dialed again, but she still didn't pick up.

"Is he still in a meeting, so he doesn't have his phone with him?" Tang Xiaowei said to herself. She put the phone down and planned to call him again in half an hour.

On the other side.

In the empty office.

Huangfu Qiye was alone.

On the table in front of him was a lunch that Aze had just bought. It was very sumptuous, but he had no appetite at all.

The phone next to him rang at this time.

At first, he saw that it was Tang Xiaowei's number calling. Because he was still a little angry at her, he didn't immediately pick it up.

However, when the phone rang for the second time, he held back for a while and wanted to answer the call. However, his hand and sleeve accidentally touched the sauce on the plate.

Huangfu Qiye frowned and immediately stood up. He took out a tissue and wiped the sauce off his sleeve.

While he was wiping the sauce, his phone stopped ringing. After that, it never rang again.

He was wondering if he should call her back or change his clothes when there was a knock on the office door. Aze's voice sounded from outside, "Young master, the client has arrived. The meeting will begin in five minutes."

Huangfu Qiye frowned when he heard that.

As he had not returned for a long time, many meetings that required him to personally preside over had been delayed. Many clients who needed to meet him personally also came to the company today, so they all came.

Although he still had not recovered his memory, he had been in the forest manor for the past few days and had been reviewing much of the information he had left behind. Thus, he still knew what business to deal with today.

In the end, he did not call her back. Instead, he went to the small bedroom in the office to change his clothes. Then, he left his phone in the CEO's office, opened the door, and walked out.

He ordered aze at the door in a deep voice, "Let's go."

Thus, he quickly left. Aze and a few secretaries followed closely behind.


Tang Xiaowei waited for half an hour before she called him again. However, this time, there was still no answer.

She suppressed all her doubts and worries. She only thought that he was very busy. After all, he had not returned to the company for a long time.

Therefore, she decided not to disturb him anymore.

Then, because the pregnant woman was sleepy, she went upstairs to rest.

She slept until it was dark before she woke up.

After she woke up, Tang Xiaowei sat in the dark room in a daze. She was still afraid of the dark, but it was fine when someone was with her.

But now, Huangfu Qiye, who had been by her side all this time, was not here today.

She suddenly felt very uncomfortable.

It turned out that she had already relied on him so much.

She turned on the bedside lamp, sorted out her depressed mood, and gave An An a call.