Chapter 698: Begin to reflect on yourself

Therefore, Yuan Qi had been debating whether or not he should tell young master about this matter. In the end, he had no choice but to tell young master.

Now that young master did not show any signs of anger, Yuan Qi left in peace.

After Yuan Qi left, Huangfu Qiye still stood at the same spot.

He had never expected that the incident from last night would provoke Xiaowei to the point where she wanted to abort their child.

At first, he heard the taxi driver say that he would send Xiaowei to the hospital. Initially, he thought that it was because Xiaowei had fainted in the car that the taxi driver sent Xiaowei there.

But now, Yuan Qi's information showed that after Xiaowei woke up in the hospital, she actually asked the hospital's doctor to abort the child for her.

Huangfu Qiye's face was a little pale.

If he had not found her today, if she had borrowed money from someone else, would he and her two daughters disappear from this world at this moment?

The more he thought about it, the more scared he became, and the more his heart hurt.

At the same time, he finally understood that even though he did not do anything to that woman called Huang Keyi last night, he had really hurt Xiaowei deeply.

As expected, he still didn't understand Xiaowei well enough.

She was clearly already suffering, yet he was still trying to reason with her just now, hoping that she would immediately forgive him and not reject him.

He completely didn't understand why she would have such a strong reaction.

In the end, it was actually because she loved him too much. Her love was too pure and clear, so she couldn't accept even the slightest stain.

He couldn't find any reason to be angry at her for wanting to abort the child. He was just too resentful of himself for being schemed against by others, which led to this series of things.

Huangfu Qiye turned around and left dejectedly. Then, he opened the door of the study and walked in.

Perhaps, he should properly reflect on himself.

More importantly, he should immediately recover his memory.

After walking into the study, he immediately called the doctor he had previously found in the dark and asked if the doctor had found the legendary very powerful hypnotist master.

The doctor heard that his tone was not right and carefully answered him. He had already contacted the hypnotist master and would be able to bring him back in two days.

Only then did Huangfu Qiye hang up the phone.

Perhaps after he regained his memory, he would be clearer about what was best for Xiaowei. He would not have to rely on fumbling like he was now, and he would be able to truly make Xiaowei feel happy.


Tang Xiaowei woke up in the early morning of the next day.

When she opened her eyes, the room was the bedroom that she had shared with Huangfu Qiye. However, he was not with her. There were only two maids and two nurses by her side.

When the four of them saw that she had woken up, they came over happily and asked carefully, "Young madam, you're awake. How do you feel now? Are you hungry?"

"I'll call the doctor over."

"I'll tell young master. Young master will be very happy."

"I'll get the kitchen to prepare food for young madam."

In the end, a nurse and two maids rushed out, leaving only one nurse in the room.

Tang Xiaowei had yet to speak when she saw them run away. She was too lazy to stop them and wanted to get up. The rest of the nurses hurriedly stopped her, "Young madam, the doctor said that your body and baby are not stable right now, so for the next month, Young madam, you can't get out of bed."

When Tang Xiaowei heard the nurse say this, she remembered what had happened to her before.

She remembered that before she fainted, she had accidentally pushed Huangfu Qiye onto the ground and was questioned by him. She had also been taught a lesson by Aze. She felt uncomfortable and guilty, and she didn't know what to do. Her stomach hurt. After that, she lost consciousness unknowingly.

She did not know what happened after that. In any case, the doctor should have checked her condition. She and the child in her stomach were fine, but they needed to rest well.

Therefore, she did not move again.

She lay back down.

"Where's your young master?''Tang Xiaowei bit her lip and looked at the nurse, but she still asked.

When the nurse heard this, she replied softly, "Young master seems to be working in the study. But just now, someone went over to tell young master that you're awake. I believe young master will be here soon."

When Tang Xiaowei heard this, she did not say anything else.

When she asked about Huangfu Qiye, other than getting used to it, she really wanted to know where he was.

However, she still did not have the courage to face him at the moment.

Therefore, when she heard that Huangfu Qiye might come over in a while, Tang Xiaowei's heart was in a mess.

On the other side.

When the nurse rushed over and told Yuan Qi that Tang Xiaowei was awake, then Yuan Qi told this news to Huangfu Qiye.

At first, Huangfu Qiye heaved a sigh of relief. However, after that, even though he was anxious to see him, he did not make any moves.

His actions made Yuan Qi feel strange. However, he did not dare to ask further and could only leave.

After Yuan Qi left the study room, the nurse anxiously asked him, "How is it? Where is young master?''

"Go back and take good care of young madam. However, when young madam asks about young master, you can say that young master is very busy at work," Yuan Qi instructed the nurse lightly.

When the nurse heard this, she did not dare to ask further. She nodded and left.

In the study room, Huangfu Qiye stood alone in front of the window. Beside him was a photo album.

He looked at the familiar yet unfamiliar Tang Xiaowei and himself in the photo album.

This was the only photo he had taken with Xiaowei in the past. Although he could no longer remember it now, after flipping through this photo album, he had asked Yuan Qi. Yuan Qi had even said that he had helped take many of the photos.

Huangfu Qiye looked at the photos on it and was even more sure of how he had loved Tang Xiaowei in the past.

In the photos, his gaze could not fool anyone.

Such deep affection.

Such intoxication.

However, it was still him who hurt Xiaowei.

He did not dare to see her at all. He could only flip through their photo albums to treat the longing in his heart.


Tang Xiaowei did not know how to describe her feelings.

After she woke up, other than the doctor, nurse, and maid, she did not see anyone else for the whole day. This included Huangfu Qiye.

Moreover, the doctor also asked her not to touch electronic products, so she did not have the chance to talk to Xiao Anan, and she could not talk to Yuyan.

She could only ask the maid to help explain to Xiao Anan and continue to call Yuyan.

She lay quietly on the bed.

She began to reflect on herself.

Was it wrong or right for her to treat Huangfu Qiye the way she did yesterday?

If she said that she did wrong, she would admit that her attitude towards Huangfu Qiye yesterday was indeed very hurtful.

However, she could not accept the fact that he had been touched by another woman. She immediately calmed down and did not want to be touched by him at all.