Chapter 699: Only then can he temporarily forget about her

However, he did not appear today, and the people around him did not mention him.

Did this mean that he was really deeply hurt by her yesterday and did not want to see her again?

The more she thought about it, the more afraid and worried she became.

In the end, before she went to bed at night, she saw that he had no intention of coming back, so she asked the maid who was taking care of her, "Is your young master not at home today?''

When the maid heard her question, she was stunned for a moment, then she replied in a low voice, "Young master is at home. It seems that he has been busy working in the study."

"Okay, I got it. Go back and rest." Tang Xiaowei nodded.

Soon, the maid and the nurse left one by one. She was the only one left in the huge room.

It turned out that he was still at home and had not left.

She did not have the courage now, and her body could not get out of the bed, so she could not go to him.

She needed time to filter the rejection in her heart.

She hoped that he was still there when she would not reject him again because of this matter.

Right now, she really did not have the courage to meet him.


It was very quiet in the study.

The lights were not turned on inside. Only the faint moonlight from outside the window shone in, illuminating a few corners.

The back of Huangfu Qiye's hand that had smashed the car window previously had already been bandaged and treated.

At this moment, he was feeling vexed and tormented.

From the wee hours of the morning, he knew that she was already awake.

However, when he thought of how she rejected him yesterday, he did not dare to act rashly even if he really wanted to visit her.

Ever since he woke up on the Xiu family's island, he had rarely encountered such a thing in his memories.

Tang Xiaowei, on the other hand, had such magical powers that he wanted to get close to her, but he had no choice but to be careful at all times.

In the end, Huangfu Qiye didn't go over to visit her. Instead, he stayed in the study room, turned on the table lamp, and began to handle the work at hand.

Only when he was fully immersed in his work could he temporarily forget about her.

Recently, he had slowly come into contact with the work of the Huangfu Group and the work of the Xiu family. He was preparing to find a way to combine the two groups.

Tomorrow, the so-called hypnotist master would come over, and he did not have time to waste. He hoped that he could recover his previous memories as soon as possible. This would help the two companies successfully combine into one. It would also be helpful to his and Xiao Wei's relationship.

Therefore, even though it was late at night and the time was getting late, Huangfu Qiye was still busy in the quiet study room.


S province.

In the hotel.

Tao Xian stayed in the room next door for a day. When the sky turned dark, he could not help it.

He left his room and walked to the door of Tao Yuyan's room. After thinking for a moment, he reached out and knocked on the door.



Three times.

There was no response from the inside at all.

Tao Xian's patience was completely exhausted.

He frowned fiercely and finally shouted into the room, "Tao Yuyan, I know you are in there. Open the door immediately, do you hear me? "

"The people outside have been chased away. You have to come out and meet me now."

"I will take you out of here now."

"No one will bully you anymore."

"I have already taken care of all the news."

"Tao Yuyan, open the door!"

After Tao Xian shouted, the door in front of him was still closed quietly. There was no one inside who wanted to open the door.

His frown deepened.

His mood began to become anxious. He did not shout anymore. Instead, he instructed the secretary beside him, "Go downstairs and ask the front desk for the key card to this room. Go now."

Hearing that, the secretary nodded and ran away.

After Tao Xian waited at the door for two minutes, the secretary ran back with the key card while panting.

"President, here." The secretary handed the key card to Tao Xian.

Tao Xian did not ask the secretary what method he used to get the key card from the front desk downstairs. He inserted the card into the door and swiped it, and the door in front of him was opened very quickly.

He rushed in immediately.

However, it was dark inside.

Because it was dark, there was no light inside, and the curtains were closed, so there was no light at all.

Because he was running in a hurry, he accidentally bumped into the sofa and almost fell to the ground.

Tao Xian hurriedly held onto the sofa next to him, then stood up and fumbled to turn on the lights in the room. At the same time, he shouted, "Tao Yuyan, what the hell are you doing...?"

He had to stop before he could finish his words.

Because after turning on the lights, he clearly saw that there was no one in this small room.

Tao Yuyan was not in this room at all.

"How could this be?" Tao Xian stood there in disbelief. Then, he walked into the bathroom next door, but there was still no one inside.

Before he came, he had already investigated. Tao Yuyan was indeed staying here.

Why was she not in the room at this moment?

Why did she suddenly disappear?

The more Tao Xian thought about it, the paler his face became.

Then, he immediately turned around and strode out of the room, running downstairs quickly.

When his bodyguards and secretary saw him like this, they also realized that there was no Tao Yuyan in the room, so they hurriedly left with him.

After running downstairs hurriedly, Tao Xian grabbed the receptionist's arm and asked fiercely, "Why is there no one in the room? Didn't you say that Tao Yuyan was in the room? Why is there no one in the room?"

"Sir, this matter..." The receptionist hesitated.

Seeing the receptionist's expression, Tao Xian felt that the matter was not simple.

He shouted angrily, "Did something happen to her? Did your hotel do something to her and the people here?"

He was worried that someone from this hotel might have done something to Yu Yan after listening to the false information.

"Sir, don't misunderstand. It's not what you think. Miss Tao should be safe now. We didn't do anything to her. After all, she's our guest. As for the fact that she's no longer in the room, the gentleman who took her away told us not to tell anyone that Miss Tao has left." The receptionist wanted to hide it. However, seeing that Tao Xian looked like he wanted to kill someone, she had no choice but to explain.

"Someone took her away? And it was a man? Who was that person? Where are they now?" When Tao Xian heard that Tao Yuyan had been taken away, he became even more worried.

"We don't know about that, but Miss Tao seems to know that gentleman." The receptionist shook her head.

Tao Xian let go of the receptionist's hand in a sorry state and took a few steps back, his face full of worry.