Chapter 700: I can take you out of here

However, a few seconds later, he turned back and stared at the receptionist. "Your hotel should have installed surveillance cameras. Bring up the surveillance footage now. I want to know who took her away."

"Then...okay." The receptionist could only nod.

Because it was not only Tao Xian who was afraid of anger, but also when Tao Xian said this, the secretary beside him immediately took out a stack of money and handed it to the receptionist.

So, ten minutes later.

Tao Xian finally saw clearly who had taken Tao Yuyan away.

Tao Yuyan had been taken away two hours before he came here.

Although he did not know where the man had taken Tao Yuyan, Tao Xian was relieved that he knew who the man was.

Next, as long as he could contact the man, he would be able to find Tao Yuyan.


Before Tao Xian and Yuan Qi came to pick up Tao Yuyan, the receptionist at the hotel saw the news on the internet because she was online. She thought that Tao Yuyan was really as disgusting as the news on the internet.

Therefore, the receptionist told the people in the hotel about it. Then, the auntie who cleaned the hotel heard about it and told the people she knew on the street. Soon, many people here knew about it.

This street was close to the scenic area. Almost all the locals would do business on the street. Many men liked to find young and beautiful mistresses when they got rich.

Therefore, many women hated mistresses.

Therefore, on the internet, there were people insulting Tao Yuyan on television. The women who liked to watch the show on the streets all gathered in front of the hotel. They wanted to cause trouble for Tao Yuyan and used the excuse of justice for the heavens.

However, almost all of these people were blocked by the hotel's security guards at the entrance.

However, in the end, there were really a few fierce women who sneaked into the hotel, wanting to find Tao Yuyan and beat her up.

At this time, Tao Yuyan did not know that danger was approaching her.

She was shocked when she heard someone knocking on the door.

In the end, she did not open the door immediately. She had a very accurate premonition that it had always been like this. This time, when she heard the knocking on the door, she felt a sense of panic in her heart. Therefore, she did not open the door. Instead, she stayed in the room and looked in the direction of the door cautiously.

She really could not think of anyone who would knock on her door.

She had paid for the room for a week. The hotel staff should not have knocked on the door.

And she had come here alone to relax and travel. She did not know anyone. So, who was knocking on her door?

Soon, she knew who the people outside were.

Because, seeing that she did not open the door, the fierce women outside immediately shouted, "Tao Yuyan, you're inside, aren't you?"

"We've all seen the news. A woman like you is really disgusting. Today, I'm going to teach a good lesson to a shameless woman like you. Let's see if you dare to destroy other people's families and relationships in the future."

"Yes, you shameless woman, b*tch."

Tao Yuyan heard the voices from outside and knew that these people must have seen the news on the internet or television and been misled.

After hearing their insults and misunderstandings, she did not have the courage to open the door and explain herself.

After all, she did not know how many people were outside. She did not want to go out and take risks alone. Moreover, these people might only believe the words on the internet and the news and choose not to believe her explanation.

Moreover, she did not know these people and did not need to explain herself to them.

However, the other party kept knocking on the door and kept insulting her. Tao Yuyan really could not stand it.

The people outside continued to scold and shout for more than ten minutes before they suddenly quietened down.

After that, there was a moment of silence outside.

Tao Yuyan's mood, which was about to break down, was slightly better. At this moment, the sound of knocking on the door sounded again.

She was shocked.

Could it be that the people from before had left after they were tired of scolding and now there was a new person who wanted to scold her?

Why didn't this hotel come to take care of it?

Just as she was feeling confused and nervous, a familiar deep male voice sounded from outside the door. "Miss Tao, I am Mu Yisen. I have already invited these people at the door. Can you come out now? I can bring you out of here."

Tao Yuyan was stunned for a few seconds when she heard the voice from outside.

Mu Yisen?

Why was he here?

However, since it was him, he had already said that the few people at the door had already been invited by him. Furthermore, he was able to bring her out of here. This was exactly what she wanted.

After all, he was someone she was familiar with, so she naturally trusted him.

Therefore, she sorted out her emotions and went forward to open the door for him.

Outside the door, it was indeed Mu Yisen. He was wearing a gray casual suit and was handsome. His complexion was bright and he stood tall in front of her. As he was someone she knew and he had just helped her, the moment she saw him, Tao Yuyan suddenly felt a warm feeling. She no longer felt that she was alone in this place.

She smiled at him and let him into the room. "Mr. Mu, how did you know I was here?"

"I happened to be here on a business trip these two days. I heard that something happened to you and that you were here, so I rushed over to take a look. Miss Tao, the hotel here is not safe enough. If you like the scenery here, I can take you away from here and go to a safer and better managed hotel to stay." After Mu Yisen walked into the room, he took a look at the surrounding environment, and then his gaze locked onto Tao Yuyan.

He had come here on a business trip in the past two days. Today, he suddenly found out that there was a furore on the internet and that someone had found out that she was here, so he immediately rushed over.

Fortunately, he had arrived early. If he had arrived a little later, the few women outside might have used their weapons to smash the door.

"Then I'll have to trouble you. I really want to leave this hotel immediately." Tao Yuyan did not want to stay in this hotel anymore because this hotel was not safe at all. Someone actually came to her door and knocked on it to threaten her.

If she really did something like that that was exposed on the internet, she was willing to be insulted and beaten up by these people to vent her anger.

But she did not do it, so she did not want to continue staying here and wait for the people outside to come in and insult her wantonly.

Moreover, when she heard Mu Yisen say that he just happened to be here on a business trip and knew that something had happened to her, he came to help her. She completely trusted him and was really grateful that he appeared to help her at this moment.