Chapter 701: Her heart began to ache again

Before Mu Yisen came, he had thought of several ways to make her leave with him.

He did not expect that she would agree to it so easily.

But he knew that she did not agree to leave with him because of him. She wanted to avoid those people outside.

However, he was still very happy. At least, when she was in trouble, he could appear by her side and protect her.

"Then let's go now." Mu Yisen left the room. "I'll wait for you outside. You pack your luggage. After you're done, we'll leave."

"Okay." Tao Yuyan nodded and hurriedly packed her luggage.

Very soon, she packed all her things into her luggage. Then, she pulled her luggage out and said to Mu Yisen, "Let's go."

Mu Yisen was not in a position to help her pack her clothes. However, when he saw her coming out, he stretched out his hand and helped her take her luggage. He smiled gently at her and said, "Let me help you take it."

"I... " Tao Yuyan was a little embarrassed. She wanted to take it back and take it herself.

However, Mu Yisen quickly said something that she could not refuse. "There are still many people guarding outside. It's not convenient for you to go out with your luggage. It's more convenient for me to take it. Also, this is for you. Put It on, or the people outside will easily notice you."

As he spoke, he handed her a coat, a hat and a mask. These things had been in his hands the whole time.

Tao Yuyan did not notice it earlier. Now she realized that he was actually so attentive.

"Mr. Mu, I'm really grateful to you this time. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid I would have been trapped in this hotel for the next few days and wouldn't be able to leave." Tao Yuyan took the things that he had given her and thanked him.

Mu Yisen's expression was still gentle and gentle. "We're friends. I should still help you with this. You don't have to thank me. Quickly put on your clothes."

Tao Yuyan hurriedly nodded and started to disguise herself as she walked.

Although her disguise was very simple, it was still very useful.

When she was wearing a large coat, a cap, and a mask, she followed Mu Yisen downstairs to check out the room. The receptionist did not recognize her at all.

In the end, she took off the mask and turned her back to the door so that the receptionist could see her clearly. Only then did the receptionist refund the room fee that she had paid a few days ago.

Then, she put on the mask again and walked out.

Mu Yisen walked behind her and was a step slower. He turned back to look at the receptionist and took out a few bills and handed them over. He said in a flat voice, "I hope you won't tell anyone that Miss Tao left just now."

When the receptionist heard that, she hurriedly took the money and stuffed it into her pocket. Then, she nodded and said, "Don't worry, sir. I won't say anything.''

Only then did Mu Yisen turn around and follow Tao Yuyan's footsteps.

As Tao Yuyan had disguised herself before coming out, when the people outside saw her coming out, they only thought that it was another guest who was staying here and did not even look at her.

She easily walked out of the crowd from the side.

At this time, Mu Yisen also walked to her side. He suddenly grabbed her hand from behind and strode forward.

Tao Yuyan was shocked. She turned around and found it was him. She wanted him to let go of her hand, but he looked down at her and said in a deep voice, "It's not safe enough here. My car is right in front. It's safer for me to hold your hand and walk faster."

Tao Yuyan looked at the crowd around her and didn't argue anymore. She nodded and let Mu Yisen hold her hand. The two of them quickly walked to a car in front.

When they approached the car, a driver immediately got out and opened the door for them.

"Get in first." Mu Yisen let her get in the car first. Then, he helped her put the suitcase in the back before he got in.

Tao Yuyan got in the car first and then sat on the seat. Seeing Mu Yisen helping her like this, she was even more touched.


She and Mu Yisen got to know each other because of Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye. After that, they did not meet each other alone. They only met occasionally, chatted, and had a meal together.

However, Mu Yisen's attitude towards others was really friendly and gentlemanly. It made her subconsciously relax and her mood would slowly improve.

After he got into the car, the driver immediately started the car and drove forward.

Tao Yuyan saw that his forehead was sweating. She took out a packet of tissue and handed it to him in embarrassment. "Sorry to trouble you because of me. Here, I'll wipe your sweat."

Mu Yisen took the tissue and took out the tissue to wipe his sweat. Then, he returned her a gentle smile. "This is not your fault. Don't apologize. However, did you offend someone recently? Why would someone criticize you on the internet like this?"

Tao Yuyan started to recall when she heard his question.

However, no matter how she thought about it, she could not figure out who she had offended.

She shook her head. "I haven't offended anyone recently."

"Then this matter is a little troublesome and strange. However, don't worry, I will help you check it out. I will definitely help if I can in this matter." Mu Yisen looked at her solemnly. There was an unconcealable seriousness in his tone.

Tao Yuyan was stunned.

If Mu Yisen treated her as a friend and said that he was willing to help her, she had always felt that he was a very friendly person. Therefore, she felt that it was normal for him to be willing to help her as a friend.

However, his tone and expression were too serious, causing her to have a bad premonition.

"Thank you." Tao Yuyan did not want to dwell on her accurate premonition and only thanked him in a low voice.

Seeing her like this, Mu Yisen put away his serious expression, and a gentle smile appeared on his face again.

He said lightly, "How many days do you plan to stay here this time?"

Hearing him change the topic, Tao Yuyan no longer felt embarrassed. She replied, "I plan to stay for a week. I've already stayed for two days. I'll go back in five days."

Five days later would be the day that Tao Xian got engaged to another woman. She would definitely be able to make it in time if she went back that day. Tao Yuyan thought silently, but because she thought of Tao Xian, her heart started to ache again.

Mu Yisen thought that perhaps she would be in a better mood if they changed the topic.

However, he could only stop when he saw that her mood was starting to drop again. He no longer spoke and only quietly accompanied her by the side.