Chapter 719: If it hurts, bear with it for a while

The maid said worriedly, "Young madam, please slow down. There are steps ahead. Be careful of your body."

"Don't worry. It's fine. I'll be more careful."

Tang Xiaowei quickly comforted the maid. She was actually not that fragile now.

Hearing this, the maid did not say anything more. However, she still gently supported Tang Xiaowei and everyone walked into the Chinese restaurant.

Ling Yijue, who was walking beside her, held it in for a few seconds. In the end, he could not hold it in anymore. He looked sideways at Tang Xiaowei and asked, "Xiaowei, are you not feeling well? Are you feeling unwell somewhere? If so, then don't eat. We'll go to the hospital immediately."

He still did not know that Tang Xiaowei was pregnant again. After all, Tang Xiaowei was only pregnant for more than a month, and her stomach could not be seen.

When Tang Xiaowei heard him say this, she smiled and explained, "I'm fine. Ah Jue, you don't have to worry. It's just that the babies in my stomach have not been very stable recently, so everyone is so nervous. I just have to be careful not to touch my stomach."

The baby in my stomach?

These words were like an invisible knife that suddenly slashed Ling Yijue several times.

Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye were indeed very loving. They had only reunited for less than two months, and Xiaowei was actually pregnant again.

Ling Yijue secretly clenched his fists. Even though he reminded himself not to care, because Xiaowei did not choose him, and Xiaowei chose Huangfu Qiye, it was very normal for Xiaowei to be pregnant now.

However, he still felt that it was unbearable.

Moreover, he was going to have dinner with Xiaowei later, and he did not know if he could still eat.

The two of them, the maid and bodyguard, and a group of people walked into the restaurant.

In the end, the two of them chose a seat in the lobby and sat down.

Tang Xiaowei felt that there were many people outside so that there wouldn't be any misunderstandings.

The waiter quickly brought the menu over and the two of them began to order.


Huangfu Qiye rushed to the Tao family only to find out that Tao Xian's engagement party had been canceled.

He didn't care about this matter. What he cared about was where Tang Xiaowei had gone after the engagement party was canceled?

That was because he hadn't received any news that Tang Xiaowei had gone back.

In the end, Huangfu Qiye asked a lot of people and found out that someone had seen Tang Xiaowei and a young man leaving the Tao family home together. After that, they each took their own cars and seemed to have left together.

When Huangfu Qiye heard that Tang Xiaowei had left with a young man, he couldn't help but get angry.

Although he hadn't found out who the young man was, he was still angry.

"Go and find out immediately. You must find out who she left with!" He got into the car impatiently and quickly left the Tao family home.


In the dining room.

All the dishes had been served.

Tang Xiaowei and Ling Yijue didn't say much. The two of them ate very quietly.

However, just as she was about to drink the fish soup, she couldn't help but put down the bowl of soup and retch because she smelled a fishy smell in the fish soup.

She put down the bowl in a hurry, so the hot fish soup spilled out and burned her fingers and thighs. Her dress also started to suffer.

Tang Xiaowei cried out in shock. She bit her lip and hurriedly stood up. She was in pain and wanted to throw up. Her face instantly turned pale and she felt very uncomfortable.

The two maids next to her were also shocked and wanted to help.

But one of them was even faster than them.

Ling Yijue was clearly sitting opposite Tang Xiaowei, but he quickly took a tissue and walked to her side. He grabbed her red fingers and started to wipe them. His heart ached, "Is it very painful? Why weren't you more careful?"

After he finished wiping her fingers, he began to wipe the thigh area of her dress because there was more soup on it.

While he was doing this, he also instructed Willam, who was beside him, "Go and buy a new dress immediately."

Hearing this, Willam nodded and left the restaurant in a hurry.

Ling Yijue then instructed Jack, "Go and prepare the car. We're going to the hospital immediately."

At this time, he had already helped Tang Xiaowei wipe away the soup stains on her dress. However, because of his identity, he did not lift up her dress to check her thigh, so he was worried that she would be scalded. He then decided to send her to the hospital immediately.

Jack also nodded and left.

Ling Yijue then reached out to carry Tang Xiaowei by her waist, not giving Tang Xiaowei a chance to refuse.

"I'll send you to the hospital. If it hurts, bear with it for a while."

After he finished speaking, he was ready to walk out.

Tang Xiaowei was completely shocked by his swift way of handling things. At this moment, she was suddenly carried by him and began to struggle. "Ah Jue, it's actually not serious. There's no need to go to the hospital. Quickly put me down."

She was struggling, but because she was pregnant, she did not struggle too hard. However, from her tone, it could be heard that she really did not want to be carried by him.

The Huangfu maids and bodyguards who had followed Tang Xiaowei over saw that their young madam was being carried by another man. They looked at Ling Yijue with worry and wariness.

Ling Yijue heard Tang Xiaowei's words and stopped in his tracks. He lowered his head and looked at her seriously. "Are you really fine? Don't you need to go to the hospital?"

Tang Xiaowei hurriedly nodded. "Yes, yes, really. The soup just now wasn't particularly hot. It doesn't hurt anymore, so I don't need to go to the hospital. Quickly put me down."

Hearing this, Ling Yijue thought for a moment and was about to put her down.

However, at this moment, a cold and fierce roar suddenly sounded from the restaurant's entrance. "Let her go!"

Hearing this voice, Tang Xiaowei and Ling Yijue were stunned for a moment, which also caused Ling Yijue to not immediately put Tang Xiaowei down.

Both of them looked at the restaurant's entrance.

At the entrance of the restaurant, after Huangfu Qiye walked in, he was extremely angry because he saw the scene of Ling Yijue hugging Tang Xiaowei.

He quickly walked over and walked in front of the two of them. He reached out and snatched Tang Xiaowei away from Ling Yijue's arms.

"Be careful. Don't hurt her." Ling Yijue did not snatch her away from him. He frowned and reminded him.

Huangfu Qiye hugged Tang Xiaowei tightly and gritted his teeth. "Why are you appearing beside Xiaowei again? Why? Are you trying to seduce her again when I'm not beside her?"

Tang Xiaowei was grabbed by Huangfu Qiye and she nearly vomited from the jolt. She grabbed his sleeve tightly and explained weakly, "Don't misunderstand. There's nothing between us. I only treated him to a meal to thank him for helping me take my bag off the cruise ship. He hugged me because..."

"There's no need to explain. I don't want to hear it now!" Huangfu Qiye interrupted her in a deep voice. He knew very well what he had just seen. No matter how she explained.