Chapter 718: He had finally regained his memory

If she went back later, she was still worried that Huangfu Qiye would find out.

Although she had only met Ling Yijue by chance for a meal, she did not want Huangfu Qiye to find out about it.

After all, she and Huangfu Qiye seemed to be in a Cold War recently. He did not see her, and she did not see him. If there was any misunderstanding, it would be even harder to explain.

Ling Yijue nodded and agreed.

Therefore, they quickly left the Tao family and left together in the car.


The time pointed to 10 o'clock.

Everyone who had been waiting quietly outside the study was still at their posts.

At this moment, Huangfu Qiye, who had been sleeping on the chair for a long time, suddenly opened his eyes.

The bodyguard who had been waiting for him in the study immediately shouted in surprise, "Young master, you're awake?"

The doctor and the hypnotist beside him hurriedly asked, "yYoung master, how do you feel? Do you remember what happened in the past?"

Huangfu Qiye did not immediately stand up from his chair.

He ignored everyone and closed his eyes again.

Because at this moment, his head was still in pain. However, after he closed his eyes again, all the memories of the past returned to his mind.

That day, he received a call from Xiaowei and heard that she and An An were kidnapped.

After that, he quickly went back to look for her and An An. Only then did he realize that the person who kidnapped Xiaowei and An An was actually his subordinate. That person was bribed by the Xiu family and then kidnapped Xiaowei. The purpose was to force him to see Xiu Zhongsheng.

In the end, he went, and it was also at that time that he was drugged. After that, he was hypnotized by Xiu Lulu.

Closing his eyes, Huangfu Qiye, whose face was gloomy, finally remembered everything.

As well as the things that had hurt Xiaowei after he lost his memory.

Thinking about how he had lost his memory at that time and treated Xiaowei with extreme indifference, almost getting together with other women, and even using words to provoke Xiaowei into walking into the sea and almost losing her life, Huangfu Qiye felt extremely resentful and angry.

Even if Xiu Zhongsheng treated him well, he could not easily forgive Xiu Zhongsheng.

Huangfu Qiye opened his eyes again and got up from his chair. He said to the others in the study, "From today onwards, all of you do not have to work. I will give you a holiday and you will go abroad for a period of time."

Although he did not say that he had recovered his memory, these people knew that he was preparing to recover his memory, so he had to send them abroad now. This way, Xiu Zhongsheng would not know that he had recovered his memories, and he would not suspect that he was preparing to recover his memories recently.

Upon hearing his orders, no one dared to refute him and could only obediently nod their heads.

Only then did Huangfu Qiye push open the door of the study room, and he saw Yuan Qi and Aze outside.

His face was calm, as if he was still the same as before he had recovered his memories. He said to Aze, "You've been standing there all night. Go and rest."

Upon hearing this, Aze could only nod his head and leave.

After Aze left, Huangfu Qiye instructed Yuan Qi, "Tell those people in the study room to keep their mouths shut, and then send them out of the country for a period of time."

When Yuan Qi heard his young master say this, he felt that something was wrong. Could it be that his young master had regained his memories? He looked at Huangfu Qiye in shock, wanting to say something but stopping.

Huangfu Qiye knew what he meant. After all, Yuan Qi was his most capable subordinate and most loyal bodyguard. He did not say anything and only nodded slightly at him. If one did not look closely, one would not be able to notice that he had just nodded.

However, Yuan Qi still saw clearly. Yuan Qi was excited and happy. Young master had finally regained his memory. This was good for everyone, so he did not have to worry.

Therefore, he held back his excitement and said, "Young master, please rest assured. I will arrange the things that you have instructed me to do."

"Okay." Huangfu Qiye replied and then turned around, wanting to walk towards his and Tang Xiaowei's bedroom.

However, when Yuan Qi saw that he was about to go to the bedroom, he hurriedly said, "Young master, in the morning, Young madam brought her bodyguard and maid out together. Because today is young madam's classmate's engagement day, Young madam said that she had no choice but to go."

When Huangfu Qiye heard this, he stopped in his tracks.

Xiaowei's classmate's engagement?

Who could it be?

He couldn't think of it, but he knew that Xiaowei was currently pregnant and in poor health. He knew that this was all because of him. Because he didn't have any previous memories, he went to the company to meet with a client. Then, he was drugged by a bold woman, causing Xiaowei to be unwilling to see him these few days. He also didn't dare to see Xiaowei.

But now, he was no longer the Huangfu Qiye who had no memories.

He had never done anything unforgivable with other women, so even if Xiaowei was still unwilling to forgive him, he had to see her immediately.

"Do you know which of her classmates is getting engaged?" Huangfu Qiye asked in a deep voice.

When Yuan Qi knew that Tang Xiaowei had gone out and that he couldn't stop her, he knew that young master would definitely ask after he woke up and went out. Therefore, he had long found out who was getting engaged today. Therefore, he answered, "It's a classmate of young madam's surnamed Tao, Mr. Tao Xiantao."

"Okay, I got it. I'll go out for a while. After you've arranged the people in the study room, you can go down to rest." After saying that, Huangfu Qiye turned around and hurried downstairs.

The servants and bodyguards downstairs all felt that the young master seemed to be different today, but they couldn't tell what exactly was different.

Huangfu Qiye walked out of the villa's gate and looked at the forest outside the spacious lawn and fence in front of him. A trace of coldness appeared in his eyes.

"Prepare the car. We'll set off in five minutes!" He ordered the bodyguards beside him in a deep voice.


After leaving the Tao family, Tang Xiaowei, two bodyguards, and two maids took a car registered under Huangfu Qiye's name. They were in the front.

Ling Yijue took his two bodyguards, Willam and Jack, and the driver in their own car.

More than half an hour later, the car in front stopped at the entrance of a high-class Chinese restaurant. The car behind them also stopped.

Ling Yijue got out of the car and walked forward quickly.

After Tang Xiaowei got out of the car, she looked back and saw that Ling Yijue had already come forward. She smiled and said, "My appetite hasn't been very good recently. I can only eat Chinese food. Since you're back in China, why don't you eat Chinese food too? What do you think?"

"Of course." Ling Yijue nodded.

Tang Xiaowei then relaxed and prepared to walk inside. However, the maid beside her quickly came over to support her.