Chapter 725: So what if I'm dead!

He felt suffocated in his chest.

He didn't know how to love her, and he thought that he had done enough.

He even tried to provoke her by getting engaged to another woman.

Thinking that she might really disappear from this world and never exist in the future, he knelt on the ground sadly and whimpered in pain.

"Yuyan, I'm sorry. Please wake up and don't leave me behind!"

... ...

Tang Xiaowei and Huangfu Qiye arrived a little late because they lived far away.

When they arrived, the car had just stopped at the entrance of the hospital. As soon as they got out of the car, they saw an acquaintance beside them getting out of the car.

After seeing the other party, that person immediately came over to greet Huangfu Qiye. "Brother, why are you and sister-in-law here as well? Do you know about Yuyan?"

The person who came was Mu Yisen. Huangfu Qiye's friend.

Huangfu Qiye nodded, and then everyone walked in together.

Huangfu Qiye and everyone else were a little curious. They hugged Tang Xiaowei and walked to the side, but they couldn't help but ask Mu Yisen, "Do you have a very deep relationship with that Miss Tao?"

"Yes, I admire her very much, but I didn't expect that she would have such a situation today." Mu Yisen's expression was a little sad. It was obvious that he was very depressed. Huangfu Qiye could still be considered to understand him, so he could roughly tell that Mu Yisen actually already had a woman he liked without making a sound, and this woman was Xiaowei's good friend Tao Yuyan.

However, now was not the time for gossip. Huangfu Qiye was not a gossip, so Huangfu Qiye did not continue to ask.

Everyone walked into the hospital together.

Tang Xiaowei was extremely worried. If it were not for the baby in her belly, she would probably be crying so hard that she could not walk.

Soon, they arrived at the entrance of the emergency room. At this moment, the surgery in the emergency room was still ongoing.

However, Tao Xian, who was at the entrance of the emergency room, successfully attracted everyone's attention.

He was now in an extremely sorry state.

Not only did he look like he had gone crazy, but he was also wearing a suit. His white shirt was already torn and his gray trousers were wrinkled. His shoes were even more exaggerated. They were actually a pair of household slippers This did not match his suit at all.

At this moment, he was actually kneeling at the entrance of the emergency room. There were bloodstains on the ground in front of him, and there were bloodstains on the wall beside him.

All of these showed that his current state was not normal.

However, Tang Xiaowei still felt angry.

She couldn't care less about her own body. She shook off Huangfu Qiye's hand, rushed up, and fiercely punched Tao Xian's back a few times. She scolded him loudly, "It's all your fault. If you hadn't been entangled with Yuyan all this time, and now suddenly got engaged to another woman, why would she be so sad that she tried to commit suicide?"

Tao Xian was beaten up and heard someone scolding him. He didn't have any reaction and silently endured it.

Tang Xiaowei became even angrier after seeing it.

Tao Xian clearly looked like he did have feelings for Yuyan, so why did he still want to get engaged to another woman?

Although he did not get engaged to someone else in the end, this had completely hurt Yuyan.

However, seeing that she still had the urge to beat Tao Xian up, Huangfu Qiye, who was beside her, was really worried that she had forgotten about the baby in her belly. He hurriedly stretched out his big hand, pulled her back, and hugged her tightly. He said in a deep voice beside her ear, "Don't forget my warning. Moreover, this is the entrance of the emergency room. Don't make too much noise, or you will be chased out by the doctor."

Hearing his words, Tang Xiaowei had no choice but to stay in Huangfu Qiye's arms obediently.

However, she still stared at Tao Xian angrily.

Not long after, Tao Baba helped Tao Xian's mother and hurried over. On the way here, Tao Xian's mother had already woken up. When she woke up, she did not want to see the doctor. Instead, she went straight to the entrance of the emergency room with her husband.

Seeing that there were so many people here, Tao Xian's mother saw Tao Xian kneeling on the ground. Both of his hands were covered in blood. There was also blood on the walls and the floor tiles. She immediately thought that this incident with Yuyan might have something to do with Tao Xian.

She was so angry that she almost fainted. Fortunately, Tao Baba beside her held her.

"Tao Baba, Tao Baba," Tang Xiaowei greeted them sadly.

Tao Baba and Tao Mama nodded at her with sad expressions.

After a few words, Tao Mama looked anxiously at the door of the emergency room. Seeing that the door was still tightly shut, it was useless for her to be anxious about Yuyan, so she turned her attention to the person in front of her.

She was stunned. Then, in the next second, she walked unsteadily to Tao Xian's side. Ignoring the other people around her, she reached out and grabbed her son's clothes. "Ah Xian, did you force Yuyan to commit suicide?"

If not for this, why would he have made his hands covered in blood?

However, Tao Xian seemed to be in a daze at this moment. He did not answer her at all.

At this moment, Tao Xian's mother had no choice but to withdraw her hand. She sighed and said to the doctor not far away, "Doctor, please help my son to treat the wound on his hand."

Tao Xian's mother also saw that the emergency room's door was tightly shut. No one knew what was going on inside.

Even if she suspected that Yuyan's suicide attempt might be related to her son, Tao Xian's mother could not bear to see her son injured and not be bandaged.

The doctor heard this and nodded his head. He then said to Tao Xian, "Sir, your hand is seriously injured. Please follow us to the ward next door to treat your wound."

"Don't touch me!" Tao Xian roared angrily and shook off the doctor.

The doctor saw this and could only retreat to the side, looking troubled.

Tao Xian's mother saw this and was so angry that she shouted at Tao Xian, "Ah Xian, can't you see that you're injured? You're bleeding so much. Do you want to die?"

"If she doesn't wake up, so what if I'm dead!" Tao Xian replied through gritted teeth without even looking at his parents.

Besides, his hand was only injured and bleeding. He couldn't die at all.

If he could die, he wouldn't have to feel such a bone-piercing pain now.

"You..." Tao Baba was so angry that she felt dizzy. Beside her, Tao Baba hurriedly advised her, "Don't be angry, don't be angry. Yuyan hasn't come out yet. What's the use of worrying about Ah Xian? Anyway, his hand is only injured. Don't worry about him."

Tao Baba hurriedly helped his wife to a chair beside him and sat down.

Huangfu Qiye, who was standing beside her, watched for a while and didn't want to interrupt. He helped Tang Xiaowei to a seat beside him and told her in a low voice, "Sit there and don't move. I'll help you ask about your friend's situation."

"Yes, yes." Tang Xiaowei naturally nodded.