Chapter 726: She's still alive?

Then, Huangfu Qiye gave Mu Yisen a look and the two of them left together.

After that, no one cared about Tao Xian anymore. Tang Xiaowei and Tao Baba comforted Tao Xian's mother, afraid that she would pass out again.


At about one o'clock in the morning, the door of the emergency room was finally opened. The doctor pushed Tao Yuyan out.

Tao Xian was the fastest to rush to the front. He rushed over and lowered his head to stare at the pale-faced Tao Yuyan who had her eyes closed. He asked the doctor in a hoarse voice, "Doctor? How is she? How is her condition now?"

"Sir, don't be agitated. This lady has been saved. However, she needs to rest now. You can't disturb her too much," the doctor hurriedly explained and prepared to push Tao Yuyan away.

However, Tao Xian stayed close to the doctor and Tao Yuyan. His tone was filled with surprise and disbelief. "She's still alive?"

"Yes, sir." The doctor nodded.

Tao Xian finally heaved a sigh of relief. The doctor beside him advised him, "Sir, this lady's body is very weak now. She can't touch any bacteria. You should go and bandage the wound on your hand."

Upon hearing the doctor's words, Tao Xian finally nodded. "Alright, I'll go and bandage it immediately."

However, he did not leave immediately. Instead, he followed the doctor who sent Tao Yuyan into the ward. After seeing that Tao Yuyan was moved to the hospital bed, he decided to bandage the wound on his hand.

After he left, Tao Baba, Tao Mama, and Tang Xiaowei also walked into the ward and looked at Tao Yuyan for a while.

However, the Doctor soon said that Tao Yuyan needed to recuperate quietly now. Then, he asked everyone to leave. No one could be left to disturb her inside.

Huangfu Qiye and Mu Yisen had asked the doctor before, so they knew a little more. Therefore, Huangfu Qiye came over to comfort Tang Xiaowei. "Your friend's life is no longer in danger. Even if you're worried, you can't ignore your own body and the baby in your belly. Come home with me to rest."

"I don't want to. I have to wait here for Yuyan to wake up." Tang Xiaowei was not willing to leave at all.

Her best friend had jumped into the river to commit suicide. Although the doctor had just said that Yuyan's life was no longer in danger, she still did not dare to leave rashly.

Hearing her words, Huangfu Qiye frowned.

She actually only cared about her friend and did not even care about the baby in her womb. His face darkened and he held back his anger.

After Mu Yisen found out that Tao Yuyan's life was no longer in danger, and after seeing Tao Xian's deep affection for Tao Yuyan, he also saw that Tao Yuyan's suicide tonight was very likely because of Tao Xian. Therefore, he also knew that he and Tao Yuyan did not have a chance.

Therefore, seeing Tang Xiaowei upset Huangfu Qiye, he quickly came out and said, "Sister-in-law, my brother is also worried about you. Yuyan's condition is considered good now, and Yuyan can't wake up now. You and my brother go back and rest. It's the same if you come back tomorrow morning."

Tao Baba and Tao Mama also heard Huangfu Qiye's words. Tao Mama hurriedly grabbed Tang Xiaowei's hand and said, "Xiaowei, you and Mr. Huangfu go back first. You're pregnant now, so remember to rest well. Anyway, we're guarding Yuyan now, so you don't have to worry. It's the same if you come back tomorrow."

Tang Xiaowei heard Mu Yisen's words and felt that it was indeed quite right.

When she heard mother Tao say this again, she had no choice but to nod. "Alright then, I'll have to trouble both of you tonight. I'll come over early tomorrow morning."

Only now did she realize that the baby she was pregnant with was not very stable to begin with. If she did not protect it properly this time, it was very likely that something would happen.

Mother Tao nodded and then let go of Tang Xiaowei's hand. She and Tao Baba walked to the side and sat down.

Only then did Tang Xiaowei look at Huangfu Qiye beside her. Seeing his dark face and silence, it was obvious that he was angry.

Only then did she remember that she had only been worried about her friend and neglected him. She reached out to hold his hand. She whispered, "Are you angry? Don't be angry. I was just too worried about Yuyan just now. Since Yuyan might not wake up until tomorrow, then I'll go back and rest with you."

"Have you really decided?" Only then did Huangfu Qiye be willing to pay attention to her.

"Yes, yes. Let's go back now. Come over early tomorrow morning." Tang Xiaowei nodded.

Only then did Huangfu Qiye stop being angry. He pulled her into his arms and said to Mu Yisen beside him, "What about you? Do you want to stay or leave?"

Hearing this, Mu Yisen was stunned for a few seconds before he replied, "I'll stay a little longer. Brother, sister-in-law, you guys go first. Don't worry. I'll invite a few more nurses over later. If anything happens here, I'll tell you immediately."

Hearing Mu Yisen say this, Tang Xiaowei finally felt relieved.

Huangfu Qiye also nodded and then held Tang Xiaowei as they walked out of the hospital.

However, just as they reached the entrance of the hospital, Tang Xiaowei pulled Huangfu Qiye, who was about to walk to the car. She said, "Qiye, let's not go home. It's too far to go home. Tonight, we'll stay in the hotel next to the hospital. Tomorrow morning, we'll be able to see Yuyan earlier. What do you think?"

Huangfu Qiye stopped in his tracks. He turned around and glanced at Tang Xiaowei, who was still worried about her good friend.

How could he say no?

Therefore, he nodded. "Okay, we'll stay in the hotel next to the hospital tonight."

Ten minutes later, the two of them and their bodyguards checked into the hotel next to the hospital.

In the hotel.

In the most spacious and luxurious suite.

Tang Xiaowei was lying on the bed in a large bathrobe. She couldn't fall asleep at all.

In the bathroom, the sound of water continuously came from the bathroom. Huangfu Qiye was still taking a shower inside.

Tang Xiaowei waited for a long time before she heard the bathroom door open.

She immediately sat up and turned her head to look in the direction of the bathroom. Then, she saw Huangfu Qiye, whose hair was still dripping with water and who was only wearing a loose bathrobe, walking out of the bathroom.

As soon as Huangfu Qiye came out, his eyes locked onto her. Seeing that she was still awake, he was slightly stunned and walked over to her. "Can't sleep?"

"Yes." Tang Xiaowei nodded obediently. Then, she took a towel and motioned for him to sit in front of her. "Let me help you dry your hair."

Huangfu Qiye naturally wouldn't refuse. After all, he knew that she couldn't sleep from looking at her like this. If she wanted to be angry, then let her do it.

He sat next to her, and Tang Xiaowei immediately knelt down next to him, ready to dry his hair.

However, Huangfu Qiye suddenly picked her up and let her sit on his lap. She was stunned, and he explained, "I'm not comfortable with you kneeling, and I'm also worried about the baby in your stomach. It's better to sit."