Chapter 727: Don't be angry

"Oh." Tang Xiaowei listened to his explanation.

He began to slowly and carefully dry his hair.

"Qiye, did you feel that Tao Xian looked very painful just now? Do you think he really likes Yuyan? Or does he not like Yuyan?" Tang Xiaowei couldn't sleep, so she wanted to wait for Huangfu Qiye to finish showering before asking him these questions.

After all, she felt that men understood men better.

She really couldn't figure it out. In the past, Tao Xian had clearly said that he liked Yuyan, but now, after a few years, Tang Xiaowei couldn't tell that Tao Xian liked because of his strange actions, especially when it was related to Yuyan.

Except for just now, when she saw that Tao Xian's hands were covered in blood and he had been kneeling at the entrance of the emergency room, Tang Xiaowei felt that Tao Xian's feelings for Yuyan were still there.

But since he had feelings, why did he almost get engaged to another woman?

"You couldn't sleep all this time just to wait for me to come out and ask me such a question?" Huangfu Qiye looked at her somewhat helplessly.

"Yes, that's right. I just want to figure it out." Tang Xiaowei nodded.

"How would I know about other people's affairs?" Huangfu Qiye simply couldn't be bothered to analyze other people's feelings.

Hearing him say this, Tang Xiaowei could only lower her head helplessly. "Alright, if you don't know, then let's not talk about it. After I dry it for you, let's rest early."

"Do you need to be so perfunctory with your tone?" Huangfu Qiye grabbed her palm and the towel in his hand and looked at her with a sullen face.

Tang Xiaowei was stunned for a moment, then she suddenly hugged him tightly. "I'm not perfunctory with you. I'm just too worried about Yuyan. Don't be angry. My original intention was really not to make you angry."

Huangfu Qiye was clearly a little angry because of her, but when he was suddenly hugged by her and listened to her soft explanation, his anger instantly disappeared.

He took advantage of the situation and hugged her tightly. He said helplessly, "Do you want to know how Tao Xian feels about Tao Yuyan? Why can't you see through such an obvious matter? Tao Xian thought that Tao Yuyan was going to die and was probably regretting it so much that he wanted to commit suicide. Do you think a person like him likes Tao Yuyan or not?"

Tang Xiaowei was stunned when she heard that. She did not expect that he would be willing to analyze it for her after refusing to answer.

Indeed, after hearing his analysis, she believed that Tao Xian liked Tao Yuyan even more.

"But why did he like Yuyan and want to get engaged to another woman yesterday?Although he didn't succeed in the end, he almost got engaged. Moreover, that woman even posted a post on the internet to slander Yuyan. He actually got involved with such a person." Tang Xiaowei was a little confused about this situation.

"Every man has his moments of stupidity. Perhaps someone knew that the engagement party yesterday would definitely not succeed, so they deliberately held it. And this kind of outcome really stimulated some people. You can understand it as a man testing a woman's behavior, even though the risk is too great." Huangfu Qiye had just stayed with Tang Xiaowei in the hospital for a few hours. Therefore, he had roughly observed this anger.

And the truth was exactly what he had guessed.

"You're saying that Tao Xian deliberately got engaged to another woman and used this matter to agitate Yuyan Tao Xian also knew from the beginning that this engagement party wouldn't succeed. So, he liked Yuyan and just wanted to agitate her?" Tang Xiaowei now roughly understood the truth of these things.

"When your friend treated your friends, she was indeed good and smart. But she isn't good at expressing herself, so Tao Xian couldn't feel her love, so he used such a risky move. Do you understand now?" Huangfu Qiye gently rubbed Tang Xiaowei's head.

After listening to Huangfu Qiye's analysis, Tang Xiaowei felt that he was right.

Because Yuyan was quite good to her, but Yuyan was really not good at expressing her love.

And Tao Xian was very strong and impulsive, and also capricious. Therefore, it seemed reasonable that he did such a thing today and that Yuyan would choose to commit suicide.

"What else do you want to know, hmm?" Huangfu Qiye raised her chin and gazed deeply at her, his voice deep and pleasant.

Tang Xiaowei's attention was immediately attracted by him from her friend.

"No...I don't want to know anything," she said hurriedly.

"Well, continue to help me dry my hair. We'll rest in a while." Huangfu Qiye closed his eyes tiredly, ready to enjoy her helping him dry his hair.

Without his gaze, Tang Xiaowei felt that she was no longer nervous.

She opened the towel and began to carefully wipe his hair.

Soon, his hair was dried.

Huangfu Qiye also opened his eyes at this time. He reached out and threw away the towel in her hand, then gently put her on the big bed. He slowly lay down beside her.

Tang Xiaowei automatically leaned into his arms and wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her face against his chest.

Seeing her like this, Huangfu Qiye was naturally in a good mood. He reached out and hugged her, then turned off the light and gently kissed her forehead. He said, "Go to sleep. When you wake up tomorrow, everything will be fine."

"Yes." Tang Xiaowei closed her eyes and answered softly.


Inside the hospital.

Tao Baba and Tao Mama asked the doctor again. After getting Tao Yuyan to wake up the next day, Tao Baba insisted on bringing Tao Mama to the doctor to have a look. In the end, the doctor only said that Tao Mama's body was not in any serious condition. But it was still best to stay in the hospital tonight, so Tao Baba asked the doctor to help open a room next to Tao Yuyan's room for Tao's mother to stay.

Meanwhile, Tao Baba was guarding his wife in the ward.

However, after guarding for a while, Tao Mama started to chase him away. "Don't guard me anymore. I'm not dizzy now and my body doesn't hurt. You should go and watch Yuyan. Otherwise, I won't rest. I'll go and watch Yuyan, too."

"Alright, alright. I'm afraid of you. I'll go and watch Yuyan. Don't move around and rest well." Tao Baba had no choice but to cover his wife with the blanket. Then, he got up and prepared to go to the ward next door to guard her.

Unexpectedly, when he turned around after leaving the door, he saw four nurses standing at the door of Yuyan's ward. There was also his own son and a handsome man who had been standing with Xiaowei and the others previously.

Tao Baba felt that it was strange and walked over.

Without waiting for him to speak, Mu Yisen called out to him, "Uncle Tao, my name is Mu Yisen. I'm Yuyan's friend and also Qiye and Xiaowei's friend. I'm very worried about Yuyan after what happened to her. Now that her life is no longer in danger, I'm much more at ease."