Chapter 728: "You will regret it in the future! "!

Mu Yisen's voice was gentle as he said, "I might not be able to come over tomorrow, so I found four nurses for Yuyan..."

"Xiao Mu, since you are Yuyan's friend, it is already very good of you to come over and guard her for so long at such a late hour. There is no need to invite the nurses. We will find them ourselves. Look, it is already so late. You should go back and rest first so as not to affect tomorrow's schedule. When Yuyan wakes up, I will tell her that you came over." After Tao Baba found out that this person was Yuyan's friend, he could not bear to let Tao Xian spend the night like this.

Mu Yisen was not in a hurry to leave. After all, he was still worried about Tao Yuyan.

However, before Tao Baba came out, Tao Xian was standing guard at the door of Tao Yuyan's ward. He stared at Mu Yisen with a cold gaze. Mu Yisen did not have the will to stay any longer.

Although he wanted to beat Tao Xian up, in the end, he still did not have the right to do so.

Moreover, Tao Yuyan was willing to sacrifice her life for Tao Xian. If he came to the hospital to fight with Tao Xian again, it would be too troublesome.

Even if Tao Yuyan already had someone who could make her love Tao Xian to the extent that she was willing to sacrifice her life, it meant that it was impossible for him and Tao Yuyan to be together in the future.

At this moment, Mu Yisen was silent for a few seconds when he heard Tao Baba's words. Then, he said, "I will be going back now then. Uncle Tao. This is my business card. Please let me know if Yuyan wakes up or if anything happens. Please let me know if there is anything that you need me for."

"Alright, thank you, Xiao Mu." Tao Baba took Mu Yisen's business card.

Mu Yisen left the hospital very quickly.

After Mu Yisen left, Tao Baba said to the four nurses beside him, "The few of you can go and rest now. If you need help with anything, we will look for you."

Hence, the four nurses nodded their heads and left the place.

After the four nurses left.

Tao Baba walked over to Tao Xian with some resentment He poked his son's forehead and said, "Ah Xian, do you see what you have done Yuyan must have been agitated by your engagement. You clearly liked Yuyan but did not treat her properly. Did you see that Xiao Mumu just now? He must have liked Yuyan as well. Furthermore, I saw his business card. His status and family assets are on par with ours. If you don't treat Yuyan properly when she wakes up, you will regret it in the future!"

As expected, Tao Baba had lived for a long time. He could understand many things at a glance.

For example, he could tell that Yuyan must have liked Ah Xian from what had happened today. That was why Yuyan had chosen such an extreme method to end her life when she saw that Ah Xian was engaged to someone else.

And Ah Xian had just injured his hand at the entrance of the emergency room and was still kneeling there. Who would believe that he didn't have Yuyan in his heart?

Therefore, after a series of events, it could be proved that Yuyan jumped into the river to commit suicide today because she was agitated by Tao Xian holding the engagement party with another woman earlier in the day.

Tao Baba recalled that Yuyan had gone back to see him and his wife during the day.

At that time, Yuyan probably had the thought of seeing them for the last time.

And the couple didn't notice anything unusual about Yuyan at that time.


"Dad, I got it. When she wakes up, I will take care of this matter. You don't have to worry." Tao Xian finally opened his mouth when he heard his father say this.

When Tao Baba heard this, he sat down next to him. The father and son sat together at the door of the ward to guard.

"Dad, you go and guard my mother. I will be fine here. You can also rest in the ward for a while." Tao Xian didn't want to see his old father guarding here.

He was the one who caused today's incident. He was also the one who felt the most guilty. Now, he only wanted to watch over Yuyan alone.

"I'll still be chased over by your mom when I go back." Tao Baba thought for a while, but he still didn't get up.

"Go back and tell my mom that I'll watch over Yuyan well. After all, Yuyan will soon be my wife." Tao Xian said this lightly, his tone serious.

"Ah Xian, do you know what you're saying. Let's not talk about whether you can promise to treat Yuyan well in the future. After this incident, do you think Yuyan will easily forgive you?" Tao Baba was a little shocked that his son would say something like that just now.

"Dad, don't worry. This is a matter for us young people. I have already decided that no matter how Yuyan treats me after she wakes up, I will only marry her in the future." Tao Xian's attitude was very firm.

When his father saw his son saying this, he didn't say anything more.

Hence, he stood up and heavily patted his son's shoulder. He said, "Ah Xian, although Yuyan isn't your mother and I's biological daughter, we really like her. So, you must remember that you aren't allowed to hurt Yuyan like this. Otherwise, your mother and I will stop you from getting close to Yuyan in the future."

"Dad, I know. Don't worry about my mother." Tao Xian raised his head to look at his father.

Tao Baba could see the sincerity in his son's eyes, so he didn't stay any longer. Then, he withdrew his hand and said, "Then you stay here and watch. I'll go and see how your mother is doing."

"Okay." Tao Xian replied.

Tao Baba then turned around and left. After taking a few steps, he opened the door of the ward next to him and walked in. As soon as he entered the door, he heard Tao's mother's voice coming from inside. "Why are you back? Didn't I tell you to guard the door of Yuyan's ward? This way, we can immediately know what happened to Yuyan."

"Wife, don't worry. Ah Xian is guarding there." Tao Baba stood at the door and said this before walking in and closing the door. No one outside could hear what he said after that, but Tao Baba did not come out again. He believed that he had already convinced Tao's mother.

At the door of Tao Yuyan's ward, Tao Xian looked at the glass door with longing.

At this moment, the secretaries and bodyguards that he had called in the middle of the night also rushed to the hospital.

"Go and find the person who saved Yuyan at night and give him 100 million," Tao Xian instructed the secretary indifferently.

If it wasn't for that person, Yuyan would have long lost her breath in the river. He really should thank that person.

Hearing that, the secretary nodded and did not dare to ask further. Then, he left the hospital to look for someone.

Tao Xian was still sitting at the door of the ward. After that, he did not move again.


Early the next morning, Tang Xiaowei dragged Huangfu Qiye and rushed to the hospital.

When they came over, Tao Yuyan was still not awake.

However, Tang Xiaowei rushed to the door of Tao Yuyan's ward.