Chapter 729: Xiaowei, stop talking

Only then did she realize that Tao Xian was actually sitting here. Moreover, Tao Xian looked as if he had not rested for the entire night.

Tang Xiaowei now believed in Huangfu Qiye's analysis even more. She felt that Tao Xian liked Yuyan.

However, Tao Xian was a willful person who used relationships and marriage as a game to test others. She did not want to pay attention to him now.

Therefore, Tang Xiaowei only took a glance at Tao Xian. Then, she pulled Huangfu Qiye and turned around. "Let's go ask the doctor to see when Yuyan will wake up."

"Okay." Huangfu Qiye held her hand lovingly, and the two of them gradually left.

The two of them went to ask the doctor. When they came back again, the doctor also came over.

The few of them walked to the door of the ward. Tao Xian heard the noise and immediately raised his head. He looked at the doctor, Tang Xiaowei, and Huangfu Qiye.

He only asked the doctor in a low voice, "What happened?"

"Sir, let's go in to see if Miss Tao is awake or if there are any other conditions in her body," the doctor explained patiently.

Tao Xian did not stop them when he heard that. Then, the bodyguard beside him opened the door of the ward and the few of them walked in together.

When they entered the ward, they could see that Tao Yuyan was still unconscious and lying quietly on the hospital bed.

The doctor quickly checked on Tao Yuyan and told everyone that Tao Yuyan's condition was still stable at the moment. Everyone could stay in the room to keep an eye on her, but try not to disturb her. She should be awake by noon.

The doctor left after saying that he would call him if there was anything.

In the ward, Tao Xian sat in front of the bed and held Tao Yuyan's hand, unwilling to leave.

Tang Xiaowei had no choice but to sit down on the sofa in front of the window with Huangfu Qiye.

They waited for an entire morning.

Finally, at noon, Tang Xiaowei heard Tao Xian's surprised shout, "Yuyan, you're awake?"

When Tang Xiaowei heard this voice, she immediately looked at Huangfu Qiye. Then, without waiting for Huangfu Qiye to react, she stood up and walked to the front of the bed.

At this moment, on the hospital bed, Tao Yuyan opened her eyes and looked at the person in front of her and the surrounding environment with some confusion.

She thought for a while and then remembered that she had already jumped into the river?

Why was she in a room that looked like a hospital room now?

Tao Xian actually held her hand tightly with a distressed look on his face. Xiaowei also walked over and looked at her nervously.

Tao Yuyan really couldn't figure it out.

Could it be that she didn't die after jumping into the river and was saved by someone?

"Yuyan, Yuyan, you're finally awake. Do you know that you scared me to death? You big fool, why did you suddenly decide to commit suicide?" Tang Xiaowei sobbed sadly.

Tao Xian also looked at Tao Yuyan in pain, unable to speak at all.

Huangfu Qiye rushed over and pulled Tang Xiaowei into his arms, warning her in a low voice, "Don't cry, do you hear me? You can't be too emotional, or else I'll take you away immediately."

"Okay, okay, I won't be emotional." Tang Xiaowei was afraid that he would really take her away, so she hurriedly controlled her emotions.

Tao Yuyan gradually believed that she was saved after she jumped into the river because of the voices around her. That was why she didn't die.

Therefore, she supported herself and sat up. Then, she forcefully pulled Tao Xian's hand away and said in a weak voice, "Don't touch me."

"Yuyan, I'm sorry. It's all my fault. But you have to listen to my explanation. My engagement party with Li Taohua was all fake. I didn't want to get engaged with her at all. I just wanted to provoke you. We didn't get engaged that day." Tao Xian saw that she was so cold to him. He hurriedly explained, not caring that there were other people around him. Even if these humble words were heard by the people around him, he didn't feel embarrassed. He just wanted Tao Yuyan to know his feelings.

"Stop talking. Let me be quiet for a while." Although Tao Yuyan was a little surprised to hear Tao Xian's explanation, her head was hurting now. She had obviously tried to commit suicide, but now she was in the hospital, so her mind was in a mess. She couldn't bear to listen to Tao Xian's explanation at all.

Seeing that she did not want to listen and even held her head with her hands, Tao Xian did not dare to provoke her anymore, so he hurriedly stood up. "Okay, I'll go out and call the doctor. I won't say anymore. I'll let you be quiet for a while."

He would wait until she was better before explaining.

So, he hurriedly walked out.

After Tao Xian left, Huangfu Qiye pinched Tang Xiaowei's palm. "I'll go out too. You have a good talk with your friend, but remember not to be emotional. Otherwise, I'll take you home immediately. I won't take you out in the future."

"Okay, okay." Tang Xiaowei hurriedly nodded, thinking that he was really nice.

Only then did Huangfu Qiye leave the ward.

Then, in the next second, Tang Xiaowei sat down on the edge of the bed and hugged Tao Yuyan.

"Yuyan, you big fool. Why didn't you say anything and just went to commit suicide? Do you know how sad I was when I heard the news?" She had promised Huangfu Qiye not to get emotional. However, after Tang Xiaowei said this, tears still flowed out.

Tao Yuyan saw that there was no one else in the ward except for Tang Xiaowei. At this moment, Xiaowei was crying, and Tao Yuyan couldn't control her tears. She hugged Tang Xiaowei back. "Xiaowei, I didn't want to, but I really thought about it carefully before making this decision. You all have happiness, but I don't have anything to continue pursuing. I don't have any expectations anymore, so what's the point of living. Is it just to earn money to eat? How boring would that be? You don't even know that I've been living alone for the past few years. I'm already afraid of being alone. Many times, I feel that even if I disappear from this world, it won't affect anyone. Sometimes after being alone for a long time, one feels that if there's no faith in life to pursue, death isn't scary anymore. Instead, it's a relief."

"Yuyan, how can you say that? You still have me, and Tao Baba and Mother Tao?" Tang Xiaowei did not agree with Tao Yuyan's idea. "I know that you must have made this decision because of Tao Xian's engagement with someone else. But Yuyan, you are really too impulsive. Tao Xian just explained that he and that woman did not get engaged successfully. You left early that day. Not long after you left, that woman was taken away by the police. Tao Xian was the one who reported her. She was the one who slandered you on the internet. In the future, Tao Xian will no longer have a relationship with that woman..."

"Xiaowei, stop talking." Tao Yuyan didn't want to hear about Tao Xian now.