Chapter 712: Did he really say that he liked that woman?

Tao Yuyan remembered that Xiaowei was still pregnant, so she quickly comforted Tang Xiaowei.

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei calmed down a little, and then quietly listened to Tao Yuyan talking on the other side.

"My phone ran out of battery two days ago, and I wanted to be quiet, so I didn't charge it and turn it on. I've been in S province these few days, and this place is very beautiful. I've almost turned this place around. I can go back tomorrow morning. Let's meet tomorrow." Tao Yuyan's voice was gentle. Her tone sounded like she was in a good mood.

Tang Xiaowei was still very worried. She asked carefully, "Yuyan, a few days ago, did you know about the incident on the internet?"

"Yes, I know, but it was dealt with by Tao Xian very quickly after that. So now it's no longer a big burden for me. Xiaowei, don't worry. I'm fine now, really. I'll be back tomorrow to attend Tao Xian's engagement party. Will you be there too?" Tao Yuyan said faintly.

Tang Xiaowei heard she was still worried, heard the last sentence about Tao Xian to be engaged, and Yuyan said to participate. That is to say, Tao Xian is engaged to someone else.

Tang Xiaowei immediately froze for a few seconds.

She did not ask Yuyan carefully during these years about the relationship between Tao Xian and herself.

But Tao Xian in front of her once admitted to liking Yuyan, and Yuyan also seemed to like Tao Xian.

So now, how does Tao Xian suddenly get engaged, and his fiancee does not seem to be Yuyan?

"Tao Xian is getting engaged to another woman?" Tang Xiaowei thought that she had not received the notice, so she was very shocked.

Tao Yuyan softly acknowledged, "Yes, as his sister, I have to attend tomorrow. You can come tomorrow, too. We can still meet at that time, and I will return the money that I prepared to return to you."

"Now that the situation is like this, why are you still bringing up the matter of returning the money?" Tang Xiaowei was anxious. "Yuyan, don't you like Tao Xian? Don't tell me you're just going to watch him get engaged to another woman? Who is that woman? Did he really say that he likes that her?"

"Xiaowei, don't be so agitated. Don't you still have a baby in your belly?" Tao Yuyan hurriedly comforted the agitated Tang Xiaowei. "I was destined to be his sister from the very beginning of my life. In that case, I will still be his sister in the future. Although I'm only two months older than him, it was the Tao family who adopted me and that allowed me to not have to worry about anything. I've lived happily ever after since I was young. "As for the rest, I no longer have any extravagant hopes. Who Tao Xian likes is up to him. If he gets engaged to another girl or gets married, I will give him my blessings."

She had said that if she gave him her blessings, she would definitely do it.

Tang Xiaowei still could not accept it. "But, Yuyan, I feel that he used to like you very much. You also have feelings for him, don't you? How can you watch the person you like get engaged to another woman and not think of a way to ask if Tao Xian likes you too? If he likes you, but doesn't know that you like him, then he would be disheartened and not decide to get engaged to someone else."

"Xiaowei, stop talking. This matter is already set in stone. I won't separate people. Alright, let's talk about this another time. Then I'll see you tomorrow." Tao Yuyan didn't want to continue talking and hurriedly hung up the phone.

This was the first time Tang Xiaowei had seen Yuyan hang up the phone without having a good chat with her.

She now felt that Yuyan definitely had Tao Xian in her heart.

However, for some unknown reason, Yuyan and Tao Xian had gone further and further away. The two of them could no longer be salvaged.

That was because Tao Xian was going to be engaged the next day.

Thinking of the engagement, she remembered that she was also engaged to Huangfu Qiye.

However, only Huangfu Qiye, who had not lost his memory, would remember this. Huangfu Qiye, who had no memory of the past, had no memory of the engagement in front of the ice sculpture church in Australia.

She was the only one who recalled those past events.

Tang Xiaowei's thoughts slowly returned to the scenes of her and Huangfu Qiye's interactions in the past.

However, she quickly shook her head in a somewhat embarrassed manner and suppressed all her thoughts. Then, she made a call and asked the doctor to come and look for her.

She wanted to ask the doctor if it was suitable for her to go out tomorrow.

After all, Yuyan said that Tao Xian was getting engaged tomorrow and she wanted to accompany Yuyan. The doctor previously said that she had to stay in bed for a month, but now she had only stayed in bed for a few days.

Soon, the doctor arrived.

After hearing Tang Xiaowei's question, the doctor shook his head awkwardly. "Young madam, at the moment, you can get out of bed and walk around occasionally, but if you want to go out, it might be very risky, so it's better for you not to go out."

"If I bring more people and I'm more careful, can I go out?" Tang Xiaowei looked at the doctor expectantly.

The doctor thought about it and could only answer, "Young madam, I really can't make the decision on this matter, but if young master agrees, you should be able to go out."

Tang Xiaowei pressed on, "Let's not talk about whether he agrees or not. Just tell him that I'll be more careful. Will it affect the child?"

"As long as I'm careful and don't fall or get hit, there shouldn't be a big problem," the doctor answered truthfully.

Tang Xiaowei then heaved a sigh of relief.

"Then you guys can go out first." Tang Xiaowei then let the doctor and the maid go out.

After that, she got out of bed and tidied up her pajamas. After thinking for a moment, she did not change her clothes. She put on her pajamas and walked out.

She hadn't gone out for five days, and she hadn't seen Huangfu Qiye for five days.

From the beginning, she had been repulsed by him. She always felt that his body had been touched by other women, and it was hard for her to accept.

Until now, she hadn't seen him for a few days, and she had also reflected on herself. So now, she didn't particularly mind that he had been touched by other women before. After all, he hadn't done it on purpose He had been drugged and didn't know anything at all.

She asked the bodyguards outside and found out that Huangfu Qiye was still busy working in the study.

She felt that he must be working very hard. He had not come to see her for the past few days, and he was also working hard. She wondered if he was angry because of her actions that day.

Now, if he suddenly saw her, would he be angry?

Or happy?

She walked slowly to the door of the study room with doubt and caution.

Yuan Qi and Aze were standing at the door of the study room. Both of them were shocked when they saw Tang Xiaowei walking over.

After all, everyone in the manor knew what had happened a few days ago. Tang Xiaowei was very angry and did not want to see Huangfu Qiye.

As for Huangfu Qiye, he had not been in front of Tang Xiaowei for the past few days. They had a stiff relationship, as if they were in a cold war.