Chapter 713: When he wakes up, his memory will be restored

Why did Tang Xiaowei suddenly come over now?

Tang Xiaowei did not pay attention to the expressions of Yuan Qi and Aze. She walked to the door of the study and lightly asked Yuan Qi, "Is your young master still inside?''

Yuan Qi nodded. "Young madam, you want to see young master, right? I'll knock on the door for you."

Tang Xiaowei nodded.

Yuan Qi then stood over and extended his hand to knock on the door.

After knocking a few times, a deep voice came from inside, carrying an imposing aura that was not angry. "For the time being, no one is to disturb me!"

Hearing Huangfu Qiye's words from inside, Yuan Qi cautiously turned around to look at Tang Xiaowei and said in a low voice, "Young madam, look at this..."

Tang Xiaowei also heard Huangfu Qiye's voice just now.

She didn't know what kind of work he was busy with right now, but he must be very busy and tired, so he didn't want to be disturbed.

She thought for a while and then said lightly, "In that case, I'll go back now. Remember to let him rest early and don't stay up late."

"Okay, I'll remind young master." Yuan Qi nodded, and Aze also responded.

Tang Xiaowei nodded and then slowly walked back.

She walked back to her and Huangfu Qiye's bedroom and closed the door, feeling a sense of loss.

She hadn't seen him for a few days, and now she realized that she really couldn't accept it at first, but as time went on, she deeply understood that she already loved him, so much so that she didn't want to mind these things anymore.

Forget it. I'll tell him again when I leave tomorrow.

In any case, she had to accompany Yuyan tomorrow. Otherwise, if Yuyan were to watch Tao Xian get engaged to another woman alone, she was afraid that something would happen to Yuyan.

After that, Tang Xiaowei quickly rested.

On the other side.

In the study room.

Huangfu Qiye was currently receiving hypnosis from the master hypnotist that he had tried to find.

He had already received hypnosis for two days, and some of his broken memories had already been found in his mind.

Just now, he had Yuan Qi and Aze stand guard outside. Then, he had the hypnotist master disguise himself as a doctor to avoid Aze's surveillance. He had followed the nurses into the study room. He wanted to recover his memories. He could not let Aze become suspicious.

At this moment, the hypnosis had already begun.

Soon, Huangfu Qiye was under the hypnosis of the hypnotist master. Then, he felt more and more sleepy and slowly fell asleep.

The hypnotist master, the other doctor next to him, the two bodyguards next to him, and the two nurses were very quiet at first.

When they saw that Huangfu Qiye had fallen asleep, the two bodyguards anxiously took out their guns and pointed them at the hypnotist master's head. They asked in a low voice, "What did you do to our young master? Why did he pass out?"

"Don't worry, your young master didn't pass out a few days ago because he hasn't recovered his memories. This time, he passed out, which means that he succeeded. When he wakes up, his memories will be restored," the hypnotist master hurriedly explained. Because there was a gun on his head, his entire body began to tremble.

When the two bodyguards heard this, they put away their guns in doubt. Then, they said, "If that's the case, then don't leave. Everyone, wait here for the young master to wake up. When the young master wakes up, we'll see if you lied just now. If you lied, you won't be able to leave this forest manor."

"Okay, okay. We'll all stay here." The forest manor's doctor and the hypnotist master's friend, so both of them hurriedly promised. The young nurse beside them also began to promise.

Then, everyone continued to stay in the study.

Two bodyguards were guarding Huangfu Qiye by the side. Huangfu Qiye had been sitting on a chair before he was hypnotized, and he was still sitting on the chair at the moment.

They thought that he had told them not to let anyone touch him, so the bodyguards did not dare to go forward to help him to the bed and rest.


The next day.

When Tang Xiaowei woke up, it was past seven o'clock.

She washed, changed into a loose dress, and put on flat cloth shoes.

Then, she walked out of the room. The first thing she did was to go to the door of the study.

When she reached the door of the study, she saw that Yuan Qi and Aze were still standing at the door in the same clothes as yesterday. Although they looked a little tired, both of them were very conscientious. She felt surprised so she went up and asked, "Didn't your young master come out to rest last night?"

"Yes, young madam." The two of them answered at the same time.

Tang Xiaowei was a little worried and wanted to go up and knock on the door of the study. However, when she reached the door, she remembered that he was angry last night and said that no one was allowed to enter and disturb him. Moreover, there seemed to be a bed in the study. Maybe he was already sleeping in the study. Therefore, she did not knock on the door to wake him up.

She retreated and said to Yuan Qi and Aze, "Both of you have been on night duty for an entire night. It's better for you to go down and rest. Also, get someone to guard here."

"Thank you for your concern, young madam. We don't need to rest at the moment," Yuan Qi said solemnly.

Aze also said, "Yes, young madam, you don't have to worry about us. You should go back and rest well."

Tang Xiaowei did not say anything more when she saw them like this. After all, she knew that the people here only listened to Huangfu Qiye's words.

Therefore, she turned around and went downstairs. Then, she went to the restaurant and casually ate some breakfast.

She didn't have a good appetite. After eating breakfast, she contacted Tao Yuyan.

Only then did she know that Tao Yuyan had already gotten off the plane. Now that she was out, they could meet at the door of the Tao family in a while.

Tao Xian's engagement party today seemed to start at eight o'clock in the morning. Since they were there, it should be about the right time.

Therefore, Tang Xiaowei carried her bag and prepared to go out.

However, just as she was about to go out, the bodyguard at the door had to stop her and said awkwardly, "Young madam, young master has instructed that you can't go out without his permission."

"When did he say that?" Tang Xiaowei didn't expect Huangfu Qiye to give such an order to the bodyguard.

"A few days ago," the bodyguard answered seriously.

Tang Xiaowei glanced at the time. It was almost eight o'clock. After she went over, she would definitely be late.

She quickly said to the bodyguard, "Don't worry. I'll explain to your young master when I get back. I have something urgent to attend to. I'll bring a few more people with me."

After she finished speaking, she walked past the bodyguard. The bodyguard did not dare to stop her and could only stand there anxiously. After thinking for a while, he hurriedly went upstairs to prepare to tell his young master.

As for Tang Xiaowei, after she left the house, she asked someone to prepare a car. Then, she brought a maid and two bodyguards to get in the car and let the driver drive the car away.

A few minutes later, the car had already started to go down the mountain.