Chapter 714: Ah Jue, why are you here?

At the same time, Tao Yuyan pulled her suitcase out of the airport.

She stood in the crowd, slowly moving her feet.

Today, Tao Xian was going to get engaged to another woman.

She could let go.

After this day, she would be free.

Thinking of this, she revealed a sad smile, then lowered her head, put on her glasses, pulled her suitcase, and slowly left the airport.


In a high-end hotel.

Ling Yijue had arrived in this city last night.

He had stayed in this city for many years, but he had always lived alone in the past. It was only after he had grown up that Ling Shitian brought him to the British management company.

This time, he had already found the best doctor and the best medical staff to take care of Ling Shitian, so he had returned without any burden.

Today, he would be able to see Xiaowei.

He did not contact Xiaowei in advance because... because whenever he thought of Huangfu Qiye living with Xiaowei every day, his heart felt as if it was being cut by thousands of knives.

Especially when he thought about how Huangfu Qiye answered the phone when the heavens called Xiaowei, Ling Yijue no longer liked to call Tang Xiaowei.

Unless he knew clearly that Huangfu Qiye was not by her side, he would not have the strength to dial her number.

And now, he could only send her text messages one after another. In the end, he did not send them to her. They were all stored in the draft box. When he was lonely, he would flip through them and delete them one by one.

In the morning, he woke up in the hotel.

An hour later, it was just eight o'clock. He was dressed neatly. Then, he brought Jack and Willam and left the hotel together.

The destination was the Tao family.

The place where Tao Xian held his engagement party today was not in the hotel. Instead, he chose to hold it in the courtyard in front of the Tao family's villa.


At around eight-ten, the car that sent Tang Xiaowei stopped at the door of the Tao family's house.

She looked out of the window and realized that there were actually not many people attending the engagement party today. There were not many cars parked outside the door of the Tao family's house and in the garage, and there were also very few people in the courtyard.

However, the decorations of the engagement party still had some feeling. The entire courtyard was beautifully decorated. White flowers quietly bloomed in every corner of the courtyard.

Tang Xiaowei had just gotten out of the car when she saw a taxi driving over from the side. Then, Tao Yuyan's familiar figure appeared in front of her.

Tang Xiaowei immediately went forward in excitement and worry. Before she could say anything, she hugged Tao Yuyan. "Yuyan..."

Tao Yuyan was hugged and a smile appeared on her face. "Xiaowei, why have you become more emotional after being away from me for a few days?"

Only then did Tang Xiaowei let go of Tao Yuyan. Then, she saw the taxi driver help her take down her luggage. She remembered that Yuyan had just arrived from S province and had not had time to go back to rest and unpack her luggage before rushing over.

Thus, she had her bodyguard bring Yuyan's luggage to her car. Then, she held hands with Yuyan and walked towards the door of the Tao residence.

"Yuyan, have you told Tao Baba and Tao Mama about your return?" Tang Xiaowei held Yuyan's hand tightly and asked worriedly.

Tao Yuyan nodded. "Yes, I've already told them. On the way back, I talked to them for quite a while."

While the two of them were talking, they also walked into the courtyard of the Tao family.

At the entrance of the courtyard today, there was a tall bodyguard standing there to register guests. However, the bodyguard naturally knew the two of them, so he did not need to check their names against the register and let them in.

After the two of them entered, the nanny and servants who used to get along well with Tao Yuyan came up to greet Tao Yuyan.

Tao Yuyan said a few words to them gently, then asked where her parents were. After that, she prepared to go and meet her adoptive parents.

Tang Xiaowei saw that Yuyan was going to meet her parents. She thought that they should talk alone, so she didn't want to disturb them. Then, she said, "Yuyan, then you go and meet Tao Baba and Tao Mama alone. I'll be right here. We'll meet again in a while."

"Yes, okay." Tao Yuyan nodded, then left alone.

Tang Xiaowei stayed where she was.

She looked around. She didn't know many people, and some of them looked familiar. They looked like former classmates, but she didn't go over because she wasn't particularly close to them. Instead, she found a quiet place to sit down. At least it would be better for the babies in her belly.

After she sat down, she remembered Huangfu Qiye who was still in the forest manor. She didn't know whether he was sleeping or working.

"Xiaowei." Suddenly, a deep male voice sounded beside her.

Tang Xiaowei heard this and raised her head. She looked at the person who was walking over and stood up in surprise. "Ah Jue, why are you here?"

Yesterday, when she was on the phone with Uncle Tian, according to Uncle Tian, Ah Jue seemed to be still in England. Why did he suddenly appear here now?

"I received a message from Tao Xian. He said that he was engaged today, so as a former high school classmate, I came over to congratulate him," Ling Yijue explained. He looked deeply at Tang Xiaowei. However, he didn't stay for long. He only looked at her for a few seconds. Then, he moved away so that she wouldn't feel uncomfortable. That way, he wouldn't have the chance to stay with her longer.

"Then do you know who he is going to be engaged to? Have you seen that woman?" Tang Xiaowei didn't know about Li Taohua at all So now she really wanted to know. Tao Xian had told her that he liked Yuyan, but now he was going to be engaged to another woman.

She really wanted to see who could make Tao Xian change his mind so quickly.

"I don't know, and I haven't seen her either. But, I should be able to see her soon." Ling Yijue smiled faintly and then asked her, "Can I sit here?"

He pointed to the seat next to her.

There were many chairs next to the seat she had just sat on.

Tang Xiaowei nodded and the two of them sat down together.

"Xiaowei, did you receive the things I sent you last time?" After sitting down, Ling Jue's gaze landed on the white flowers in front of him.

Tang Xiaowei recalled this matter. She nodded. "Yes, I received them. Thank you for helping me take the things off the cruise ship and keeping them for me to send over. At that time, it was not convenient for me to call you and thank you in time. After the engagement banquet ends, if you are not in a hurry to leave, I will treat you to dinner tonight."

"Treat me to dinner?" Ling Yijue was stunned when he heard that. The excitement and warmth that he hadn't felt for a long time rose in his heart.