Chapter 715: "Yes, as long as you're doing well. "

"Yes, that's right. After all, we haven't seen each other for a long time. And now that you've returned from England so far away, as your younger sister, I naturally have to treat you to a meal." Tang Xiaowei smiled and nodded as she explained.

Ling Yijue's smile froze slightly, and the warmth in his heart gradually froze.

Younger sister?

In Xiaowei's heart, she had already regarded him as her older brother.

No, not now, but from three years ago. Xiaowei had already regarded him as her older brother.

His smile became bitter.

He did not reveal his true feelings and disappointment and nodded lightly. "I'm indeed not in a hurry to go back. If you're free tonight, let's have dinner together." After saying that, he began to change the topic and turned to look at her. "Where's An An?"

"An An has been by his great-grandfather's side recently. In another half a month, I'll pick him up and go to England to meet Uncle Tian," Tang Xiaowei replied.

"Great-grandfather?" After hearing this address, Ling Yijue could not help but feel a little puzzled.

"Uh... It's Qiye's grandfather." Tang Xiaowei remembered that Ling Yijue didn't know about the existence of Xiu Zhongsheng, so she explained.

"Is it the Huangfu Haoming who collaborated with Huangfu Yuner to hurt you?" Ling Yijue's face instantly darkened.

Tang Xiaowei saw that he misunderstood. She hurriedly explained, "It's not that one, it's the other one. The Huangfu Haoming from before was actually not Qiye's biological grandfather. It's a long story, but the current one is called Xiu Zhongsheng. He is indeed Qiye's biological grandfather. He treats Xiao Anan quite well."

"Xiu Zhongsheng?" Ling Yijue heard this name and was silent for a few seconds before he heaved a sigh of relief. "I seem to have heard of this name before, but since you said that he treats An An well, I can be at ease."

"An An is doing quite well now, don't worry. Oh right, how are you and Uncle Tian doing recently?" Tang Xiaowei asked.

Hearing her ask about himself and Ling Shitian, Ling Yijue was silent for an even longer time. Then he said, "Father and I are doing very well, you don't have to worry. However, if you are unhappy now, you must tell father and me. The gates of the Ling family in England will always be open for you." At the end of his sentence he looked at her deeply, his eyes clearly showing affection.

Tang Xiaowei withdrew her gaze awkwardly and secretly pinched her palm.

It turned out that Ah Jue had not completely let go of her. She really felt very sorry for him.

"You don't have to worry about me. I'm quite well now," she replied indifferently and did not look at him again.

Ling Yijue saw her like this and withdrew his gaze with some annoyance. As expected, as long as he looked at her like this, she would start to avoid him. He suddenly felt that he could not control the pain in his heart.

"Well, it's good that you're doing well," he replied indifferently. Then, he gritted his teeth and endured the pain in his heart. He did not speak anymore and looked at the flowers beside him.

The warmth that they had when they first met had disappeared at this moment. The atmosphere around the two of them was quiet and sad.


After Tao Yuyan and Tang Xiaowei separated, they walked into the villa's main door alone.

There were quite a lot of people in the villa, and it was decorated very beautifully.

However, she could not hear what the people around her were saying or what they were laughing about.

She only felt that everything around her was white and her ears were ringing.

Her footsteps were very light as she slowly walked forward step by step.

Very soon, she went upstairs. She had just heard that Tao Baba and Tao Mama were upstairs, so she came up to meet them.

She did not plan to stay here forever. Instead, she wanted to meet her parents. If possible, she wanted to see Tao Xian and his fiancee again before leaving.

After Tao Yuyan walked up to the second floor, she realized that the stairway on the second floor was guarded by two tall bodyguards. There were many people downstairs, but it was very quiet upstairs. Other than the two bodyguards guarding the stairway, there was no one else.

Tao Yuyan was slightly stunned. However, when the two bodyguards saw that she had come, they did not stop her. Instead, they quietly and naturally made way for her.

Although Tao Yuyan felt that it was strange, she did not think too much about it and walked inside.

Very soon, she arrived at the door of Tao Baba and Tao Mama. She stretched out her hand and knocked on the door. Soon, the sound of footsteps could be heard from inside.

Then, the next second, the door was opened and Tao Baba appeared at the door. When Tao Baba saw her, his eyes immediately widened in surprise. "Yuyan, you're back?"

When Tao Baba called out, Tao Mama heard him and ran to the door. She pulled Tao Yuyan into his arms. "Yuyan, why are you back now? Do you know that I haven't been able to contact you for the past few days? I'm worried about you. If I hadn't received your call saying that you were coming, I would have gone crazy."

"Dad, mom, don't worry. I'm back now." Tao Yuyan's eyes were a little teary as she walked into the room with her parents.

She and Tao Mama talked a lot. The two of them walked in front while Tao Baba slammed the door behind them.

Tao Yuyan was stunned when she heard her father's angry voice. She turned around and looked at her father in surprise. "Dad, what's wrong?"

Tao Baba sighed when he heard Tao Yuyan's question. He walked to the sofa and sat down. Then, he sighed, "I'll let your mother tell you."

Tao Mama pulled Tao Yuyan's hand and sat on the sofa on the other side. Then, she said angrily, "Yuyan, Ah Xian is really pissing me off right now. Your father and I didn't agree to his engagement with that woman called Li Taohua at all, but he still insisted on going his own way. So, he's going to hold the engagement party at home today. Your father and I will lock ourselves in our room. We will definitely not go to his engagement party."

Tao Yuyan was stunned for a few seconds when she heard that. "Father, mother, Ah Xian must have his own ideas for doing this. He must love that girl very much, right? Just accept his arrangement."

"Yuyan, why are you persuading us like this? Don't you like Ah Xian at all? But I want to see you and Ah Xian together more." Tao looked at Tao Yuyan with some discomfort.

Tao Yuyan said indifferently, "Mom, I will only be Ah Xian's sister for the rest of my life. Just accept Ah Xian's choice."

Hearing Tao Yuyan's words, Tao Mama looked at her indifferent expression. Tao Mama knew that no matter how much she said, it was useless now.

This was because her son had already decided to get engaged to another woman today. Furthermore, the engagement party was already being prepared and many people had been invited over.

As for Yuyan, for her to be able to say that she would only be Ah Xian's elder sister, it was likely that Yuyan did not like Ah Xian either.