Chapter 716: I am here to give you my blessings

Although Tao wanted to see Yuyan and Ah Xian together, she did not want to force the two children. Therefore, she could only sigh a few times. After that, she chatted with Yuyan about many things.

Half an hour later, Tao Yuyan chatted a lot with her parents. Then, she remembered that Xiaowei was pregnant and waiting for her downstairs. So, she said that she would go down to accompany Xiaowei and come back to see her parents later.

Therefore, Tao Baba and Tao Mama let her go out.

Tao Yuyan opened the door and walked out slowly.

After closing the door and separating herself from her adoptive parents, she leaned weakly against the wall and didn't have the strength to leave for a few minutes.

Tao Baba and Tao Mama were really good to her, just like her biological parents.

She was really happy to be able to meet adoptive parents like Tao Baba and Tao Mama after she was abandoned by her biological parents.

"Why are you here?" Suddenly, a familiar voice sounded with doubt and slight anger.

Tao Yuyan raised her head and saw Tao Xian wearing a white suit. Beside him stood Li Taohua, whom she had met before. Li Taohua was wearing a white dress, quietly and obediently standing beside Tao Xian. At this moment, both of them were looking at her.

Tao Xian's expression looked a little angry.

Tao Yuyan felt her heart begin to hurt again.

It was as if there were thousands of knives, cutting her again and again, one knife after another. Each knife was so fierce that she only felt pain.

It was so painful that she almost couldn't stand still.

It turned out that when she saw the person she liked finally being together with someone else, her heart would feel such pain!

"I'm here to visit my parents. Moreover, today is a good day for your engagement. I'm here to wish you both the best," Tao Yuyan tried hard to control her emotions and said in a low voice as she looked away from them.

Tao Xian looked at her from afar with an ice-cold expression. His voice was even colder. "Really? Then I really have to thank you."

"You don't have to thank me. I am your sister to begin with. I should really wish you the best in finding someone to spend your life with. Ah Xian, I hope that you will always be happy in the future. With your lover and your parents, everything will be fine. That way, I can be at ease." Tao Yuyan finally raised her head again. She looked at Tao Xian with a clear gaze and spoke seriously.

The more Tao Xian heard, the more unhappy he became. He immediately rebuked her angrily, "My parents and I will be fine. You don't need to bless us. You just need to take care of yourself."

After Tao Xian finished speaking coldly, he pulled Li Taohua along and turned to go downstairs.

Tao Yuyan stood alone in the same spot, watching their backs as they left.

Both of them were wearing white gowns. They looked so compatible.

If they weren't hers, she shouldn't have any delusions. Even if he had once said that he liked her, she didn't like him at that time. She would always avoid and reject him. Later, she found that she had feelings for him, but she couldn't say it out loud. Now, seeing that he was no longer pestering her and was able to fall in love with someone else, she really wished him well.

She knew that her choices and thoughts were very strange, but she did not want to drag anyone down at all. She did not want to harm anyone. After all, she was an orphan from the start, and she did not need to disturb anyone's life in the future.

She wiped away the tears that flowed out after he left, then turned around silently and looked at the door in front of her. The foster parents who had raised her for more than ten years were inside.

Although she could not bear to part with them, there would be a woman that Ah Xian loved to take care of these two old people in the future.

She would not have the qualifications and status to come back and take care of them in the future, so she was already relieved.

She turned around with difficulty, then slowly walked outside, and then went downstairs listlessly.

After Tao Yuyan came to the courtyard of the Tao family, she quickly found that there was already a host hosting the engagement ceremony for Tao Xian and Li Taohua.

She only took a glance at Tao Xian and Li Taohua in the crowd in front of her, then hurriedly withdrew her gaze and walked in the direction of Tang Xiaowei.

When she got closer, Tao Yuyan realized that Ling Yijue had also come. However, although he and Xiaowei were sitting very close to each other, the two of them did not talk much, and the atmosphere was somewhat quiet.

Tao Yuyan knew that Xiao Wei and Ling Yijue should be people who knew their limits. That was why she didn't get too close to Ling Yijue, so she didn't say anything more.

She walked up to Tang Xiaowei and waved at Ling Yijue. Then, she said to Tang Xiaowei, "Xiaowei, I'm a little uncomfortable, so I want to go back first. This is the money I borrowed from you before. I'll give it to you now. I'm afraid that I'll spend it in a few days."

"Yuyan, you don't have to return it to me in a hurry. You can use it first if you need it." Tang Xiaowei was worried that Tao Yuyan didn't have money to spend, so she didn't want her to return the money in such a hurry.

"Xiaowei, listen to me. I don't need money to spend right now. I just met my parents and they gave me a sum of money, so I want to pay you back first and then use my parents' money," Tao Yuyan explained with a gentle smile.

Tao Yuyan did say that she was going to meet Tao Baba and Tao Mama, so Tang Xiaowei didn't doubt it and believed it. "Okay, but remember to tell me when you need money in the future."

"Okay, then I'll leave first. You can stay a little longer." After saying that, Tao Yuyan was ready to leave.

"Yuyan, are you really okay? Do you want me to go back with you?" Tang Xiaowei was a little worried about Tao Yuyan and was unwilling to let her go back alone.

"I'm fine, Xiaowei. Don't worry about me. I'm actually fine. The food I ate for breakfast might be a little dirty, so my stomach hurts a little. I'll be fine after I take some medicine when I go back. Moreover, I've already told my father, mother, and Ah Xian what I want to say, so I want to go back and rest first." Tao Yuyan smiled slightly.

Seeing that she could still smile, Tang Xiaowei retracted her hand doubtfully "Alright then, go back first. Remember to buy some medicine. If you can't take it well, go straight to the hospital. If it's really serious, give me a call. I'll come over immediately to take care of you."

"Okay, okay. I got it. Don't worry. I'll go first." Tao Yuyan suddenly went forward and hugged Tang Xiaowei seriously. She lowered her head and whispered into Tang Xiaowei's ear, "Xiaowei, I'm really lucky to be able to meet you and become such good friends with you. I also hope that you will be happy forever in the future."

"Why are you saying this? It's not like I'm engaged today. I'm already engaged. If you want to wish me well, you have to wait until I'm married before you say it." Tang Xiaowei felt a little strange.

However, she did not notice that when she said this, Ling Yijue's expression immediately changed.