Chapter 733: Are you hungry?

Only now did he know that he had been concealed by Xiu Zhongsheng, and that he had deliberately separated himself from Xiaowei and An An. Therefore, Huangfu Qiye's current feelings towards Xiu Zhongsheng were contradictory.

He did not want to be controlled by Xiu Zhongsheng, nor did he want to truly hurt Xiu Zhongsheng.

After all, this old man was his biological grandfather.

However, he was already forming a plan that could achieve the best of both worlds in the future.

Therefore, he still needed to pretend that he had not recovered his memory in front of Xiu Zhongsheng.

The other party did not reply to his message immediately. Instead, he called him again. It was clear that the other party did not like to send messages and wanted to talk directly over the phone.

Huangfu Qiye frowned. Xiaowei had just fallen asleep when he woke her up by picking up the phone.

He had already given Xiu Zhongsheng an opportunity by not turning off the phone and not picking up the phone.

Therefore, he sent another message with a dark face. "It's inconvenient to pick up the phone. What's the matter?"

He set the ringtone of his phone to silent mode and hugged Tang Xiaowei with one hand, letting her sleep better.

His other hand kept typing on the phone.

"Qiye, it's nothing serious. It's just that grandpa saw that you've been handling the matters of the two companies perfectly recently, so he wanted to praise you a little." Huangfu Qiye sent another message saying that he couldn't pick up the phone, and the other party stopped calling. Instead, he sent a message over.

Huangfu Qiye thought that Xiu Zhongsheng would say something.

It turned out to be such a simple sentence.

However, this meant that the current Xiu Zhongsheng didn't use him very much. It was like an ordinary grandpa chatting with his grandson naturally.

Huangfu Qiye's thoughts became a little heavy.

Could Xiu Zhongsheng really become an ordinary old man in the future, a grandfather who no longer made people afraid, worried, and guarded against him?


When Tang Xiaowei woke up, she had already arrived at the forest manor.

Just as Huangfu Qiye was about to carry her out of the car, she opened her eyes and yawned, then woke up.

"Are you home?" She was still a little dazed as she asked him in a soft voice.

"Yes, I'm here." Huangfu Qiye answered her, then carried her out of the car.

After getting out of the car, he didn't put her down immediately. Instead, he carried her straight into the villa.

"It's almost noon now. Are you hungry? I'm not sleepy now. I'll cook some soup for you. Don't you want to drink it in the morning? You can rest or go to work first. Later, you can drink the soup I made for you during lunch." After Tang Xiaowei entered the house, she let him put her down and hurriedly said something to him. Then, she turned around and went to the kitchen.

Huangfu Qiye stood in the living room and watched as she left for the kitchen. He could not help but smile faintly.

She woke up very early in the morning and said that she was going to cook soup for Tao Yuyan. He was jealous at that time, so she promised to cook for him. He thought that she was just joking.

He did not expect that she would still remember it even though she had just woken up.

Huangfu Qiye felt that his heart was warm.

Therefore, even though he had a lot of work to do later, he did not feel tired.

He did not go upstairs. Instead, he asked Yuan Qi to fetch his computer. He sat in the living room downstairs and continued to work.

At the same time, he also asked Yuan Shan to go to the kitchen to watch over Tang Xiaowei. He could not let Tang Xiaowei get hurt.

Of course, he liked it when she was willing to cook for him. However, he did not want to see her get hurt.


After Tang Xiaowei left.

Tao Yuyan was chatting with Tao Baba and Tao Mama.

Tao Mama smelled the fragrance of fish soup in the ward and remembered that Tang Xiaowei had left the lunch box before she left. She hurriedly placed the lunch box she brought on the dining table. She said excitedly, "Yuyan, did Xiaowei bring you fish soup just now? You just drank the fish soup. Can you eat anything else? Mommy brought you the stir-fried vegetables and pastries that you like to eat. Do you want to eat some now?"

Tao Yuyan's mother was very pleased that Xiaowei could bring Yuyan food. However, she had also made her own food, so she also wanted to give it to her daughter.

Although Tao Yuyan's stomach was full, she could still eat. When she heard her mother say this, she nodded and smiled in order not to let her mother down. "En, I can already smell the fragrance everywhere. Mommy, quickly open the lunch box."

She smiled and did not leave the dining table. She continued to sit at the dining table.

Tao Baba walked to the sofa at the side and sat down, not bothering the mother and daughter.

Tao Baba opened the lunchbox. Inside were all the things Tao Yuyan liked to eat: stir-fried vegetables and rice, as well as various small pastries and chicken soup.

Tao Yuyan was so moved that her eyes were full of tears. This time, she had done such a thing, but her mother and father had not said a word to her and even treated her so well. She was really so lucky to meet such foster parents, just like her biological parents.

She lowered her head, held back her tears, and began to pick up her bowl of rice. As she ate, she said, "It's so good, it tastes exactly the same as it used to."

"Eat more if it tastes good. Yuyan, I heard from the doctor that you will be able to leave the hospital in two days. I also went to the place where you rented the House and asked. You have already returned the house there, so when you leave the hospital, you can go home with your parents. Your father and I have long wanted you to come back. After you go home, what do you want to eat? Mom will make it for you every day." Mother Tao saw her daughter start to eat. She spoke gently.

Tao Yuyan was stunned when she heard this. She swallowed the rice and looked up at her mother. She said seriously, "Mother, I've gotten used to living alone outside these few years. I've just agreed with Xiaowei that when I'm discharged from the hospital, I'll live in the house she rented for me. The house she rented for me is much better than the house I rented for myself in the past..."

"Yuyan, no matter how good it is outside, it can't be better than home. You can come back to live with your parents. You've been outside these few years. Your father and I miss you very much." When mother Tao heard her daughter say that she was unwilling to go home after being discharged from the hospital, she immediately became anxious.

In the past few years, ever since Ah Xian had misunderstood Yuyan's intention to abort the child and scolded Yuyan, Yuyan had never gone back to live after leaving home. Tao Baba and Tao Mama really couldn't bear to let Yuyan live outside alone again.

This time, Yuyan's suicide attempt was also because she lived outside alone and no one noticed, resulting in the accident.

Therefore, Tao Baba and Tao Mama had already decided that Yuyan was not allowed to live outside again in the future.

No matter what Yuyan said, it was not allowed.

Tao Yuyan originally wanted to properly explain to her parents, but the moment she opened her mouth, she saw her mother fiercely saying that she was not allowed to live outside. As she spoke, mother Tao felt like crying.