Chapter 734: Spend a night with me at the Tao family home

Tao Yuyan was also a little anxious. She put down the bowl and chopsticks and held Tao's mother's hand. "Mom, I'm already an *****. I can't always stay at home in the future. Besides, I'm really used to living alone outside. Just promise me."

"No, if you insist on living outside, I won't come to see you anymore. Then I'll cry at home every day for your father to see." Tao's mother saw that her daughter still insisted on living outside. Her eyes immediately turned red and she began to threaten her.

Tao Yuyan was originally a gentle person. Now that she was threatened by her mother, she simply could not refuse.

She bit her lip. Although she still felt that if she lived at home, it would be very easy to see Tao Xian in the future.

However, she did not want to let her parents be sad and disappointed again.

Therefore, when she saw Tao Xian in the future, she would think of a way to deal with it.

Now, she could only agree to her mother's request.

"Alright then. When I'm discharged from the hospital, I'll go back home to live." Tao Yuyan nodded helplessly.

When Mama Tao heard that, she immediately beamed with joy. "Yuyan, you're such a good child. Don't worry. When you go home this time, mama won't let anyone bully you again."

Tao Yuyan could only nod her head.

Mama Tao, on the other hand, was very happy. Then, she hurriedly urged her, "Since you've agreed, everyone should be happy. Hurry up and eat. Don't be infected by mama's emotions just now. Mama didn't mean to threaten you. Mama is doing this for your own good and is also worried about you."

"Yes, I know," Tao Yuyan replied and then began to eat.


During lunch time.

Tang Xiaowei personally cooked. Not only did she cook fish soup, but she also cooked a few dishes.

In the end, she felt that it was enough to eat and was a little tired. Then, she took off her apron, washed her hands, and walked out of the kitchen.

A maid would bring the food to the dining room. After she left the kitchen, she was ready to go find Huangfu Qiye to eat with.

However, she didn't need to look around. Not long after she left the kitchen, she saw Huangfu Qiye who was in the living room, dealing with the work documents with a serious expression, as well as a few high-level people who seemed to be from his company who suddenly came to the villa.

They were standing opposite Huangfu Qiye and seemed to be reporting on their work.

Yuan Qi was standing behind Huangfu Qiye. Huangfu Qiye Sat on the sofa with a serious expression and didn't say anything. He was listening to the conversations of the people across from him.

Tang Xiaowei originally wanted to find him for dinner.

However, seeing that he was busy with work and that there were people from his company at home, she didn't go over to disturb him. Instead, she went to the dining room first.

After she arrived at the dining room and sat down for a short while, the maid brought all the food to the table and asked her in a gentle voice if she would like to start eating now.

"There's no need for that now. You guys can go down and rest for your meal." Tang Xiaowei told everyone to go down and rest. After all, she and Huangfu Qiye didn't need to serve them since they were going to eat later.

Therefore, the maids all left.

Tang Xiaowei waited alone in the restaurant.

Tang Xiaowei held her chin and waited for more than ten minutes before she heard footsteps coming from outside.

She raised her head and saw Huangfu Qiye walking into the restaurant.

"You waited for a long time? Why didn't you eat first?" Huangfu Qiye walked into the restaurant and sat down next to her. He pinched her cheek with a heartache.

Tang Xiaowei shook her head. "I'm not particularly hungry. I can't eat alone, so I'll have to wait for you."

"It must be cold. Let them take the food and reheat it." Huangfu Qiye glanced at the food on the table.

Tang Xiaowei hurriedly stopped him. "There's no need. These dishes aren't cold. The temperature of the soup is just right. Moreover, it's summer now. I don't want to eat dishes that are too hot."

"Alright then." Huangfu Qiye had no choice but to finish.

Therefore, Tang Xiaowei hurriedly scooped up a bowl of fish soup for him for the entire night. Then, she brought it to him and looked at him with a pair of beautiful big eyes. "Hurry up and drink it to see how it tastes."

Seeing her expectant look, Huangfu Qiye did not refuse. He took the bowl and took a sip. The taste was indeed very good. He immediately brought the bowl to her lips and said in a low voice, "yYou drink it, too."

The place he moved closer to was exactly the place where he had just drunk it.

Tang Xiaowei had been staring at him, so she knew that her face instantly turned red.

However, seeing that he was serious, she did not say anything more. Then, she made do with the place and took a sip.

Mmm, the taste was really good.

She was intoxicated by the delicious fish soup.

Therefore, she didn't notice that Huangfu Qiye had a triumphant smile on his face.


Two days later.

Tang Xiaowei arrived at the hospital early in the morning accompanied by Yuan Shan. As for Huangfu Qiye, he had been extremely busy these past two days, so he couldn't accompany Tang Xiaowei over. He only sent a few bodyguards and Yuan Shan to accompany Tang Xiaowei.

Tang Xiaowei had also received a call from Yuyan earlier. Yuyan said that she wanted to go back to the Tao family with Tao Baba and Tao Mama. She couldn't go to the house that she had helped rent. In fact, Tang Xiaowei was also in favor of Yuyan going back. It was only because Yuyan had chosen to stay outside that she was prepared to rent a house for Yuyan.

Now that Yuyan had returned to the Tao family, she was even more at ease. After all, she had Tao Baba and Tao Mama to help take care of Yuyan.

As for Tao Xian, the current Tao Xian should know what he should do. He would definitely not provoke Yuyan.

When Tang Xiaowei arrived, Tao Yuyan had already packed up everything. Then, she walked out of the ward with Tao Baba and Tao Mama.

When they saw Tang Xiaowei, they greeted her and walked out together.

Tao Xian was nowhere to be seen.

Tao Baba and Tao Mama walked in front.

Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan walked behind, arm in arm.

"Xiaowei, come back to the Tao family with me today. Stay with me at the Tao family for one night." Tao Yuyan had not gone back to live for a few years, so now that she suddenly went back, she felt a little homesick and wanted Tang Xiaowei to stay with her for one night.

Tang Xiaowei was stunned for a moment. "It's not impossible, but I have to ask Qiye first. Wait a minute."

Tao Yuyan hurriedly nodded.

In the past, when Xiaowei was not together with Huangfu Qiye, she and Xiaowei were classmates and were best friends. They often went to their respective homes to play. Occasionally, when it was too late at night, they would stay over at the other party's home. There were quite a number of such times.

Therefore, today, Tao Yuyan really wanted to have Xiaowei accompany her on her first night back.

Tang Xiaowei left and asked Yuan Shan for her phone. Because Huangfu Qiye was worried about the radiation, the phone he was contacted by was Yuan Shan's.

She took the phone and dialed Huangfu Qiye's number.

However, the other party did not pick up.

She thought that he must be very busy right now, so she decided to tell him later. So she gave the phone to Yuan Shan and said to Tao Yuyan, "Forget it, there's no need to tell him first. I'll go back with you first. I'll definitely stay with you tonight. I'll tell him later."