Chapter 739: Don't drink anymore, there's no more alcohol

"I usually wake up around this time. Since it's time for dinner, let's go down. I slept for a while and my stomach seems to be hungry." Tang Xiaowei smiled.

Tao Yuyan gently held Tang Xiaowei's arm and said with a smile, "Then let's go down."

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei nodded. Then, she held Tao Yuyan's hand and walked out of the room together.


In the brightly lit bar, the music was deafening.

However, there were only three men and a large amount of alcohol.

The people inside were chased away by Mu Yisen and Zhou Chen before Huangfu Qiye arrived.

At this moment, there were a pile of empty alcohol bottles in front of Huangfu Qiye, but he was still pouring himself more.

Mu Yisen and Zhou Chen, who were beside him, stared at Huangfu Qiye worriedly.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Why do you drink without saying anything?"

"And you drank so much? Aren't you afraid of hurting your body?"

"Are you angry about something? But you can't drink like this."

"Brother, don't drink anymore. If you have anything to say, just say it. As brothers, we will definitely help you deal with the things that annoy you." Mu Yisen suddenly grabbed the wine bottle that Huangfu Qiye was about to send to his mouth and stopped him from drinking.

However, Huangfu Qiye pushed Mu Yisen away like he was crazy. Then, he looked at Mu Yisen coldly as a warning, but he didn't say anything and continued to drink.

Mu Yisen did not dare to stop Huangfu Qiye after being glared at by him. He could only look at Zhou Chen helplessly.

Forget it. He was usually unwilling to tell others what was on brother Qiye's mind. Others would not even have the chance to know.

Since he wanted to drink, then he would stay here and guard him. Otherwise, he would be done for if he drank too much and did something wrong.

Just like that, Mu Yisen and Zhou Chen accompanied Huangfu Qiye.

From noon until night.

Mu Yisen and Zhou Chen had stayed at the bar all night with the others since last night. Originally, they had decided to go home to rest at noon today.

However, because Huangfu Qiye came later, they could only risk their lives to accompany their big brother.

However, even after that night, the two of them were still a little sleepy.

After all, they had stayed up all night and drank a lot of alcohol.

However, seeing that Huangfu Qiye had gone to the bathroom a few times but was not drunk and continued to drink in silence, Mu Yisen and Zhou Chen still did not dare to sleep.

However, when Mu Yisen could not hold on any longer, he directly fell asleep on the sofa.

Only Zhou Chen continued to watch Huangfu Qiye by himself. He took out his phone and watched a drama to remind him not to fall asleep while staring at Huangfu Qiye.

When Huangfu Qiye finished the wine on the table, he stopped. However, he didn't stop completely. Instead, he said to Mu Yisen with a dark face, "Go and get me another case of wine."

Unfortunately, he saw Mu Yisen, who was extremely tired and had drunk too much wine before falling asleep.

Huangfu Qiye's mind was still very clear.

He felt extremely clear-headed.

No matter how much he drank, he felt that he was clear-headed. He still felt angry, and he still wanted Tang Xiaowei to apologize in front of him and never leave him again.

But he knew that he couldn't force her like this, or else she would definitely be afraid of running away.

Moreover, she was pregnant now, so he couldn't force her. He didn't dare to completely unleash his anger on her.

Zhou Chen hurriedly shook his head. "Brother, don't drink anymore. There's no more alcohol."

"No wine?" Huangfu Qiye sneered. "How can there be no wine in such a big bar? Go and bring it over. I'll go up and find a room to continue drinking."

Huangfu Qiye felt that the lights here were too dazzling and that there were too many wine bottles here, so he stood up shakily and walked upstairs alone.

This was a bar under Huangfu Qiye's name, so he had been here before. Naturally, he knew this place. Although he was a little drunk, he was not very drunk, so he went upstairs shakily in a short while.

Zhou Chen had no choice but to carry a box of wine for him.

However, when he passed by Mu Yisen, he was afraid that he would catch a cold or fall off the sofa, so he was prepared to go over and wake Mu Yisen up.

However, just as he was about to go over, Mu Yisen's phone rang.

Zhou Chen had no choice but to put down the box, and then took Mu Yisen's phone out of his pocket, wanting to see who was calling him.

With one look, it was Mu Yisen's mother calling.

Zhou Chen had recently heard from Mu Yisen that his parents were always forcing him to get married. It seemed that Mu Yisen did not want to answer his parents' calls, so he did not wake Mu Yisen up and answered the phone for him.

"Hello, is this mother Mu? It's Xiao Chen, Yisen is busy right now..."

"Where is he busy? Can I go and look for him?" The voice from the other side was not Mu Yisen's mother's voice, but a cheerful girl's voice.

Zhou Chen was stunned for a moment, then he quickly remembered that this was Mu Yisen's cousin, Mu Sitian. She always loved to play with Mu Yisen, and Mu Yisen did not seem to hate Mu Sitian.

And now, Mu Yisen was so drunk that he indeed needed someone to take care of him. Since he was going to take care of Qiye, it was better to let Mu Sitian come and take Yisen away. After all, they were a family.

Thus, Zhou Chen gave their address to Mu Sitian. "We're at the Imperial Court bar in the city center. Come over now."

"Bar? Sure, sure, I'll come over immediately." Mu Sitian was extremely happy and agreed excitedly.

"Then come over quickly. When you arrive, call again. I'll come down and open the door for you, then you can take your brother away." Then, Zhou Chen ended the call.

After ending the call, Zhou Chen did not bother about Mu Yisen anymore. Then, he carried another box of wine and went upstairs.

However, Zhou Chen did not know whether Huangfu Qiye was completely sober when he came up alone, so he did not know which room he went to. He could only keep looking room by room.

Finally, after a few minutes, he finally arrived at a room whose door was wide open. When he saw that there was light inside, he hurriedly carried the box and walked over.

Just as he reached the door, he heard Huangfu Qiye's angry roar from inside. "Why haven't you brought the wine over? Do you think I can't afford it? F*ck, this is clearly my bar. Why is it so troublesome if I want to drink some wine!"

Zhou Chen sighed helplessly, then strode in and hurriedly comforted him. "Brother, stop shouting. I've already brought the wine over for you."

Hearing Zhou Chen's voice, Huangfu Qiye strode over from the French window.