Chapter 740: Let me meet brother Qiye

Huangfu Qiye snatched the box from Zhou Chen's hands and sat on the chair next to him. He opened a bottle and silently poured it into his mouth.

Zhou Chen could not figure out why Huangfu Qiye was so abnormal and angry today.

But now, seeing him drink so silently with a hint of irritation and impatience, as a good brother, he also took a bottle of wine and drank it with Huangfu Qiye.

Huangfu Qiye drank more and more like he was drinking water.

As for Zhou Chen, he soon became a little dizzy. He felt that he couldn't drink anymore, or else he would really be drunk.

At this moment, his phone rang.

He blinked and took out his phone to take a look. It wasn't his, but Mu Yisen's. He had just put it on him to contact Mu Sitian.

He glanced at Huangfu Qiye who was still drinking alone and didn't pay attention to him. Then, he stood up shakily and walked outside. He answered the phone, "Hello..."

His tone was filled with the smell of alcohol and the message that he was about to fall asleep.

When Mu Sitian heard it on the other end of the phone, she immediately became nervous. "Big Brother Zhou, are you drunk? Don't get drunk yet. You have to come down and open the door for me. There are bodyguards at the door. They said that they won't let me in unless there are instructions. Come out quickly and take a look. I'll be right at the door."

"Oh, okay. Wait here. I'll be right down." Zhou Chen replied. Then, he turned his head to look in Huangfu Qiye's direction. Seeing that he was still sitting on the chair and drinking silently, he didn't know whether he should be relieved or worried. He staggered down the stairs.

After a few minutes, he stumbled to the door and opened it. Then, he saw more than a dozen bodyguards at the door and Mu Sitian, who was dressed in a pure outfit.

Mu Sitian was 23 years old and had just graduated from college. When she saw Zhou Chen, she immediately ran over with a smile. "Brother Zhou, quickly tell the bodyguards at the door that I know you guys. Let me in, too."

Mu Sitian took the initiative to pull Zhou Chen's arm. Her tone was full of coquettishness.

Zhou Chen nodded and said to the surrounding bodyguards that they all knew each other. Then, he let Mu Sitian hold his arm and walked into the bar. After that, the bar's door was closed.

There were very few people in the bar, but the venue was very spacious, especially now that there were only a few people inside. The lights were dim, so after entering, Mu Sitian, who was dressed innocently, immediately tightened her grip on Zhou Chen's arm. She said softly, "Big brother Zhou, why are there so few people here today? Where's my brother?"

"This place is closed today. It's reserved by our brothers. Outsiders can not enter. Your brother, He fell asleep on the sofa in front. I'll bring you over to see him..." Zhou Chen explained a little before walking towards Mu Yisen's direction.

However, Mu Sitian looked around and asked another question, "Big Brother Zhou, are you and my brother the only ones here today?"

"No, there's also brother Qiye. He's upstairs drinking." Zhou Chen did not notice the change in Mu Sitian's expression. Because he was drunk, he said everything outside and had no intention of hiding it.

Unexpectedly, when Mu Sitian heard his reply, her eyes immediately lit up.

She immediately grabbed Zhou Chen's arm and suppressed her excitement as she said, "Brother Zhou, I'm a fan of brother Qiye. He's very popular on Weibo. Can I go and meet him?"

Mu Sitian had occasionally appeared by Mu Yisen's side in the past, so she had seen Huangfu Qiye from afar.

However, she had never really come into close contact with Huangfu Qiye.

Previously, when Huangfu Qiye had clarified his love affairs on Weibo, as well as the video of him proposing to the woman he liked, Mu Sitian had been mesmerized.

Therefore, even though she knew that Huangfu Qiye had a fiancee, Mu Sitian still wanted to meet Huangfu Qiye.

"Brother Qiye is in a bad mood today, it's better for you not to disturb him. Take Yisen and go home." Not only did Zhou Chen not agree to Mu Sitian's request, he also asked her to take Mu Yisen and leave immediately.

When Mu Sitian heard this, she was obviously unwilling. She held onto Zhou Chen's arm and shook it non-stop. She said coquettishly, "Aiya, brother Zhou, I'm begging you. I'm just a small fan. Let me meet my idol. Let me meet brother Qiye. I'll just take a look at him. I won't do anything. Didn't you say that he's drinking? As long as I don't get close to him, he shouldn't be disturbed. Please let me go up and see him."

"No, you take Yisen and leave now. Otherwise, you go out. I'll get the bodyguards outside to send Yisen back." Although Zhou Chen was drunk, he didn't completely lose his mind.

He knew that Huangfu Qiye hated it the most when women got close to him.

And today, Huangfu Qiye was so angry. Other than Tang Xiaowei, no other women would have a good ending if they got close to him.

"Brother Zhou, why are you so heartless?" Mu Sitian sighed. She was a little unhappy when she saw Zhou Chen keep rejecting her.

However, Zhou Chen could no longer hear Mu Sitian's tone. He ignored her and walked towards Wang Mu Yisen.

Mu Sitian, who was behind him, stood still. After a while, she gritted her teeth and picked up a bottle of wine. She walked silently to the back of Zhou Chen's voice. Her gaze turned cold. Then, she slammed the bottle of wine in her hand on the back of Zhou Chen's head.

Zhou Chen was already very drunk. Now that he was suddenly hit like this, especially since Mu Sitian had trained her body since she was young, she was a little too strong. Therefore, Zhou Chen did not make any noise and fainted on the ground.

When Mu Sitian saw that Zhou Chen was unconscious, she did not feel panic or fear.

Then, she hurriedly squatted down on the ground and carefully checked the back of Zhou Chen's head. When she saw that the back of Zhou Chen's head did not bleed but only swelled up, she heaved a sigh of relief.

Then, she dragged Zhou Chen to the front.

Very soon, she dragged the unconscious Zhou Chen to the side of the sleeping Mu Yisen and let them sleep on the opposite two couches. Then, Mu Sitian immediately raised her head and looked in the direction of the second floor.

Then, a smug smile appeared on her lips.

The woman who was proposed to by Huangfu Qiye was envied by many women. At the same time, she was also envied and hated by many women.

She was one of those women who envied and hated that woman.

And today, she was going to rewrite the story of that woman and Huangfu Qiye and make herself the most important person in Huangfu Qiye's life.

In the future, the person who should be envied would be her.