Chapter 741: Huangfu Qiye was schemed against

Although the Mu family was rich and powerful, her father did not treat his children fairly like Mu Yisen's father did.

Mu Sitian's father was the younger brother of Mu Yisen's father. Mu Sitian's father did not have any prospects and had always relied on Mu Yisen and Mu Yisen's father to live.

This led to Mu Sitian being a young lady of the Mu family, but she was a person who lived a relatively high life in the upper class.

Her father had even told her that she would marry a rich old man next year so that her father could receive a large dowry.

Mu Sitian had been looking for young, handsome, and rich men recently, hoping to hook up with these men so that she could escape her father's scheme as soon as possible.

She had just found out that Mu Yisen had not returned home last night, and neither had he returned today. She had heard that Mu Yisen seemed to have gone to a bar with her good brother, and it was a bar in the Imperial Court, so she immediately thought of Huangfu Qiye.

It was true that she said that she liked Huangfu Qiye, but she liked his identity more. The Huangfu family had an existence that people felt was more unreachable than the Mu family. If she could use her cousin's relationship to have a relationship with Huangfu Qiye then in the future, her path would be easier. She would no longer have to be forced by her father to marry an old man.

So, she had just made a move on the gentle Zhou Chen.

After all, it was a major event in her life, so she could naturally do it just by hitting someone.

Mu Sitian held back the excitement in her heart. Then, she slowly walked towards the second floor.

Although there were many bodyguards outside, without the instructions of the owner inside, the bodyguards outside would not come in.

Downstairs, Mu Yisen was drunk and fell asleep, so he would not wake up for a while. Zhou Chen was also knocked out by her.

As long as she went up to find Huangfu Qiye, she would be able to carry out her plan after he was also drunk.

Mu Sitian finally went up to the second floor.

The lights on the second floor were even dimmer. Only the door of one of the rooms was opened, revealing the light inside.

Mu Sitian held her breath and carefully approached the room.

Finally, she approached the door of the room which was open.

Then, she heard the sound of a wine bottle being smashed to the ground.


The sound of the wine bottle being smashed shocked her. She pressed her body against the wall and didn't dare to look over. Her chest kept rising and falling as she took in large mouthfuls of air.

She didn't dare to move and didn't dare to look again, afraid that her efforts would be wasted.

After all, today's opportunity was perfect and hard-won.

If she didn't take advantage of it, she wouldn't have such a good opportunity in the future.

Therefore, she stood outside silently for a few more minutes.

At the same time, she was eavesdropping on the sounds inside.

Because the music downstairs was still somewhat audible, she only heard a few sounds of bottles being smashed and then there were no other subtle sounds.

However, Mu Sitian was unwilling to give up. She still stood at the same spot and waited.

She waited for almost half an hour.

After that, she did not hear any sounds of bottles being smashed.

Previously, it was almost every two to three minutes. Now, there were actually no more sounds of bottles being smashed after more than ten consecutive minutes.

Was he drunk?

When Mu Sitian thought of this, her heart immediately became excited.

She carefully peeked into the room and saw Huangfu Qiye sitting on a chair in front of a dining table. Beside his feet and the ground around him were broken glass bottles. As for him, he was already lying on the dining table, not moving at all.

Although she didn't see his face, Zhou Chen had just said that Huangfu Qiye was on the second floor. Moreover, Mu Sitian really liked Huangfu Qiye, so she could only see his back view and recognize the drunk person sitting at the dining table. It was indeed Huangfu Qiye himself.

Thus, Mu Sitian finally gathered her courage and walked into the room in a flash

She carefully entered the room and didn't close the door. She wasn't afraid that someone would come and disturb her, so she slowly walked to Huangfu Qiye's side.

Mu Sitian lowered her head and carefully looked at Huangfu Qiye. When she got closer, she could see the side of his face.

Instantly, she was elated.

As long as she dealt with him tonight, she wouldn't have to marry the old man in the future. She would also be able to become the young madam of the Huangfu family. It was simply too great.

This way, when she went out in the future, all the noble ladies who had looked down on her in the past would have to come over and curry favor with her.

And her parents would no longer treat her as a commodity and casually sell her off.

The more Mu Sitian thought about it, the more she felt as if she was already the young mistress of the Huangfu family. Her entire body felt light and airy.

Thus, she carefully stretched out her hand again and prepared to move Huangfu Qiye to the big bed beside her.

However, Huangfu Qiye looked very thin, but he was still a man after all. He was still quite heavy. Although he did not wake up because of her touch, it was very difficult for Mu Sitian to move his body.

In the end, when Mu Sitian moved the sleeping Huangfu Qiye to the bed next to her, she was so tired that she was gasping for air. The broken glass on the ground also hurt her hand.

She could not be bothered with all this, so she hurriedly took off all of Huangfu Qiye's clothes and threw them on the ground. Finally, she covered Huangfu Qiye's body with a blanket.

As for herself, after turning off all the lights in the room, she took off all of her clothes and slowly groped her way to the bed and laid down on Huangfu Qiye's body.

However, she didn't get too close to Huangfu Qiye, nor did she really want to do anything with him while he was asleep.

Because she didn't want to be used by her parents to marry an old man, she had always kept her innocence.

So far, she hadn't done that kind of thing with any man.

Because of this, even if she wanted to scheme against Huangfu Qiye today, he was unconscious, so she didn't dare and didn't know how to do that kind of thing.

When she came over just now, she initially thought that if possible, she would have sex with him while he was still able to move, before he was completely drunk and asleep.

However, the sound of him smashing the wine bottle scared her, so she didn't dare to go in.

Now, he was asleep, and he was in a deep sleep. She could only create a scene where the two of them had done that kind of thing.

Therefore, she only stained the blood on her hands that had just been grazed and stained a certain part of her body.

After that, she closed her eyes, suppressed the excitement and a trace of worry in her heart, and then hypnotized herself to sleep as soon as possible.

From tomorrow onwards, she would be the young madam of the Huangfu family.