Chapter 744: You have a high fever

Before going to bed last night, Tang Xiaowei couldn't fall asleep.

She chatted with Yuyan for a while, and then Yuyan fell asleep, but she still didn't fall asleep.

She closed her eyes, and all she could see was Huangfu Qiye.

She missed him very much.

Then, before going to bed, she decided to go home the next day regardless of whether he was angry or not.

Otherwise, if she didn't show weakness, Huangfu Qiye's bad temper would definitely not come looking for her for a long time.

Therefore, after having lunch at the Tao residence the next day, she, Yuan Shan, and two other male bodyguards took a car back.

The car stopped on the lawn of the forest manor.

Accompanied by Yuan Shan, Tang Xiaowei walked into the villa together.

After entering the villa, she found that the atmosphere in the villa was not quite right, because it was too quiet inside, and everyone's expression was submissive.

She wondered if Huangfu Qiye was angry at these poor maids again, which scared them.

So, she went upstairs.

However, this time, she found Yuan Qi and Aze standing at the door of her and Huangfu Qiye's bedroom instead of the study room.

She was a little curious. Was Huangfu Qiye resting now?

She walked over.

Yuan Qi and Aze saw her, and Aze greeted her respectfully, "Hello, young madam."

Yuan Qi said hurriedly, "Young madam, you're finally back. Young master seems to be in a bad mood. Young madam, please go in and take a look."

Tang Xiaowei was stunned. She subconsciously thought that Huangfu Qiye was angry because he had quarreled with her yesterday, so she didn't think too much about it. She nodded, pushed open the door, and walked into the room.

After entering the room, she closed the door behind her. Then, she heard the sound of water coming from the bathroom in the quiet room.

It was obvious that someone was taking a shower in the bathroom.

It should be him.

She walked over.

Huangfu Qiye, who was in the bathroom, didn't feel anyone approaching from outside. So when Tang Xiaowei pushed open the bathroom door and was about to look inside, Huangfu Qiye, who was drenched in water, turned around to look at the bathroom door. His gaze was frighteningly cold, as if he wanted to eat the person at the door.

Tang Xiaowei had not seen such an angry and cold gaze from him for a long time. She was shocked and her body froze on the spot. She could not move at all and could not make a sound.

Huangfu Qiye thought that someone else had pushed open the door. Because of the incident last night, he felt that he had been violated by a stranger. Therefore, he hated it when strangers approached him. That was why he stared angrily at the door. However, when he saw that it was Tang Xiaowei, he quickly put on a normal expression. Then, he turned off the water and walked toward her in his soaked clothes.

"You're back?" His voice was gentle because his body was drenched in water. Even if he wanted to hug her, he could only endure it.

"Are you still angry? Is that why you're soaking in the water alone?" Tang Xiaowei saw that he was obviously not taking a bath normally. Instead, he was wearing clothes and his entire body was drenched. Therefore, he was deliberately soaking in the water here.

She thought that he was angry because he had quarreled with her yesterday. That was why he was sulking and soaking in the water alone.

She was helpless and worried. She hurriedly walked into the bathroom, took a large towel from the place where the bath towel was stored, and handed it to him. She said seriously, "Quickly take off your clothes and take a shower before changing into dry clothes. If you keep soaking in the cold water like this, you'll get sick."

Just as she finished speaking, Huangfu Qiye suddenly sneezed.

"I might have caught a cold." Huangfu Qiye took the towel that she gave him, and his heart felt warm.

Although the two of them had quarreled yesterday, she came back suddenly without any warning, and she was still worried about him. All of this meant that she still cared about him.

"All the more reason to take a hot shower first. You take a shower first, and I'll call the doctor over." After hearing that he sneezed, Tang Xiaowei was even more worried. At the same time, she also complained that he shouldn't have quarreled with her yesterday. Otherwise, he wouldn't be sulking here alone.

After she finished speaking, she left in a hurry.

Huangfu Qiye looked at her back. He could faintly feel that Xiaowei might have misunderstood, but he couldn't explain. He didn't want to talk about what happened last night at all. He also firmly believed that he hadn't done anything with that woman.

Therefore, he closed the bathroom door, adjusted the temperature of the water, and began to take off his clothes to take a shower.

Tang Xiaowei was full of regret. She regretted that she didn't tell Huangfu Qiye about the situation on the phone properly. Now, she had made him catch a cold.

But at the same time, she also felt that he was too capricious. He was always like this, always not caring about his own body.

She had to find an opportunity to talk to him properly.

She found a doctor and waited in the bedroom.

Soon, the bathroom door was opened and Huangfu Qiye's figure appeared at the bathroom door.

His hair was wet and he was wearing a bathrobe. He was wiping his hair with a towel in his hand as he strode out.

Tang Xiaowei immediately stood up and walked over to hold his hand. "Go sit on the bed. Let the doctor take a look at you."

"Okay." Huangfu Qiye nodded and did not refute her. Then, he sat down by the bed. However, at the same time, he held Tang Xiaowei's waist and asked her to sit with him.

The doctor did not dare to look at their intimate actions. Then, he carefully began to examine Huangfu Qiye's body.

Very soon, the doctor said, "Young master, you have a high fever. It's best if you have a good day's rest with an infusion."

"Okay, then let's give him an infusion." Tang Xiaowei did not wait for Huangfu Qiye's reply and immediately nodded in agreement.

When the doctor heard this, he glanced at Huangfu Qiye. Huangfu Qiye pulled Tang Xiaowei closer and said in a deep voice, "Listen to young madam."

"Yes, your subordinate will prepare the medicine for you now." The doctor heaved a sigh of relief. He was worried that young master would not be willing to receive an infusion. After all, young master did not really like things like an infusion in the past. Fortunately, young master listened to young madam now.

Thus, after a few minutes, the doctor left the room.

Meanwhile, Huangfu Qiye leaned on the bed. The back of his hand was already receiving the infusion. As for Tang Xiaowei, she sat beside him and gently and carefully blew his hair.

Very soon, his hair was blown dry. Tang Xiaowei turned off the hair dryer and prepared to get up to go to the bathroom.

However, at this moment, Huangfu Qiye held her hand and said, "Don't go."

"I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be back in a while." Tang Xiaowei turned around and glanced at him. Seeing his reluctant face, she was a little surprised and then began to explain.

"Okay then. You go and come back quickly." Hearing her explanation, Huangfu Qiye could only let go of her hand.