Chapter 745: Qi Ye, about yesterday's incident

Only then did Tang Xiaowei turn around and walk in the direction of the washroom.

However, in the washroom, when Tang Xiaowei stood in front of the mirror to wash her hands, she suddenly felt that something was not quite right.

Yesterday, Huangfu Qiye was clearly very angry and even directly hung up the phone.

When she came back today, she saw that he was drenched in cold water. At first, she did understand that he should be drenched in cold water because of yesterday's incident.

However, up until now, Huangfu Qiye had not asked her about yesterday's incident, nor did he mock her because of yesterday's incident. It was as if yesterday's incident did not exist.

Moreover, he was inexplicably not angry anymore and was very clingy to her. What was wrong with him?

In the past, he would not easily ignore this matter.

She felt that the current Huangfu Qiye was a little strange.

But after thinking about it, she could not figure out what was strange.

So after she came out, she walked to the bedside and took the initiative to bring up what happened yesterday.

"Qiye, about yesterday's matter, I..."

But before she could finish her words, she was interrupted by Huangfu Qiye. "Don't talk about it. I don't want to bring up what happened yesterday. Let's forget about it."

Tang Xiaowei was stunned when she heard him say that. "Ah? Why? Are you really not angry anymore? But you were so angry yesterday."

"Xiaowei, don't talk about yesterday. I'm not angry anymore. Yesterday was my fault. I didn't think about your position properly. I apologize to you. Let's not bother about what happened in the past. As long as we are fine in the future, we will be fine," Huangfu Qiye said with some firmness. He was obviously very emotional.

Tang Xiaowei felt even more strange when she heard him say that.

According to his personality, he wouldn't take the initiative to admit his mistake. Moreover, if what happened yesterday was his fault, it wasn't entirely his fault. Why would he suddenly take the initiative to admit his mistake? Moreover, he even said that he could forget everything that happened in the past as long as he was fine in the future.

Tang Xiaowei always felt that something wasn't real.

However, she couldn't tell what exactly went wrong.

The person in front of her was indeed Huangfu Qiye, and not anyone else.

The only thing that could be explained was that he was becoming more and more mature and was starting to give in to her.

She felt that this was probably the best explanation for his slightly different answer, so she chose to believe her own analysis in her heart. Then, she nodded to him. "Alright, I think the same as you."

She didn't say anything and came back today because she wanted to come back and see how he was doing. She also wanted to make things clear with him so that she could live well in the future.

Now that she saw that he was becoming more and more mature in his thinking, she felt much more at ease.

Huangfu Qiye saw that she didn't ask any more questions, and that their quarrel yesterday wouldn't interfere with their feelings, so he was relieved.

He couldn't help but sneeze a few more times.

Seeing him sneeze, Tang Xiaowei became nervous again. She hurriedly sat down by the bed and held his hand tightly. She looked at him with heartache. "Are you still in pain? Bear with it a little longer. After the medicine is injected into your body, you'll be better soon."

"Lie next to me. I'll be much better this way." Huangfu Qiye's eyes were locked on her body. At the same time, he held her hand even tighter.

"But I'm not sleepy now." Tang Xiaowei was not sleepy at all. She did not want to go to bed and lie down.

"You didn't come back yesterday, so I felt very uncomfortable the whole night. Now that you're back, are you still unwilling to accompany me?" Huangfu Qiye's tone was full of complaints.

Hearing his words and being stared at with such deep resentment, Tang Xiaowei could not say anything to reject him.

"Alright then." Tang Xiaowei could only nod and let him let go of her hand. Then, she took off her shoes and lay down on the other side where he did not have an infusion.

She had just laid down when Huangfu Qiye's hand that did not have any IV fluids pulled her into his arms.

The next second, his deep voice rang out above her head. "Xiaowei, I can't guarantee that we will not quarrel again in the future. But no matter how much we quarrel in the future, we really mustn't ignore each other. If we quarrel in the future, you must forgive each other the next day, okay?"

"If it's a small matter, I will definitely forgive you. And if it's a small matter, I will not quarrel with you." Tang Xiaowei did not directly answer him with a "okay". Instead, she thought for a few seconds before answering him seriously.

Her serious answer made Huangfu Qiye break out in a cold sweat.

Although he firmly believed that he didn't touch Mu Yisen's cousin last night, he still couldn't believe it.

However, that woman kept saying that he did touch her, and she even said it in a lively manner. He was damned drunk last night, so he couldn't directly tear apart that woman's lie. At the moment, he could only look for evidence.

However, if the evidence came out and he really touched that woman last night, Xiaowei would definitely not forgive him for such a big matter.

What should he do?

Huangfu Qiye immediately became silent because of this matter and was thinking of countermeasures in distress.

Tang Xiaowei thought that he was sleepy or not feeling well, so she did not speak again, so she did not disturb him.

Later on, Tang Xiaowei lay down. Because she was lying next to him, she relaxed and fell asleep.

Huangfu Qiye, who had been receiving IV fluids, did not fall asleep.

When the IV was almost finished, he pulled out the needle and applied a tourniquet to stop the bleeding. Then, he gently got out of bed and carefully did not dare to wake Tang Xiaowei up.

He took his phone and walked to the balcony. He closed the door gently and called Mu Yisen.

Soon, the call was picked up.

"How's the investigation going?" He had been back for a morning. In the past few hours, Mu Yisen should have investigated such a simple matter.

"Brother, it's a bit difficult because the room you're in doesn't have any surveillance cameras, and there were only a few of us in the bar that night. Moreover, everything Mu Sitian said is consistent with the surveillance cameras downstairs." Mu Yisen's meaning was clear. What exactly happened in the room last night? Because there were no surveillance cameras, only Mu Sitian knew the truth of the matter. However, Huangfu Qiye was unwilling to believe Mu Sitian's words. In that case, he could only investigate the truth of last night without trusting Mu Sitian.

However, the surveillance cameras downstairs only captured Zhou Chen bringing Mu Sitian in. After that, Zhou Chen seemed to have fallen asleep because he was drunk. Then, Mu Sitian pulled Zhou Chen to lie down beside Mu Yisen and took the wine bottle upstairs.

Mu Sitian said that Zhou Chen had asked her to bring the wine up to Huangfu Qiye, but Zhou Chen could no longer remember what happened at that time.