Chapter 753: What is the best ending?

When Tao Yuyan heard him say thank you to the doctor, she was shocked.

The doctor was helping her with her injury, and he actually said thank you.

She bit her lip and lowered her head.

Tao Xian carried her to the pharmacy, took the medicine, and walked out of the hospital.

During this time, he had been carrying her.

He and Tao Yuyan had been on television and the internet before, so many people had seen them.

Therefore, when many people saw him carrying her, they all whispered to each other and kept looking at them.

Tao Yuyan immediately felt uncomfortable under the gaze of the people around her. She lowered her head even lower.

Tao Xian felt her change and his heart was filled with anger. Did the people around him not watch the clarification video from before?

Wasn't the video from before very clear!

He had clearly said that he and Yuyan were not blood-related siblings. What were these people talking about?

Although he was angry, he did not have the time to care about these people. He pursed his lips and made a decision in his heart. When he went back, he would instruct his secretary to handle the matter between him and Yuyan. He had to let everyone see him and Tao Yuyan together again and not be able to say a word.

Therefore, he carried Tao Yuyan out of the hospital hurriedly and got into the car.

Tao Yuyan finally felt much more relaxed after she got back into the car.

Just now in the hospital, those people seemed to be talking about her and Tao Xian. Although many of them were not talking very loudly and she could not hear clearly, she still vaguely heard a few words.

They seemed to be saying that she and Tao Xian were like siblings, why would they hug each other.

There were also people who said that although they had clarified that they were not siblings, they were still siblings in name, so they should not be hugging each other like this.

She was a little embarrassed.

She felt very painful.

What should she do in order to have the best ending?

Tao Xian got into the car. Initially, he was going to drive away immediately, but as soon as he got into the car, he found that Tao Xian was sitting on the seat with his head lowered, looking very uncomfortable.

He immediately thought of the incident just now.

He suddenly could not hold it in any longer and grabbed her hand. Then, he hugged her tightly into his arms and comforted her, "Don't be afraid, I will take care of these things."

Tao Yuyan was stunned when she was suddenly hugged by him.

After she came back to her senses, she immediately pushed him away and turned to look at the side. She said nervously, "Drive. Just put me on the road ahead."

"Where do you want to go?" Tao Xian had been secretly watching her at home. He knew that she was wearing clothes for going out today, so she definitely had to go out. After seeing her fall, he temporarily forgot about it. At this moment, he was not angry when she pushed him away. He just wanted to know where she wanted to go today.

"Today is Xiaowei's birthday. I promised to accompany her for her birthday," Tao Yuyan did not hide anything and answered softly.

"I'll go with you." Tao Xian heard her say this and knew that under such circumstances, even if he asked her to go home and have a good rest because of her ankle injury, she would definitely be unwilling to go home because today was her good friend's birthday. Instead, she would definitely be able to attend the birthday banquet. Therefore, he decided to accompany her personally so that he could take care of her.

"But Xiaowei didn't invite you, did she?" Tao Yuyan looked at Tao Xian with a troubled expression. Her words were not meant to mock Tao Xian, but she felt troubled. Xiaowei was pregnant and did not want to see too many people so other than Xiaowei's adoptive parents, she was the only one.

Moreover, because of what had happened, Xiaowei did not talk to Tao Xian much anymore.

Today was Xiaowei's birthday. If Tao Xian accompanied her, how would she explain it to Xiaowei?

Tao Xian was silent for a few seconds when he heard her.

Yuyan was right. Tang Xiaowei did not invite him.

He was a little displeased. After all, they were classmates. Why didn't Tang Xiaowei invite him for her birthday? Although he did not really want to go, he felt a little defeated when he thought of his classmates not inviting him for their birthday.

However, in order to accompany Yuyan, he quickly thought of a way.

"How about this? I'll take you there. I won't go into their house. I'll wait for you in the car outside their yard. Anyway, you're going home tonight. It'll be better and more convenient for me to send you home when it's dark." Tao Xian did not feel that this was degrading his status. He suddenly thought of this method and looked expectantly at Tao Yuyan, hoping that she would agree to let him go with her.

Seeing him like this, Tao Yuyan could not refuse at all.

In the end, she could only nod her head. "Alright then."

Hearing that she agreed, Tao Xian did not know how happy he was. However, he did not dare to show it because he was afraid of scaring her. Then, he asked her carefully, "Are we going there now?"

Tao Yuyan nodded her head. "Yes."

Tao Xian immediately started the car, turned around, and drove towards the forest manor.

Tao Yuyan, who was beside him, had a lot on her mind.

She had agreed to let him go with her. Apart from the fact that she did not know how to reject him, she also remembered that she had randomly found a taxi driver to take her to the forest manor. After that, she had caused a lot of trouble for Xiaowei.

Therefore, since Tao Xian was willing to send her there, she would have to ask him for help this time.

Therefore, the car quickly drove smoothly to the highway.

This time, Tao Xian knew that after they arrived at the forest manor, Tao Yuyan was going to attend a birthday party. It would be very difficult for him to wait outside alone, so he drove very slowly.

This caused their car to reach the hillside of the forest manor after more than an hour.

At this time, the time was already 1 o'clock in the afternoon.

Tao Yuyan's cell phone also rang at this time.

When her cell phone rang, Tao Yuyan took out her cell phone. Tao Xian, who was beside her, glanced at her.

She did not pay attention to him because she saw that it was Xiaowei's call. She composed herself and answered the call. "Hello, Xiaowei."

"Yuyan, where are you now?" Tang Xiaowei's tone was very anxious.

"I'm already halfway up the mountain. We can meet in a while," Tao Yuyan answered truthfully.

Tang Xiaowei was not so anxious then. She relaxed a lot. "That's good. See you in a while. That's all for now. Bye."

"En, see you later." Tao Yuyan replied with a smile.

Then, the call ended.

At this time, Tao Xian, who was next to her, suddenly said, "Is it Tang Xiaowei calling?"

"En, Xiaowei asked me where I am now." Tao Yuyan didn't think too much about it. She glanced at him and answered softly.