Chapter 754: Qi Ye, don't spoil Tang Xiaowei too much

Tao Xian continued, "When you meet her later, remember to sit down and rest more. Don't do any heavy work. It's not good for your injuries."

"Don't worry. I'm not here to work. Xiaowei won't bully me. Don't talk nonsense." Tao Yuyan knew that Tao Xian was worried about her, but she and Xiaowei were very close. She was not going to work at the forest manor later, so Tao Xian's worries were completely unnecessary.

"Alright." Tao Xian was suddenly speechless after being blocked by her.

Soon, the car stopped at the large iron gate of the forest manor's outer wall.

The security guard in the small pavilion next to the iron gate came over to take a look and wanted to see who it was.

Tao Yuyan waved at the security guard. The security guard had seen Tao Yuyan before and knew that she was young madam's friend. Moreover, young madam had specially instructed that her friend would come today.

Therefore, the security guard immediately opened the large iron gate and prepared to let the car in.

Seeing this, Tao Xian looked at Tao Yuyan with some embarrassment. "Your foot is injured and you can't walk. Do you want me to park the car here and carry you in, or do you want me to drive you in directly?"

His question stumped Tao Yuyan.

She did not realize this matter before, but now she finally knew how troublesome her ankle injury was.

She thought for a moment and could only say, "You should drive in and let me out on the lawn. Then, you can exit."

Tao Xian really wanted to say, how could she bear to leave him waiting outside alone, but he did not dare to say it, only nodded and said yes, then started the car and drove it into the premises.


In the dimly lit study.

The phone rang.

Huangfu Qiye immediately picked up the phone: "Grandpa, are you free now?"

Huangfu Qiye had been thinking in the past few days how to bring over Xiao Anan to accompany Tang Xiaowei for her birthday, with Xiu Zhongsheng's consent.

However, it was only in the past few days that Xiu Zhongsheng went out on an errand and did not manage to get in touch with him. The number he dialed only went to Xiu Zhongsheng's personal bodyguard. He then set up an appointment with the bodyguard. At this time, Xiu Zhongsheng would call him when he was free.

"Qiye, what's wrong? Did something happen?" Xiu Zhongsheng's voice came from the other end of the phone. He sounded very gentle.

"Today is Xiaowei's birthday. I've already sent people to the island to prepare to bring An An over to celebrate Xiaowei's birthday. However, housekeeper Xiu said that without your instructions, we can't bring An An over." Huangfu Qiye's tone was calm, but it contained a hint of anger.

Yesterday, he had sent Yuan Qi and his bodyguards to the Xiu family's island in order to pick up Xiao Anan. However, there was no Xiu Zhongsheng on the island, but housekeeper Xiu was still there, so Xiao Anan could not be brought out so easily.

"Today is Xiaowei's birthday. Aiya, the birthdays of young people like you aren't that important. Moreover, she's pregnant and doesn't take care of her fetus properly. She even went out with you and disturbed your work. What exactly is Tang Xiaowei trying to do? Now that An An is obediently attending class and studying, isn't she disturbing the child's lessons by doing this? No, An An can't leave the island. Qiye, don't spoil Tang Xiaowei too much. You're a man who wants to accomplish great things. Don't listen to everything a woman says. That's it. I'm a little busy right now, so don't disturb me for the next few days." After Xiu Zhongsheng heard Huangfu Qiye's meaning clearly, he couldn't help but grumble In the end, and felt like getting angry and hurriedly hung up the phone.

Huangfu Qiye looked at the phone that was hung up with a gloomy expression.

The current Xiu Zhongsheng thought that he was Huangfu Qiye who had lost his memory.

That was why he asked him to do so.

If it was Huangfu Qiye who had lost his memory, he would have listened to him.

But now, he was the one who had not lost his memory.

He would not really not dote on Tang Xiaowei like Xiu Zhongsheng had said.

If he could not even dote on his own woman, how could he be considered a man.

But because of Xiu Zhongsheng's dominance, he did not want to be controlled by Xiu Zhongsheng now.

But now, he could not defeat Xiu Zhongsheng at all.

Only after Xiu Zhongsheng merged the two groups without knowing that he had regained his memory could he make the decision to break away from Xiu Zhongsheng's control.

Therefore, Xiao Anan would definitely not be able to come over today.

He might as well give Yuan Qi a call and have Yuan Qi come back directly. However, when he came back, he would take more photos and videos of the children and bring them over.

After instructing Yuan Qi, Huangfu Qiye sorted out his emotions before pushing open the study door and going downstairs.

On the stairs, he could already hear Tang Xiaowei's worried voice coming from downstairs.

"Yuyan, sit down and don't move. You're injured today, so don't do anything. Don't go back later tonight. You don't have anything to do now anyway. Just recuperate at my house."

Huangfu Qiye walked down the stairs and entered the living room. He saw Tang Xiaowei and Tao Yuyan sitting together on the sofa in the living room. Tang Xiaowei's face was full of worry and anxiety.

He remembered that he had promised her that he would bring An An back to celebrate her birthday with her. However, this matter could not be brought to a satisfactory conclusion. He suddenly felt a little troubled about how to tell her the truth.

Especially at this moment, her friend seemed to be injured. She had lost her smile and was worried about her friend.

Today was her birthday. She was worried about her friend. Later, he would tell her that their child would not appear today. She would definitely feel even more disappointed and upset.

"Qiye, you're down?" Suddenly, a surprised voice sounded.

Huangfu Qiye looked up and saw that Tang Xiaowei had already stood up from the sofa and was walking over to his side.

Very quickly, she arrived in front of him and reached out to hold his hands. She looked at him expectantly. "Qiye, have you talked to grandfather? When will An An come? Today, Yuyan fell and got injured when she went out. I really want to see An An, and she also wants to see him. When will he come?"

Huangfu Qiye did not expect that she would directly ask about this matter the moment he came down. He sighed lightly and held her hands. He said helplessly, "Xiaowei, I'm sorry. An An may not be able to come over today. Next year, he will definitely be able to celebrate your birthday with you."

"Qiye..." Tang Xiaowei heard him say this and his tone and expression were very heavy. Her anticipation faded and she was stunned for a few seconds. However, she quickly remembered how terrifying his grandfather was. She also understood that things were not something that they could control at will. She immediately smiled faintly. "Actually, I also feel that An An might not be able to come. Forget it, don't care about these things. Anyway, I'll go back to pick him up in a few days. I promised Uncle Tian that I would bring An An to England to meet Uncle Tian."