Chapter 758: Car Accident and confession

Tao Xian looked at the lunchbox that she handed him. It was filled with very exquisite snacks. The snacks in the lunchbox were still emitting a fragrant smell. It instantly filled the entire space in the car.

"It smells good, but it's inconvenient for me to drive. Leave it for now. I'll eat it when I get home later." Although Tao Xian did not want to reject her, he also wanted to eat it. At the same time, he was indeed hungry. However, they were on the highway, so he could only reject her.

Tao Yuyan saw that he rejected her. She saw that he was smiling. Moreover, what he said was also right, so she put away the lunch box.

After that, it became quiet again.

Tao Xian had no choice but to look away.

At this moment, their car was suddenly hit by something violently. Both of them rushed forward due to inertia.

At the same time, their car was also hit. Even though Tao Xian immediately turned the steering wheel, in the end, their car still crashed into the guardrail at the side, and the car stopped.

Before Tao Yuyan could scream, pain came from her head.

At this moment, she felt a large hand slowly reaching toward her body. Then, that large hand gently rested on her shoulder. She heard a low and forbearing voice, "Yuyan, how are you? Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine. How are you?" Tao Yuyan hurriedly answered him.

His voice sounded like he was not in a good condition, and her voice sounded like she was in a good condition.

Tao Xian heard her voice and knew that she was in a much better condition than he was. He was relieved and said, "I'm sorry that you got hurt. I have a cell phone in my pocket. Call the police."

Tao Yuyan heard him and sat up with difficulty. She looked at Tao Xian beside her and realized that he was lying on the steering wheel. His body was covered with glass shards from the car window beside him. He was lying weakly. Although she could not tell how serious his injury was, she was sure that he was in a very serious condition.

Tao Yuyan was scared out of her wits and could only nervously look for his phone. Her tears kept falling. "Don't fall asleep. When I find my phone, I'll call the police immediately. You'll be fine..."

"Yuyan, don't cry..." Tao Xian was in unbearable pain and wanted to comfort her, but the more he spoke, the more he felt the pain in his shoulder that she could not get up.

"I'm not crying, I'm not crying. I... I found my phone." Tao Yuyan sobbed. Then, she was pleasantly surprised because she found the phone in his pocket.

Then, she immediately called the police.

At this moment, a flashlight suddenly shone on their car. It was coming from behind. At the same time, there were footsteps and voices.

After Tao Yuyan called the police and looked at the GPS that was still working, she hung up the phone. Suddenly, two people came in front of the broken window.

They were a man and a woman.

After they shone the flashlight into the car, they saw that there were people in the car and both of them were injured.

They hurriedly apologized, "I'm sorry, we were driving too fast behind your car just now and accidentally bumped into you. How's your situation now?"

Tao Yuyan did not have time to talk to them, so she called 120 again.

The people outside saw that the people inside did not speak, and they saw that Tao Yuyan was on the phone in the car, while Tao Xian was lying on the steering wheel covered in blood. Therefore, the people outside were worried that they might have killed someone.

Then, the two of them looked at each other and saw that it was very dark outside. So, the two of them suddenly turned around and ran back.

Very soon, when Tao Yuyan told the hospital where they were, they heard the sound of the car starting from behind. The man and woman had already quietly escaped.

But now, Tao Yuyan no longer had the energy to care about the man and woman.

She roughly checked her body and found that only her head hurt a little but she had not bleed. The other parts of her body also hurt a little, but she was not bleeding.

On the contrary, Tao Xian tried his best to protect her when the car was hit, so he was the one who was hit the most severely.

She used the light from her phone to shine on his body. His head was cut by the glass, his arm was also cut, and there was a large piece of glass in his shoulder. No wonder he could not get up from the steering wheel, because his shoulder was really too painful.

She turned off the light from her phone, and tears flowed down again.

"Ah Xian, you have to hold on. The doctor will be here soon." She did not dare to touch him, afraid that his wound would hurt even more after she touched him, so she could only worry and comfort him anxiously.

"Yuyan, don't worry about me. I won't die." Tao Xian was still lying on the ground, but he was still breathing. He did not pass out, so he tried his best to talk to her. He did not want her to be afraid and worried.

Tao Yuyan could hear the pain in his voice when she heard his voice. She began to blame herself. "I'm sorry. If I knew that you would be like this today, I shouldn't have agreed to let you come with me. I'm sorry. It's all my fault."

"It's not your fault. I wanted to come. Yuyan, don't you understand?" Although Tao Xian's body was in pain, he still gritted his teeth and interrupted her. Then, he took a deep breath. He softened his voice and said, "Yuyan, I've always liked you. It's not that my brother likes my sister, it's that men like women. When you were young, when you first came to the house, I liked to play with you. When I was in junior high school, I fell in love with you. At the beginning, I didn't know, so I was cold and hot to you at times. It wasn't until I was in college that I finally understood that I had fallen in love with you. I wanted to change, but you kept avoiding me, as if I was some terrible devil. I was in pain and sad, and I didn't want to give up. That time, you were drugged, and I finally got you. But from then on, you hated me even more, and I didn't dare to make you angry anymore. Later, when I found out that you were pregnant and lost the child, I was really angry. It wasn't because of the child, I just felt that you didn't care about me, and I was very upset. Later, when I found out the truth and that the child was an ectopic pregnancy, I realized how much I had gone overboard. But we still separated for three years. But even after three years, I still love you. I know that you like peach blossoms, and we both have the surname Tao. You also said that you like elegant restaurants, so I opened a national chain of peach blossom houses. The owner of the Peach Blossom House has always been you."