Chapter 759: "I admit that I love you. "

Tao Xian took another deep breath, unwilling to stop. He continued, "I can't forget you at all. I want to be with you more than before. I went crazy thinking of ways to get you, so I randomly found a woman to provoke you. I didn't expect that you would be provoked to suicide. At that time, I only knew that you had me in your heart. But now, you are cold to me again. Yuyan, I know that I have never done anything good, but I really love you. Can you love me for a while?"

"Don't say it, don't say it." Tao Yuyan heard him say so much, and he endured the pain to say so much. Her heart began to ache faintly.

"Yuyan, can you tell me how you feel about me today? If you don't love me and the suicide earlier had nothing to do with me, then I won't disturb you in the future and won't appear in front of you to bother you again. I'm willing to be your younger brother again." Tao Xian didn't stop. Instead, he said his last wish calmly.

"I... I admit that I love you. Don't say it anymore." Tao Yuyan covered her face with her hands in pain. She could not control her tears.

"Wh...what?" Tao Xian immediately sat up straight in shock after hearing that. He did not care about the wound on his shoulder at all. He grabbed her hand in surprise and disbelief "Yuyan, is what you said true? Do you really love me? Do you really love me?"

Outside the car window, the very faint moonlight shone in, covering his entire body with a layer of faint light.

She did not expect that after she admitted that she loved him, he would sit up and look at her so excitedly despite the pain and injury.

She nodded. "It's true. I'm not lying to you. Don't move around. Otherwise, the injury will be even more serious. Don't you feel pain, hmm...?" She did not finish her worried words because the next second, she was kissed by Tao Xian.

His kiss came suddenly, but it was very gentle and careful. It was as if he was kissing the most precious treasure in the world.

Tao Yuyan was stunned at first, but she did not push him away. Instead, she carefully held onto his arm and accepted his kiss.


The hospital car and the police arrived more than half an hour later.

At this time, Tao Xian did not have the strength to kiss her anymore. Tao Yuyan carefully supported him. The two of them were in the car. He was trying hard to bring up the interesting things in the past, but Tao Yuyan could only listen quietly.

The things he mentioned were mostly things that they used to do as siblings. He secretly carried her on his back, peeked at her, and when he saw her standing with another boy, he secretly became jealous.

Tao Yuyan did not feel anything when she did not hear what he said in the past.

Now that she heard what he said, her memory suddenly became flexible and she recalled some of the past scenes.

It turned out that many times when she talked to him in the past, he was so sarcastic that he did not want to pay attention to her. He even said some strange things. At that time, he was jealous.

She suddenly felt embarrassed.

It turned out that there were people who liked her at such an early age and were jealous of her.

However, just as she was blushing.. Tao Xian suddenly looked at her seriously. "Yuyan, promise me that no matter what happens in the future, don't hurt your body again, and don't commit suicide. Otherwise, you can leave first. I will immediately give up everything and chase after you. Even if I have to chase you to the netherworld, I don't want to be separated from you!"

"Don't talk nonsense. I promise you that I won't do that in the future." Tao Yuyan didn't expect him to suddenly mention that matter.

Just thinking about his words, she didn't dare to do something that would hurt him so easily.

It turned out that it was such a wonderful thing to open up her heart, say her feelings out loud, and receive acceptance.

She was willing to promise him that she would never commit suicide in the future.


Behind them, the doctor's car took them to the hospital.

The police promised to help them find the two culprits who had escaped earlier.

In the hospital.

Tao Yuyan and Tao Xian were separated. Because their injuries were different, their injuries were not treated in the same place.

All over Tao Yuyan's body, there were only a few small cuts on her arms that were cut by glass, and then there was a small bump on her forehead.

As for Tao Xian, he had a cut on his head made by the glass. It was the same on his arms and shoulders. Hence, he was sent to the operating theater. The doctor was performing surgery on him and removing the glass shards.

With the help of the doctor, Tao Yuyan applied some medicine and a band-aid. Then, she went to pay the fees for the two of them. She did not tell her parents about this. She just sat alone at the entrance of the operating theater and waited.

After that, she sent a message to her parents, saying that Ah Xian was staying with her at Xiaowei's house today and would not be coming home. She hoped that her parents would not be worried.

After her parents found out, they sent her a smiley face, telling her to have fun.

Tao Yuyan felt relieved at her parents' reaction. Then, she continued to wait alone at the entrance of the operating theater.

After waiting for more than two hours, the door of the operating theater was opened.

Then, she saw the doctor push Tao Xian out. When he came out, his face was pale, but he was awake.

When he saw Tao Yuyan at the entrance of the operating theater, he immediately gave her a big smile. However, because he had taken off all of his clothes, all of him was wrapped in gauze. Moreover, his head was wrapped in gauze, and he could not get up. He could only lie down, so his smile looked a little scary.

However, Tao Yuyan did not mind at all. She rushed over and saw that he was bandaged up like this. Her eyes were red as she asked him, "Ah Xian, are you feeling better now?"

Then, without waiting for him to answer, she hurriedly asked the doctor next to her, "Doctor, how is he? Is it serious?"

"The wound is quite deep. He will be hospitalized for at least a month," the doctor answered while wiping the sweat on his forehead.

After hearing this, Tao Yuyan looked at Tao Xian and felt even more sorry for him. If she had asked him to come home during the day and stayed at Xiaowei's house at night, there would not have been a car accident.

However, if it were not for the car accident, she probably would not have been able to hear his confession and admit her feelings.

Tao Xian saw that she was blaming herself, so he hurriedly said, "I'm fine. Don't worry, Yuyan. Doctor, please send me to the ward."

When the doctor heard this, he nodded and pushed him into the ward. Tao Yuyan naturally followed behind him.

That night, Tao Yuyan did not go home. She stayed in the ward with Tao Xian.

When all the doctors and nurses left the ward, only the two of them were left in the ward.

Tao Xian lay on the bed while Tao Yuyan sat on the chair next to him.

Tao Xian's left shoulder was seriously injured.