Chapter 763: trouble comes knocking

However, even so, Tang Xiaowei felt very satisfied.

She worked in the coffee shop for two hours before she was finally persuaded by Yuan Shan to go upstairs to rest.

Tang Xiaowei was about to refuse when she suddenly heard the sound of an argument coming from downstairs. The argument was getting louder and louder.

She frowned and then hurried downstairs.

Yuan Shan and Yuan Qi followed closely behind her.

Soon, they reached the second floor and found that many customers were staring in one direction. In that direction, the waiter in the coffee shop was being slapped by a tall and strong male customer.

Furthermore, the male customer scolded loudly, "What the hell is this coffee? Do you think that rich people can bully our customers like this?"

The waiter was slapped and immediately fell to the ground. From afar, one could see that the waiter's face was red from the slap, but the waiter did not dare to cry. He could only continue to apologize, "Sir, there must be no problem with our coffee. Before every cup of coffee was served, we were especially shocked to make it. Therefore, it is completely impossible for the coffee you mentioned to have cockroaches in it."

"Are you saying that I'm lying? You little b*stard. I drink coffee in the coffee shop next door every day and there has never been a case of cockroaches in the coffee. It just so happens that your sixth-floor coffee shop, which has only been open for a day, already has cockroaches. How dare you talk back to the customer? Is there anyone who does business like this?" The tall and strong man was furious. He raised his hand, obviously wanting to slap the waiter again.

Tang Xiaowei immediately wanted to go forward and stop him, but someone was one step faster than her. He quickly went forward and grabbed the male customer's hand. The male customer was shocked, and then he saw that the man who grabbed him was a skinny man. He wanted to continue hitting him and curse, "Who are you? Do you want to die?"

Yuan Qi sneered and did not say anything. Then, he quickly and neatly cut off the male customer's attack and forcefully grabbed his hands, making him unable to move.

Only then did the male customer realize that the other party was not unskilled. Then, he became nervous. At the same time, he saw that the lady boss of the coffee shop that he saw in the television station yesterday was walking over, so he became even more nervous.

Tang Xiaowei was very grateful that Yuan Qi quickly went over to stop this man. Then, she asked Yuan Shan to help the waiter who was beaten up. She walked past the crowd of onlookers and came before the man who was controlled by Yuan Qi. She asked the waiter who was beaten gently, "I'm sorry that you were beaten up. We'll send you to the hospital in a while and we'll compensate you. But first, tell me what exactly happened."

The waitress was a young man. He saw the gentleness of the lady boss and tears welled up in his eyes again. He sobbed. "I just brought this gentleman some coffee, but when I turned around, he said that there were cockroaches in the coffee. Then he poured all the coffee on me and said that he was going to sue our shop. But when I brought the coffee over, I saw that there were no cockroaches in the coffee, so I explained it to this gentleman. Who knew that he would actually start hitting people... ?"

"Alright, I got it. Yuan Shan, find someone to accompany this waiter to the hospital for a checkup," Tang Xiaowei instructed calmly.

Yuan Shan nodded and asked a tall bodyguard beside her to come over. After whispering a few words to him, the tall and elegant bodyguard helped the waiter who was beaten up and left.

Only then did Tang Xiaowei look at the male customer in front of her. She said, "Sir, the shop assistant in our shop just said that our coffee was served with no problems. She has checked and it is true that there are no cockroaches. Moreover, our shop just opened yesterday. The shop is very clean and we use the best ingredients and cutlery. Moreover, it is impossible for cockroaches to come to our shop after only opening for one day. So, if you still feel that there is a problem, we can go and check the surveillance cameras. If the truth is like what you said, there are cockroaches in the first place, we can compensate you. But if the cockroaches only appeared later, or if the cockroaches don't exist at all, then sir, you have to be responsible for what you did today."

"Just look at the surveillance cameras. Who's afraid of you?" After the male customer heard Tang Xiaowei's words, although his expression changed slightly, his tone was very arrogant.

Seeing this, Tang Xiaowei did not panic Then, she lightly instructed the bodyguard next to her, "Go and pull up the surveillance cameras. Then, play the video on the big screens on all the floors so that everyone on all floors can see it. Everyone will know whose fault it is."

The bodyguard nodded and quickly left.

The expression of the male customer also began to change, but he did not speak anymore.

Some of the customers next to him originally wanted to leave because they saw the cockroach incident. Now that they saw that Tang Xiaowei was handling things like this, they had the urge to stay and watch the show.

Moreover, what Tang Xiaowei said just now also made many people feel somewhat convinced.

Moreover, the incident where the male customer beat someone up and poured coffee on the waiter made many customers unable to stand it. When they saw that Tang Xiaowei was handling this matter, she was very gentle with the waiter. Everyone also believed that Tang Xiaowei was Huangfu Qiye's fiancee. She was already about to marry into a wealthy family. How could cockroaches appear in her shop?

Therefore, without Tang Xiaowei saying anything, the customers who had stood up to watch the show sat back down and continued to drink their coffee quietly.

At this moment, the big screen on each floor of the cafe on Ye Wei's building suddenly played the scene from the second floor.

Therefore, very quickly, the silhouette of the waitress who had just been sent to the hospital appeared on the surveillance screen.

On the screen, the footage was clearly taken from the kitchen. Then, the screen kept focusing on the waiter. After that, the waiter walked out of the kitchen and came to the dining area. The surveillance camera also accurately captured that the coffee he was holding was clean. There was no sign of cockroaches at all.

Moreover, the kitchen that was captured on the surveillance camera was also a very clean place.

Finally, the guests on the second floor, because they knew what had happened here, were all focused on the big screen.

As for the other floors, they didn't know what had happened yet. However, they also felt that it was strange that the big screen in the cafe wasn't turned on just now. Why was it turned on now? It was playing the surveillance footage, so the customers on the other floors were also staring at it.

Back on the second floor.

Tang Xiaowei was also watching the surveillance footage with Yuan Shan.

She didn't ask the bodyguards to secretly modify the surveillance footage because she trusted the staff in the shop.