Chapter 764: What, you're the only one allowed to hit people?

Some of the people here were found by Huangfu Qiye on her behalf, and some were the employees of her previous store. She gave them a call, and then they came over.

These people were all very serious and clean people. They would never bring out cockroaches.

Moreover, she didn't believe that a store that had only been open for a day could attract cockroaches.

That was why she dared to directly broadcast the surveillance footage and let everyone watch it together.

At this moment, the video had already played. The waiter smiled and put down the coffee, then turned around politely to leave.

At this moment, the male customer reached out to lift the coffee cup. Without even looking at the coffee, he poured the coffee on the waiter's back and started cursing.

The video didn't stop there. Then, the waiter turned around and wanted to say something, but was slapped in the face.

Everyone present had already seen what was going on.

There were no cockroaches in the coffee. This was all the male customer's fault, and he was deliberately hurting people.

"Now, do you have anything else to say?" Tang Xiaowei looked at the male customer who had a slight change in expression, and her gaze had already turned cold.

After Tang Xiaowei finished speaking, the surrounding customers also saw the video on the screen clearly, so they all stared at the male customer with some anger.

The male customer was stared at by everyone until he felt uncomfortable all over, and he also revealed a bit of fear.

"Maybe I saw it wrong." The male customer started to panic after being stared at by so many people Then, he shouted at Yuan Qi, "Let go of me quickly. I'm a customer of your shop. I just saw it wrong. Is this how you treat your customers? Do you believe that I'll call the police?"

"Sure, I agree with calling the police," Tang Xiaowei said calmly. Her voice was cold, "You slandered our coffee shop for having cockroaches and even beat up our employee. Now that the facts are right in front of you, of course, we have to call the police."

After Tang Xiaowei finished speaking, Yuan Shan, who was beside her, immediately took out her phone and started to call the police.

When the customers beside her saw this, they all voiced out to help. "This man is really too trashy. He lied and even beat up a waitress. He's really too low-class. Expose him."

"Right, call the police. Let this unsavory man go to jail for a few days. Let him think carefully about how to respect people."


Yuan Qi did not let go of the man. Meanwhile, many customers in the shop had just seen the scene of the waiter being beaten up. Therefore, when everyone was attacking him, this man was truly afraid.

He began to struggle, wanting to break free from Yuan Qi's control and run away from here.

However, Tang Xiaowei gave Yuan Qi a look, and then Yuan Qi took the man away.

This matter had been made clear to all the customers in the shop. It was not the shop's fault, but this man had deliberately come to find trouble.

Moreover, he had just called the police in front of everyone, so when Yuan Qi suppressed the struggling male customer, no one stopped him.

After Tang Xiaowei waited for Yuan Qi to suppress him, she smiled gently at all the customers present and said, "Everyone, I'm sorry for disturbing everyone's mood just now. How about this, everyone can have whatever they want to eat and drink for free today. When everyone leaves later, just report your name to the front desk."

"Really? Lady boss, you're such a nice person. Thank you."

"Wow, lady boss, thank you. Your luck is really good today."

"Thank you, lady boss. Then, we won't stand on ceremony."


Many customers thanked her with smiles on their faces.

"I hope everyone will enjoy your meal." Tang Xiaowei smiled at everyone and left the scene with Yuan Shan.

After leaving the second floor, Tang Xiaowei went to the staff lounge on the second floor.

The door of the lounge was opened and Yuan Shan walked in with Tang Xiaowei. After they entered, the door was closed.

In the lounge, the male customer was being suppressed by two bodyguards and Yuan Qi was interrogating him.

"Tell me, who sent you here?" Yuan Qi stared at the man in front of him coldly.

Who was the owner of the coffee shop here? He had already appeared on the television station and the internet yesterday, so everyone knew that Huangfu Qiye, and his fiancee were the ones who opened the coffee shop.

If an ordinary person knew that this was a coffee shop owned by Huangfu Qiye, they would definitely not have the guts to come and look for trouble.

Therefore, for this man to come and look for trouble, especially on purpose, someone must have sent him here.

"What are you talking about? I don't know at all. When the police arrive, I will naturally tell the police what I have to say." The man snorted coldly and looked at Yuan Qi with disdain.

Yuan Qi sneered, "Do you really think that we called the police?"

When the man heard that, his expression changed again and he said nervously, "What do you mean? Didn't you call the police just now? But the woman next to your lady boss clearly called the police in front of so many people just now, didn't she?"

Yuan Qi's sneer intensified and he didn't say anything.

Yuan Shan, who was next to Tang Xiaowei, looked at the man in front of her with disdain. She snorted coldly and said, "For someone like you who dares to come to Huangfu's shop to cause trouble, we don't need to trouble the police. We will teach you how to live a good life."

When the man heard Yuan Shan's words, he immediately understood that Yuan Shan's call to the police in front of everyone was definitely fake.

He panicked.

He almost exposed himself.

But soon, he thought of something and said, "You just said that you called the police in front of so many customers, but now you say that you didn't call the police. If those customers can't hear the sound of the police car, aren't you afraid that the customers will suspect you?"

This man obviously knew that after he came to this shop to look for trouble, the best outcome was to go to the police station. Therefore, his tone faintly revealed that he was not afraid of going to the police station.

"Are you talking nonsense with us?" Yuan Qi slapped the man's face fiercely with a gloomy gaze.

The man was suddenly hit and was stunned for a moment. Then, he shouted loudly, "What are you doing? Are you trying to beat me into a confession?"

"Not at all. I'm just seeking justice for the innocent waiter just now. Why, only you are allowed to hit people? Who do you think you are?" Yuan Qi sneered. He blew on the palm that he had just hit and looked a little gloomy. "How is it? Still not telling? Who sent you here?"

The man's face was swollen from the slap. He suddenly lowered his head and gave up as he said, "Okay, I'll tell you. However, after I'm done, you have to let me go."