Chapter 765: Carry Her home

"It depends on whether you're telling the truth or not," Tang Xiaowei suddenly said in a cold voice.

The man knew that Tang Xiaowei was the lady boss of this shop and Huangfu Qiye's fiancee, so her words must have had some effect.

Therefore, he raised his head and didn't dare to go against these people again. He nodded. "I must be telling the truth. I was sent by the boss of a coffee shop in the department store next to your shop. He gave me 10,000 yuan and asked me to come here to deliberately cause trouble. Because he said it was all your fault for opening such a big coffee shop all of a sudden, his shop hasn't had any business since yesterday."

"Is that true?" Tang Xiaowei looked at the man who was being suppressed by two bodyguards.

"It's true. It's absolutely true. If you don't believe me, you can send someone to check it out. I met him in his shop. There should be surveillance cameras. He said I only need to tarnish the reputation of your shop. If the matter gets out of hand, I'll just stay in jail for a few days. When the time comes, he'll give me another 20,000 yuan. So, I agreed."

"Alright, we'll believe you for now. Yuan Qi, bring him to the police station. The words he said just now have been recorded. Remember to give them to the police," Tang Xiaowei instructed lightly. Then, she brought Yuan Shan out of the staff lounge.

Yuan Shan handed the recording pen in her hand to Yuan Qi before she followed Tang Xiaowei's footsteps.

In the staff lounge, the man did not expect that his words had been recorded, so he did not dare to resist anymore.

After Tang Xiaowei left the staff lounge, she went to the elevator and prepared to go to the office upstairs.

An hour later.

The man who came to the shop to cause trouble was sent to the police station by Yuan Qi. Yuan Shan also obtained the surveillance footage and showed it to Tang Xiaowei.

What the man in the staff lounge said was indeed true. He was indeed bribed by the owner of a coffee shop in the neighboring department store and then came to deliberately frame her.

When this matter was exposed, everyone might think that Tang Xiaowei's coffee shop had forced others into a corner, which was why other coffee shops hired people to cause trouble.

However, the information that Yuan Shan sent people to check showed that the business of that coffee shop was not good to begin with. Moreover, the things in their shop were not clean and had been reported by someone. Moreover, there were also people who drank coffee at his house and had problems. The coffee that the boss sold was not clean.

Therefore, his business was bad. It was not Tang Xiaowei's coffee shop that was to blame, but himself.

"Since the matter has been investigated, I'll leave it to you to handle it. I'm a little sleepy," Tang Xiaowei said softly as she rubbed the space between her eyebrows.

Yuan Shan nodded, took the documents, and left the office.

At this moment, Yuan Qi had also returned.

After the two met, they went to talk about this matter together.


When Tang Xiaowei woke up.

It was already dark outside.

The curtains were not closed, and a faint light shone into the room from outside the French window.

Tang Xiaowei sat up and rubbed her eyes in a daze.

When she heard her voice, a low voice sounded beside her, "You're awake?"

Then, the lights in the room were turned on, and the bright light lit up all the corners of the room.

Only then did Tang Xiaowei see clearly that Huangfu Qiye had come to the shop and was sitting next to her. There was a computer in front of him. He must have been busy with something just now.

"Why are you here? And you didn't wake me up?" Tang Xiaowei shrank her body and moved closer to him.

"I came in the afternoon. I wanted to take you home, but I didn't want to wake you up because you slept too deeply." Therefore, he worked and guarded her, even though it was dark just now. He wasn't so engrossed in his work that he didn't wake her up.

Only when he saw that she had woken up did he stop his work.

"What time is it now?" She squinted her eyes, still getting used to the harsh light.

"7 pm." Huangfu Qiye put the computer aside and pulled her into his arms. He lifted her chin and his expression became serious. "Xiaowei, Yuan Qi and Yuan Shan have already told me about what happened today."

"What happened?" Tang Xiaowei was still a little confused and couldn't remember what he was talking about.

"Someone came to the shop to look for trouble. I didn't expect that you wouldn't panic and could handle it calmly," Huangfu Qiye said. His gaze deepened. "I'm glad that you can handle such a matter calmly, but I'm more worried that something might happen to you. So if you encounter such a matter in the future, don't rush up alone. You must call me and let me handle it for you, understand?"

"So you're talking about this matter. Actually, it's just a small matter. Yuan Qi and Yuan Shan are helping. I just said a few words. Nothing will happen to me. Don't worry." Tang Xiaowei hugged his arm. She smiled.

Huangfu Qiye saw that she didn't listen to him.

However, nothing major happened today, so he didn't mention it again, in case both of them were in a bad mood.

After what happened today, he ordered people to keep an eye on the shop. He wouldn't allow similar things to happen in the future.

Therefore, he changed the topic. "Are you hungry?" He gently kissed her forehead and asked gently.

When Tang Xiaowei heard his question, her stomach gurgled before she could answer. She looked at him with embarrassment and smiled. "Did you hear that?"

"Yes, I heard it. You're hungry. Let's go home and eat." Huangfu Qiye stood up and carried her up.

"Am I heavy?" Tang Xiaowei whispered into his ear.

"No, very light." Huangfu Qiye moved his face closer and touched her lips. He did it on purpose, so when her lips touched his face, his lips and feet curled up. He was obviously very happy.

Tang Xiaowei was not as embarrassed as before because of such a small action. She reached out her hands and wrapped them around his neck tightly. She whispered in his ear, "I want to eat sour and spicy radishes later. Do you have them at home?"

"Yes, but only a little bit." Huangfu Qiye nodded, but at the same time, he also made a request.

"Okay, then just a little bit." Although Tang Xiaowei heard that she could only eat a little bit, she was already very satisfied.

They walked out of the office together. Yuan Qi and Yuan Shan, who were at the door of the office, saw their young master carrying the young madam out. The young master looked at the young madam dotingly, while the young madam was whispering to the young master with a smile. Therefore, they were very happy for them.