Chapter 766: always wanting to stick to him

Meanwhile, Aze stood by the side, looking straight ahead.

"Go and take my computer, then we'll go back together." Huangfu Qiye glanced at Yuan Qi and gave the order indifferently. Then, he carried Tang Xiaowei and walked forward.

Yuan Qi nodded, then walked into the office, took Huangfu Qiye's computer, walked out, closed the office door, and left quickly.

On the other side, Aze and Yuan Shan followed closely behind Huangfu Qiye and Tang Xiaowei, then walked into the elevator together.

After they entered, Yuan Qi quickly ran in as well, and everyone left through the VIP elevator.

The shop downstairs was still open, and there were still a lot of customers.

However, their elevator went straight to the first floor, and they did not use the front door. Instead, they went from the side of the front desk to the back door, intending to leave through the back door.

For the sake of Tang Xiaowei's safety, Huangfu Qiye did not care about the issue of identity, and it was normal for him to use the back door.

Huangfu Qiye carried Tang Xiaowei all the way, while Tang Xiaowei kept talking about what to eat with him. The two of them chatted and laughed, and just looking at their backs, it felt that their surroundings were filled with bubbles of happiness.

Soon, they got into the car at the back door.

After the car started, Huangfu Qiye still held Tang Xiaowei in his arms. He told her gently, "When you were asleep, I sent An An a picture of you sleeping. He knew that you were sleeping, so he promised not to disturb you today. So when you go back later, you don't have to call him."

"Okay." Tang Xiaowei nodded.

Then Huangfu Qiye said, "This week, you have already gone to the shop twice, and you met with trouble today. So tomorrow, you rest at home and don't go to the shop. I'm very busy these two days. If you stay at home with me, I'll be more motivated."

"Okay, then I'll stay at home tomorrow." Tang Xiaowei had originally decided to go to the shop tomorrow, but when she heard that he was very busy and wanted her to stay at home with him, she had no reason to refuse.

She hugged his arm tightly and rested her head on his chest.

She found that when she saw him, she felt as if she had no bones and always wanted to stick to him.

"I thought you wouldn't agree and even argue with me. I didn't expect you to be so obedient." Huangfu Qiye touched her head with some joy, and his tone sounded obviously very happy.

After all, she had always wanted to open a coffee shop. This time, the coffee shop had only opened for two days, and something had happened today. He was worried that she wouldn't agree if he asked her not to go to the shop tomorrow.

He didn't expect her to agree so readily.

"Although work is important, you are more important. If you need me, of course I can't leave you alone," Tang Xiaowei looked at Huangfu Qiye and said seriously.

Her words made Huangfu Qiye deeply feel that she had changed.

She cared more about him than before.

She understood him more than before.

He suddenly hugged her very tightly, but he didn't say anything. He just closed his eyes and reminded himself in his heart.

She had already changed for him, and he needed to treat her well in the future.

"What's wrong with you?" Tang Xiaowei felt that his mood was a little different at this moment. Moreover, he suddenly hugged her so tightly. According to her understanding of him, he must be thinking of something now.

"I'm very happy that you care about me so much." Huangfu Qiye gently pushed her away. After looking into her eyes and saying this, he held her face and kissed her.


The next day, Tang Xiaowei slept in lazily and didn't go to the shop.

However, she had nothing to do and could sleep in lazily. However, Huangfu Qiye was very busy, so when she woke up, it was already 10 o'clock in the morning. She was the only one left in the room, and Huangfu Qiye had already gone to work.

Tang Xiaowei's entire body was soft. After washing, she was very hungry, so she didn't go to the study room to disturb Huangfu Qiye. Instead, she went downstairs and went to the kitchen to look for food.

She hurriedly ate some pastries to fill her stomach.

Then, she prepared to go upstairs to look for Huangfu Qiye.

When she arrived at the study room's door, she saw that Yuan Qi and Aze were like two door gods, still dutifully guarding the study room's door.

Upon seeing her, the two of them respectfully greeted, "Hello, young madam."

"Your young master is inside right now, right?" Tang Xiaowei asked them.

The two of them nodded. Then, Yuan Qi did not need to give any instructions and helped her open the study room's door. He did not even knock on the door.

After opening the door, Yuan Qi said, "Young madam, young master said that you can freely enter and exit the study room after you arrive."

"Oh, I'll go in then " Tang Xiaowei felt very happy. Huangfu Qiye had told Yuan Qi and the others beforehand that she could come in and out of the study room where he worked. This meant that he didn't hide anything from her. Everything about him could be shown to her.

She couldn't help but smile as she walked into the study room and closed the door.

Huangfu Qiye was busy when he heard a voice. He looked up and saw that it was her who came in. His expression became much gentler, but he didn't put down the work at hand. Instead, he asked gently, "Are you up? Have you eaten breakfast?"

"Yes, I've already eaten. But I have nothing to do, so I came to accompany you." Tang Xiaowei sat down on the sofa next to him and put both her legs on it. She hugged her legs and looked at him with a smile.

Huangfu Qiye's mood became better and better.

"I'm a little busy now. If you feel bored, you can bring a book to read," Huangfu Qiye instructed gently.

"Yes, yes. You go ahead and don't worry about me." Tang Xiaowei nodded.

Then, Huangfu Qiye started to get busy. Indeed, he did not care about her anymore.

Tang Xiaowei Sat alone on the sofa. No one talked to her, but she didn't feel bored or annoyed.

Because the man she loved was right next to her, working seriously. When he worked, he looked really serious and handsome. Just by looking at him, she didn't have enough time.


In the hospital.

Tao Yuyan had been taking care of Tao Xian in the hospital for two consecutive days.

Although she tried her best to hide this matter, because Tao Xian couldn't go to work at the company, Tao Baba and Tao Xian's mother still found out about it and rushed to the hospital.

When Tao Baba and Tao Xian's mother rushed to the hospital, they coincidentally ran into Tao Yuyan who was helping Tao Xian wash his face. The two of them were very close to each other and looked very warm and ambiguous.

The moment the door of the ward was pushed open, Tao Xian's mother cried out in surprise, "Ah, what's going on? Yuyan, you and Ah Xian are..."

Hearing her mother's scream, the towel in Tao Yuyan's hand swayed and fell to the ground. The next second, her body could not help but stiffen. She did not dare to look back at her mother.