Chapter 767: I want to marry you, marry me

Tao Xian saw that his mother was frightened by Yuyan, who had come to take care of him with great difficulty. He looked at the door of the ward unhappily. "Dad, mom, why are you all here? Who told you that I was hospitalized?"

After he finished speaking, he stretched out his uninjured right hand and held Tao Yuyan's hand tightly. He did not want her to be too nervous and afraid.

However, Tao Yuyan still lowered her head nervously. She still did not dare to look back at her parents, nor did she dare to say anything.

At the door of the ward, Tao Baba and Tao Mama hurriedly pushed the door open and walked into the ward, closing the door behind them. Tao Mama then answered the questions that Tao Xian had just asked. "Your dad went to the company and only heard that you had not gone to the company for two days. Then, he got someone to check and found out that you and Yuyan had a car accident two days ago. Ah Xian, why didn't you tell us that you and Yuyan had such a big accident?"

When mother Tao said this, she kept her eyes on Tao Yuyan. When she and her husband had just arrived, she had already asked the doctor clearly and knew that Yuyan was not seriously injured. As for Ah Xian, although his wound was big, he only needed to recuperate for a month to heal his wound. It was not a big problem. Therefore, mother Tao was not worried about her son's injury now. What she wanted to know more was that she seemed to have seen Yuyan washing Ah Xian's face just now. Moreover, she had asked the doctor previously and knew that Yuyan had not returned home in the past two days. She was also taking care of Ah Xian in the hospital.

In that case, Yuyan and Ah Xian had been alone together for the past two days.

Tao Xian's mother was excited just thinking about it. At the same time, she felt that there must be something wrong with the two children. She had to figure it out.

"I didn't tell you because I was afraid that you would be worried. But now, it seems that you don't look worried. Then, after seeing me, you can go back." Tao Xian saw his parents and said a few words. He wanted to chase them away.

That was because he could feel that the hand he was holding completely revealed her nervousness.

He didn't want Yuyan to be too nervous.

But even after Tao Xian said that, mother Tao still ignored her injured son. Instead, she gave Tao Baba a look, and then Tao Baba sat down beside Tao Xian.

Mother Tao walked to Tao Yuyan's side and said gently, "Yuyan, you're injured this time too, right? Let me take a look. Are your injuries serious?"

Tao Yuyan felt a little embarrassed just now because her parents saw her helping Tao Xian wash his face.

But now, her mother had started to call her, so she could not continue to turn her back on her mother.

So, she wanted to pull Tao Xian's hand away and turn around to talk to her mother.

But Tao Xian's hand seemed to be welded onto hers, and she could not pull it away at all. She could only blush and not pull his hand away. Then, she looked at her mother. She whispered, "Mom, I just hit my forehead. I've applied medicine and the swelling has gone down, so I'm fine now."

Because Tao had asked the doctor, she knew that her daughter had indeed hit her forehead and that there were abrasions on her hand. When she heard what Yuyan said, she carefully looked at Yuyan's face and her arm. It was indeed much better, so Tao was relieved.

She nodded. Then, just as Tao Yuyan relaxed, mother Tao's eyes suddenly fixed on Tao Yuyan and Tao Xian's tightly clasped hands. Her eyes lit up as she said, "Yuyan, have you and Ah Xian reconciled? If you two reconcile, then can your father and I prepare a wedding for you two? There's no need to get engaged this time. Just get married. You're not young anymore anyway. After you get married, you can get pregnant very soon. Then, your father and I will be able to have a grandchild. "Look at your good friend Xiaowei. She already has a son, and now she's pregnant with twins. Your father and I are really envious."

Tao Xian, Tao Yuyan, and Tao Baba, who was beside her, did not expect Tao Xian's mother to suddenly say such explosive, sexual words with a smile.

As soon as Tao Xian's mother finished speaking, Tao Baba coughed in response to the situation and then secretly smiled. He also supported his wife.

Tao Xian also looked at Yuyan with some excitement and anticipation. Although he did not think that his mother would suddenly say this out of pain, he also agreed with his mother's words very much.

As for Tao Yuyan, her face turned very red as if it was filled with blood. Her entire body was trembling. Tao Xian could feel her nervousness from the position where he held her hand. He tightened his grip on her and saw that she was too shy to speak. Although he wanted Yuyan to agree to his mother's suggestion immediately, he did not want to force her to speak. He knew that she was always very shy.

Anyway, Yuyan had already said that she loved him. It was better for him to say some things.

Therefore, he only averted his gaze from her. He said to his mother, "Mother, Yuyan and I have indeed reconciled. I'll let you and my father help arrange the wedding first. It's not convenient for me to go out now. I can accept all the details of your wedding preparations. I just want to be able to marry Yuyan. However, you have to ask Yuyan about all the details of your wedding preparations first. You have to make sure that she likes it."

Tao Xian suddenly said this. Everyone looked at her, including the nervous and shy Tao Yuyan.

Tao Xian looked at Tao Yuyan His gaze was deep and serious. "Yuyan, I don't want to wait anymore. I want to marry you. Marry me, and I will treat you well for the rest of my life. I will always love you. I can swear in front of my parents that I will only love you for the rest of my life. I will never let you down."

When Tao Yuyan heard him say that, tears instantly flowed down from her reddened eyes.

She bit her lips and nodded. "Okay, I promise you."

Although he did not kneel down, and although he did not prepare a ring, what she wanted was not those external things. What she wanted was a promise and a true relationship.

And at this moment, Tao Xian had given her these things. She was already very satisfied.

Beside them, mother Tao and Tao Baba saw the two young people looking at each other affectionately. With the help of the two elders, they actually succeeded in proposing marriage at this moment. Therefore, the two elders looked at each other with some excitement.

At the same time, they secretly praised themselves that they had come to the right place today!

Tao Xian and Tao Yuyan looked at each other affectionately.

After a long time...

"Cough, cough, cough..." Mother Tao coughed then, she attracted the attention of the two young people. She smiled and said, "Ah Xian, Yuyan, since you both agreed to get married, then your father and I will go back and arrange the marriage matters. You two get along well in the hospital. Don't tire yourself out. When Ah Xian is discharged from the hospital, it will be a good day for you to get married."

After Tao Xian's mother happily said that, she did not wait for Tao Yuyan and Tao Xian to say anything. Then, she gave her husband a look. Then, the two old people pushed open the door of the ward and left with a smile.