Chapter 768: still feeling very shy

They even thoughtfully closed the door for the people in the ward.

After they left, Tao Yuyan still hadn't recovered from what had just happened.

Until she felt that something was on her finger, she came back to her senses and looked at the place where her finger was.

Only then did she realize that Tao Xian was actually holding a ring for her.

It was a very beautiful ring, with many starry flowers wrapped in large diamonds. It was beautiful and refreshing, and also extremely luxurious.

"When did you prepare this?" Tao Yuyan looked at Tao Xian in disbelief.

There were actually starry flowers that she liked.

It was really beautiful.

Tao Xian put the ring on her finger. It was just right, and it matched her slender fingers. It was very beautiful.

He gently kissed the back of her hand, causing her face to redden a little. Only then did he look at her. He said gently, "I've long prepared it. I've prepared it for a few years. Fortunately, you haven't become very thin or fat these few years. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to wear it."

"It's very beautiful." When Tao Yuyan heard him say that, she knew that he must have prepared this ring a few years ago. It turned out that at that time, he already had the idea of getting married. However, they had missed out on these few years.

However, it was not too late now.

Thinking of the words that her parents had just said when they left, and thinking of how she was going to marry him when Ah Xian was discharged from the hospital, Tao Yuyan's heart began to feel nervous again.

"Why are you nervous again? What are you worried about?" Sensing her nervousness, Tao Xian looked at her worriedly.

"Uh, it's nothing. I'll go get a new basin of water and wash your face again." Tao Yuyan squatted down to pick up the towel that had just fallen to the ground. However, Tao Xian held her hand so tightly that she could not walk away.

"Yuyan, I just asked mom and dad to prepare for the wedding. Are you angry? If you're angry, I'll ask mom and dad to stop. We'll prepare again when you want to get married." Tao Xian had already confessed. He had also heard Yuyan say that she loved him, so he did not want to force Yuyan anymore. Therefore, he could wait until Yuyan wanted to get married.

"I..." Tao Yuyan heard him mention it. She felt shy. After all, he was her first love, and now it was about marriage, they had just abandoned all previous misunderstandings two days ago and decided to be together, so, when she was facing him now, she still felt shy.

"Yuyan, you really do not want to get married now?" Tao Xian saw her seemed to have some hesitation.

"No, I think it's not bad to get married now. However, we used to be siblings. I'm worried that after we get married, our former classmates and the people around us will..." Tao Yuyan hurriedly explained when she saw that he had misunderstood.

However, after Tao Xian knew what she meant and he knew that she was willing to get married, he excitedly interrupted her, "Yuyan, don't worry. I'll immediately get my secretary to handle this matter. When we get married, no one will dare to say such things in the future because we're not siblings to begin with. Besides, you're only older than me by two months. I'll protect you well in the future. You have to learn to rely on me. I'll handle these matters cleanly. Don't worry."

"Okay, that's good." Tao Yuyan nodded and said, "You haven't washed your face yet. I'll bring a new basin of water over."

"Okay." Tao Xian then let go of Tao Yuyan's hand.

Tao Yuyan carried the basin from before and the towel that she had picked up from the ground. Then, she walked into the bathroom.

Tao Xian's gaze was gentle as he stared at her until he could no longer see her.


Tang Xiaowei accompanied Huangfu Qiye in the study for the whole day. They didn't even bother to go downstairs for lunch and dinner. Instead, they ate directly in the study.

Apart from the meal time, Huangfu Qiye was always busy.

Tang Xiaowei silently accompanied him.

However, when it was already 10 o'clock in the evening, Huangfu Qiye turned off the computer and turned his head to look. He found that not far away, Tang Xiaowei was already sleeping on the sofa.

He stood up, shook his sore arms and fingers, then walked to her, squatted down, and looked at her gently.

Not long after, he stood up, picked her up, and walked out of the study.

Tang Xiaowei did not wake up and slept soundly.

When she woke up the next day, she was already back on the bed, but there was still no Huangfu Qiye beside her.

She got up and sat on the bed in a daze.

After thinking for a while, she remembered that she was originally in the study with Huangfu Qiye last night. Later, she should have fallen asleep and was carried back by him.

However, she did not expect that she would sleep so soundly. She did not even know that she was carried back by him. Moreover, he had already woken up, but she did not react at all. She did not know how he would react when he saw her like this.

Tang Xiaowei walked out of the bedroom after more than half an hour. Then, she saw that there was actually no one at the door of the study not far away.

She was stunned for a moment.

Usually, when Huangfu Qiye was working in the study, there would be Aze and Yuan Qi guarding the door.

Why was there no one at the door of the study today?

Tang Xiaowei walked over and knocked on the door, but there was no response from inside.

It seemed that there was no one in the study.

She could only go downstairs. It was very quiet downstairs. However, she still saw Yuan Shan, so she walked over. When Yuan Shan saw her coming downstairs, she hurriedly came over to greet her. "Good morning, young madam."

"Yuan Shan, is your young master not at home today?" Tang Xiaowei had not seen Huangfu Qiye since she woke up, and now that she did not see him even after she went downstairs, she guessed that he had gone out.

"In the morning, young master received a call, and then he took Yuan Qi and Aze to the company," Yuan Shan replied gently.

"I see." Tang Xiaowei nodded, and then said to Yuan Shan, "Later, you go and prepare something. I'll eat something, and we'll go to the cafe together."

"Okay." Yuan Shan nodded and left.

After that, Tang Xiaowei ate something and went out with Yuan Shan.


An hour later, they arrived at the downtown street where the cafe was located.

Looking from afar, they could see that there were many people at the entrance of the cafe. It seemed that business was still very good today.

Yuan Shan wanted Tang Xiaowei to enter through the back door. However, the closer the car got to the cafe, the more people they noticed that the entrance was surrounded by people.

Tang Xiaowei felt that something was wrong, so she let the car drive past the entrance.

The car stopped at the front door, but the entrance of the cafe was still crowded with people. Tang Xiaowei looked at the people at the door, obviously looking like she was watching a show.