Chapter 770: Her Guardian Deity is me

However, Huangfu Qiye did not have the time to pay attention to them. He then asked Yuan Qi, who had already arrived, "What's the situation now?"

As he asked, he walked towards the positions of the few police officers.

Yuan Qi whispered a few words into his ear before retreating to the side.

Huangfu Qiye frowned slightly and quickly walked behind the few police officers and policemen.

At the same time, he could clearly see the corpse on the ground.

The few police officers and policemen felt that someone was approaching from behind. They also heard the sound of footsteps and turned around to look behind them.

With one look, they saw Huangfu Qiye. Huangfu Qiye was a famous person. These policemen knew him very well, so they smiled and greeted him, "Hey, President Huangfu, you're finally here."

"President Huangfu, look. We've been investigating the incident for a while. When we arrived, this man was already dead. The doctors from the hospital also came. They said that he was poisoned and couldn't be saved, so they didn't take the body away. Now we're investigating what kind of poison this man was poisoned by."

The five police officers and the other three police officers didn't say anything. They just continued to look around.

Only two police officers, who were smiling, but their smiles were very fake, mentioned this matter to Huangfu Qiye.

"Is the coffee cup that this person touched still there? What about the surveillance cameras in this area?" Huangfu Qiye asked calmly.

"The coffee cup that he touched has been sent to be tested. We will not know the results for a few hours. As for the surveillance cameras in the next area, we have just checked them. There is nothing unusual," the police officers replied.

"What do the police officers plan to do now?" Huangfu Qiye asked faintly. Then, he walked to a chair at the side and sat down. He said to the police officers, "Please take a seat."

When the police officers saw this, they sat down together Then, one of the police officers and the head of the police officers said, "Now, the situation is like this. Our police have two initial suspicions. The first is that this person might have been poisoned outside and happened to come to your coffee shop to drink coffee before suddenly acting up. After all, how could a big family like the Huangfu family poison a customer in a coffee shop that has only been open for three days. The second suspicion was that someone might have wanted to deal with your coffee shop and then deliberately bribed this poisoned person. It was also possible that they had bribed the waiters in your coffee shop. Therefore, in a while, we need to call all the employees in your coffee shop over for questioning."

"Sure. As long as you can find out the truth of the matter, I will get them to cooperate." Huangfu Qiye's tone was still calm, but his expression was a little cold.

The few police officers did not say anything more. They stood up and prepared to have the corpse on the ground taken away.

Huangfu Qiye gave Yuan Qi a look. Yuan Qi then instructed all the waiters in the coffee shop to leave with the police officers for investigation and interrogation. At the same time, Yuan Qi would continue to investigate this matter.

After they left, no one dared to take Huangfu Qiye away.

After all, the police had reason to believe that a person like him would not poison an ordinary person. Furthermore, he was not in the coffee shop previously.

Therefore, the police only took away all the waiters in the coffee shop and the corpse before returning to the police station.

The onlookers at the door were also dispersed by the police and the Huangfu family's bodyguards.

In the coffee shop, Huangfu Qiye was still sitting on the chair alone.

He frowned and fell into deep thought.

In this incident, other than the possibility that the man was poisoned outside and happened to have a poison attack when he came to their coffee shop...

There was another possibility that gave him the biggest headache.

That was, just as the police said, someone might have bribed the person in the coffee shop or the deceased.

Then, if it was the second possibility...

Who was it that dared to attack him?

Yes, it was him.

Because on the day the coffee shop opened, he had spent a lot of money to advertise it. Everyone knew that this was the Huangfu family's coffee shop.

And the coffee shop had been in trouble for the past two days. Someone must have been controlling it and wanted to tarnish the Huangfu family's reputation.

Then, who was this person?

"Young Master, should I investigate this matter?" Aze saw Huangfu Qiye frowning and thinking, so he couldn't help but recommend himself.

"There's no need. Let Yuan Qi and the police investigate this matter. Get someone to clean up this place and close the shop. Send someone to guard this place." Huangfu Qiye suddenly stood up and gave a few orders before walking out.

Aze wanted to follow him, but he still had things that his master had ordered him to do. So when he finished what he needed to do and ran out of the coffee shop, his young master was long gone.

Aze had no choice but to return to the forest manor.

On the other side.

Huangfu Qiye got into the car alone and asked the driver to drive the car in one direction.

At the same time, he also made a phone call. "Yisen, come out and meet me. I have something to ask you."

"Okay, brother. You go to the bar first. I'll be there in a while." Mu Yisen readily agreed on the other end of the phone.


At the same time.

In a luxurious hotel, in the presidential suite.

A handsome and charming man sat quietly on the sofa, his gaze sinister.

Opposite him, a woman was kneeling on the ground, her entire body trembling.

"Your name is Mu Sitian? Before you prepared to hurt Tang Xiaowei, did you carefully check that her guardian was me?" The sinister man said coldly. His voice was so cold that it made people tremble, especially the meaning behind his words. Mu Sitian, who was kneeling on the ground, was gritting her teeth.

She had never thought that her actions would be seen by others.

And at this moment, she had no idea who this sinister and terrifying man in front of her was. However, it was obvious that this man would not allow her to hurt Tang Xiaowei.

"Sir, who are you? I don't even know you, and I didn't hurt Tang Xiaowei. Why did you ask your men to bring me here?" Mu Sitian didn't want to admit that she wanted to hurt Tang Xiaowei, so she pretended to be stupid.

She was just resting in her best friend's room in this hotel. She planned to wait and see if the homeless man she bribed today really died in Tang Xiaowei's coffee shop.

Yes, that's right. The man who went to Tang Xiaowei's coffee shop to pick a fight yesterday was actually not bribed by the owner of another coffee shop, but by her.

She also bribed the owner of that coffee shop and made them put on a show together so that no one would find out that she was the mastermind behind everything.