Chapter 771: Doesn't mean that he has forgotten her or given up on her

And today, she simply bribed a tramp and gave the tramp 100,000 yuan. She made the tramp eat the poison first before going to Tang Xiaowei's coffee shop to drink coffee. In the end, the poison had to be released in the coffee shop.

But she didn't expect that not long after she sent the tramp to the coffee shop, she would suddenly be caught in this luxurious presidential suite by two men who suddenly appeared in her room out of nowhere.

The sinister man not far in front of her made Mu Sitian, who had always thought that she was very smart, feel chills all over her body and she was very afraid. Therefore, she deliberately pretended that she did not know anything and wanted to leave this place.

"It's true that you haven't hurt her yet, but what you've done has already made Xiaowei unhappy." The sinister man looked at Mu Sitian coldly. Then, he said, "However, I won't kill you. I still have a use for keeping you alive, but if you have the intention to hurt Xiaowei, I can't easily forgive you. Men, beat her up!"

After the sinister man finished speaking in a deep voice, three tall and expressionless bodyguards walked over immediately. Then, two of the bodyguards pressed on Mu Sitian's shoulder while the other bodyguard gave Mu Sitian a tight slap on the face.

"Ah!" Mu Sitian screamed in pain. She wanted to struggle, but she was tightly controlled by the other party. She couldn't move at all.

Hearing her scream, it was really too noisy. The sinister man frowned. "Drag her out and change rooms to teach her a lesson. Then, take good care of her."

"Yes, your Highness." The three bodyguards nodded. Then, they grabbed Mu Sitian and walked out.

When Mu Sitian heard the three male bodyguards call the sinister and scary handsome man his 'Highness', she was a little stunned.

His Highness?

Could this man be someone from the royal family of a certain country?

How did Tang Xiaowei know such a person?

And this person even said that he was Tang Xiaowei's guardian. What was going on?

However, before Mu Sitian could figure it out, she was dragged to another room by the three bodyguards, and she was slapped several times. The three bodyguards tied her up and locked her in that room.

Mu Sitian's face was swollen. She was in pain and indignant. She kept cursing in her heart, and she was also thinking of ways to leave this place.

On the other side, in the presidential suite next door.

The sinister man only had one bodyguard by his side. He frowned and stood in front of the French window, looking at the six-story cafe not far in front of him.

At this moment, the door of the cafe had been closed.

More than ten minutes ago, he saw Huangfu Qiye rush into the cafe and then leave in a hurry, but he did not see Xiaowei.

He only came today.

Because he could see Xiaowei's cafe from this hotel, he decided to stay in this hotel. However, when the bodyguards were checking if the hotel guests were a threat to them., they found that Mu Sitian and Huangfu Qiye seemed to have some connection in the hotel, so he asked his subordinates to check on Mu Sitian. Only then did he know that Mu Sitian wanted to harm Xiaowei, so he caught Mu Sitian.

At this moment, his phone suddenly rang.

The man took out his phone and saw who was on the caller ID. He sighed and picked up the call. "What's wrong?"

"Brother, where did you go to play? I want to go too. I don't want to stay with that Li guy. Come and save me, okay?" A girl's anxious and complaining voice came from the phone.

"Su Xiaoqi, what Li guy is your fiance. Have you forgotten what you promised your mother? I'm very busy right now. All you need to know is that your fiance won't hurt or bully you. Just get along with him. Don't call me if there's nothing else. I'll be back in a while," Su Jin reminded his younger sister helplessly. Then, he ended the call and turned off his phone.

This way, his ignorant younger sister would no longer call him to torture his ears.

That's right. The person who had just captured and beaten Mu Sitian and frightened her was Su Jin.

When he was in K nation, he was suddenly knocked unconscious on the day he was about to get engaged to Tang Xiaowei.

When he woke up, the world had already changed.

He went crazy and did many things to lower his status and ruin his reputation. After that, he was forcibly imprisoned at home by his parents.

Therefore, for a very long time, he was restrained by his parents and could not go out at all. He was no different from a lunatic.

However, after that, he thought about a lot of things in his room alone. Then, he slowly calmed down and became much more rational.

He was finally no longer locked in his room.

He could finally come out.

This time, he took the opportunity to go abroad to work for his mother. When he saw that Xiaowei had opened a coffee shop here, he suddenly couldn't help but take a few days of free time to come to this city.

This time, he didn't want to force Tang Xiaowei to get engaged to him.

However, not forcing her didn't mean that he had forgotten her or abandoned her.

... ...

Tang Xiaowei returned to the forest manor with Yuan Shan's company.

However, the matters in the coffee shop still made her very anxious and worried.

Not long after, Aze returned to the forest manor. She hurriedly grabbed Aze and asked, "Why did you come back alone? Where's your young master?''

"Young master instructed me to do some things. After I finished, he disappeared. He must have gone to deal with this matter." Aze did not know where Huangfu Qiye went, so he could only tell the truth.

Hearing this, Tang Xiaowei still felt worried. Then, she asked Yuan Shan to help her call Huangfu Qiye's number.

Soon, the call went through.

"Qiye, where are you now?" Tang Xiaowei was extremely anxious. Before he could speak, she asked him hurriedly.

"Xiaowei, don't worry. This matter is definitely not our fault. Our shop is very clean. Someone must have deliberately framed us. You rest well at home and don't worry. I'll be back at night. I'll tell you in detail when the time comes." Huangfu Qiye heard her clearly anxious tone. However, he was not anxious. He comforted her gently.

The incident this time had come suddenly, and if he didn't handle it well, there would definitely be a lot of trouble, and it wouldn't be good for his company's image.

However, he could handle these matters. He didn't want Xiaowei to feel nervous and afraid because of this incident.

"But..." Tang Xiaowei felt that she couldn't calm down at all now.

"Be obedient. I'll be back before dark. Don't let your imagination run wild," Huangfu Qiye continued to comfort her gently.

At this moment, some low-pitched conversations came from his side.